yetanother**ixuser wrote:
china needs the spyphone of course, and the apple gaylords with their nsa wimps can celebrate the idocy of mankind ...other than that, who cares.
Pretty much
But we've been through this before, it appears that all the business writers in the west have the brains of a flea. Collectively. One flea.
1) China Mobile has been selling iPhones for over a year now.
2) We don't have "plans" here ... okay, that stupid system exists in some dark closet somewhere but no one uses it. In China you :
a) go to the store and buy a phone. There must be more than one million telephone stores in China. Went thru this last year with smj, put up photos. Every single village has at least six phone stores. Bigger cities have six phone stores per block.
b) each phone store has a minimum of fifty or sixty different models. You can find phones anywhere from $25 to $600. If you go to some of the big building stores, you can find diamond-encrusted celebrations of bad taste for over $1,000 USD. Many of the phones are nicer than the iPhone. Without the fanboy crap, many of the Samsungs in particular are better phones for less money. And HTC is popular. I'm currently seeing more of the bigger-screen Samsungs - people like to watch movies in the elevator, on the subway, on the bus, at the top of the escalator right after they step off, in the middle of doorways, all kinds of groovy places.
Unlike the US free market, we have dozens of choices. That free market competition thing is waycool, guys. Sure glad we don't have it.
c) you buy the phone, then you either buy a sim card for $15 or use the one you already have
d) you are now a "subscriber" with either China Mobile or China Unicom. China Unicom has slightly cheaper data prices and CDMA, while the China Mobile service is more reliable. They are basically two fingers of the same hand. Dig 1/8" below the surface and everything in China is the government. The "reforms to enhance capitalism" are nothing but some nice pablum to allow the religious zealots of the west to overcome their dingbat superstitions in order to buy from China. It's still a thoroughly planned (or unplanned, depending on your perspective) economy.
e) A "subscription plan" as in the US does exist. It's called Go-Fone. No one, and I mean
no one
uses that stupid shit. Real people buy a prepay card at any of the 36 million little stores, news stands, post offices, China Mobile stores, booze and smokes stores, China Unicom stores, even on the street. There's a photo of that here somewhere also. Cards come in 50 and 100 rmb denominations. Scratch off the covering layer of dust, dial 13800138000 and enter the secret number. Phone bill is now prepaid for the amount of the card. This takes about two minutes total. I go through about $15 per month. Assist goes through a little more. Phone service is cheap. (Another example of the superiority of communism.)
Und zoooo
... the big "China Mobile will add the iPhone to their service plans with 800 million subscribers ! They will sell a gazillion more iPhones !!" AP wirefeed breaking news business information hi-tech story !! is either deceptive or terminally stupid, you choose. No one,
* in China falls for that "subscriber" scam.
In the matter of sales, this will make zero difference. Z-E-R-O. The iPhone has been on sale at China Mobile stores for well over a year. They are also for sale at other stores. Even before that, you could just buy them (cheaper) from Hong Kong. They were never impossible to get in China, as far back as the iPhone 4 that I can remember.
This is all just fluff to temporarily jack up Apple stock and make some brokers 1% here, 2% there on the churn. It's a scam.
* Foreigners don't count. They are the only ones so addicted to their ridiculous kapitalist butt-raped habits that they can't adapt to a better way.