Kumba wrote:
... the package manager ...
There. Right there, you put your finger on it, and this is probably why there will never again be a Linux I can stand.
"Package manager." FUCK PACKAGE MANAGERS !!!
Sounds like Gentoo might be nifty.
Then what ?
Yeah. A huge shitpile of applications designed and built by chimpanzees poured over the top.
What if I don't
atk anywhere near my computer ? thanks much but I am not crippled or blind.
Unicode ! Internationalization ! hooray ! I can fill my drives up with Tibetan error messages and 500 pages of html docs that are usually
instead of 64 kb of man pages. Cool !
What if I can't stand CUPS ?
Why the hell should I want Truetype when Type1 is what real printers use ? When Type1 is better ? When X supports Type1
six more layers of shit ?
How about a browser that doesn't redirect me to google and facebook and tweeter and every other craphole worthless cave full of vampire bats hidden from the sun ? A browser that you basically
make do what you want ? "Free and Open Source" RIGHT ! Sure it is ! "Pitch in like the OS/2 guys ..." RIGHT again, liars ! As if the Mozilla creeps never heard of Mike Kaply, an IBM EMPLOYEE who worked at full pay on Mozilla for TWO YEARS to get it to run under OS/2. Free and Open Source, super.
I could continue for a week
The point, to me, is that the operating system itself can be mucho nifty (this seems to be where all the Loonies with taste hide out), but if the applications are trash, what's the point ?
The Desktop, in LoonixLand, has become nothing but a mass of Windows wannabe apps, except with no quality control.
They need to get away from package managers entirely and instead put the work into making the build system robust, reliable, flexible, and functional. Kinda like autoconf already was, before the twits adopted shithub and autoreconfig -i regurgitate ... Make it so we can build the software the way WE want it, not how some acne-riddled teenager living in his mom's basement thinks is l33t.
And we need a penalty box for anyone who says, "Works in gcc !" -- a line from each ankle to the stern of Arneson's speedboat, fifteen minutes on the Bay. There's nothing like a 50 mph power enema to teach people to keep their stupid trap shut
I don't see Loonix returning to any kind of usefulness On the Desktop any time soon