The collected works of hamei - Page 26

GL1zdA wrote: OS/2 for PowerPC might also work on the 860.

If screenshots are proof, yes, it does.

But then you run into the BeOS effect - it installs, looks good, runs great, but there's nothing you can do with it :shock:
robespierre wrote:
Was this before or after the technique of molding the letters into the plastic so that they are visible even when the key gets worn down? That has to be my biggest gripe with recent keyboards, there's no excuse for the key legends disappearing.

I think the recessed legends came first. My older SGI keyboards have the recessed letters and are still visible. The newer one is missing most of the letters now. I have no desire to be a blind typist but sort of getting there through necessity :(

That's a Bunker-Ramo control, josehill . Error goes to them, not IBM or Gorton. They didn't last long in the control business .... I'm wondering why they even had a frequency converter. Machine went to Europe ?
jan-jaap wrote:
You don't even need CSS to do this. <TABLE> with a fixed width in pixels, anybody?

J-J nailed it. Jesus, who is stoopid enough to do this shit in this day and age ?


<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#0066CC" link="#888888" vlink="#888888" alink="#888888">

<table width="630" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

<td width="626"height="280"><center>
<img src="620SLheaderd.jpg" width="620" height="254">




<table width="620" border="0">

<td width="260" rowspan="2" align="left" valign="top">


<!-- SPACER CELL -->
<td width="10"><br>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;</td>

<!-- TEXT -->
<td width="350" valign="top" bordercolor="#CCCCCC">

Not to get pielitical but if Julia is going to start her small webdesign business with an SBA loan, I want my goddamned money back. With interest. 10% interest, compounded hourly. And it's everywhere.

Service economy, my rosy red ass :(

Web designers who confuse a web page with DTP should be fired.

Disemboweled and fed to the sharks at Marine World would be more appropriate. Entertaining, too.
PymbleSoftware wrote:
I had a look at Google trends with the keywords, Window8, Android and iOS and what is really interesting is that Windows8 is big in Japan and China.

Can't speak for Japan but I can tell you about China :

Horse Crap.

I'm coming to believe that the self-proclaimed "journalists" who write this shit never venture out of their mom's basement. Even the pirate stores aren't bothering much with Windows 8 and when they do, it will be for nine yuan per CD. That means Windows 8 will cost about a buck and a half.

Not much profit there. None for Mickey (hooray !!)

I think they write this garbage about China because so few foreigners actually live here that they think they can say whatever they please and no one will contradict them. Which is true - you see the most egregious nonsense printed about China. We haven't progressed all that far from 1492, obviously.

Now I am thinking...I should do Windows8 apps in Chinese and Japanese..?

Not for money, in Chinese. With rare exceptions we don't pay for software.

... and I've been burnt by MSFT several times before and then all the history with Zune and other failures...

That's the funny part ... people have been burned by Mickey for decades, yet they still believe that this time it will be different !

The main question here is... Am I going to miss the boat or are these other platforms dead-end distractions and the money is in the Apple app store....?

We all missed the boat. The money is in being a financial services con artist. If you aren't a hedge fund manager, you ain't shit. They now own everything. I wonder what they plan to do with it ?
jimmer wrote:
... our Fuels run processors from yesteryear, each powered by a single asthmatic hamster.

Ha ! That's what you think ! I upgraded to an O350. I now have the power of two asthmatic hamsters, running full-tilt in their special SGI-designed contra-rotating hamster wheels.

Thet's some awesomeness, babe !
That's not so far past the 486DX.

You've obviously forgotten how slow a 486 really is :P

But I have to admit, for 90% of desktop use a dual PPro Overdrive was plenty nice. A 2.4 ghz P4 is no better. And whatever dual-core thingy they put in the Intel Macbooks about a year ago is no better either. I mentioned it elsewhere but spent the past few weeks tethered to a Macbook and an iPad, was happy to tears to get back to Irix on hamster power.

I'd love a faster cpu but not enough to give up everything else that comes with Irix.
guardian452 wrote:
I had a very simple idea... put a wii fit in a shoe... it worked well for what it was. I didn't have users except for myself.

That's generally where the actually-useful applications come from ... someone has a need and creates a program to solve it. Not the "someone wants to make money so what programs can they write that might sucker in the rubes ?" stuff.

So here's a freeby idear because I'm never going to get around to it :

Fish keeping is a popular hobby. Biotopes and breeding are a significant subset of the hobby. In the real world, the sun doesn't rise instantly every day at 8:30 and go down instantly at 9:45. There are now LED lighting systems that are small enough to arrange in an arc over a fish tank.

That's the ingredients. The product is a controller wherein the fish owner can enter a location and a date. Now the sun rises on time and travels in an arc across the tank before setting at the proper time. We have seasons and days in the fish tank. Diurnal rhythms, seasonal this and that, lots of fodder for marketing gloop. It might even be partially true.

Fish think they are living in Belize, owner gets off on how cool this is (maybe helps with breeding ? worth experimenting), Pymble is happy raking in the filthy lucre. Okay, ten bucks a month but that's enough to buy a decent hot fudge sunday; still better than nothing.

Future updates, temperature control and lunar cycles and random feedings customized to the fishy environment.

Needs to be small and hardened and waterproof.

This one has a potential market. Sure, people will copy it but you just have to be smart about that.

Another : water chemistry is often done by color comparisons. Chemicals go into test tube of fish water, react then compare to the colors on a chart. But having done that, I can say it's not very accurate. There are some people who go nuts over these things. Low cost colorimeter (such as Pantone Huey) that gives an accurate reading in a little stand. Viola, Product # Two.

If you have a hobby, then you're going to have good ideas for computerized products. "iApps" suck. Basically they are nothing more than a way to stroke yourself .. hey ! wait a minute ! I have it ! the iStroke Counter ! and its followup, the iShoot for Length graphing app ! Where to download an sdk, I'm gonna get rich !
jimmer wrote:
I'm calling the RSPCA right now . I expect them to be turning up on your doorstep in full riot gear to rescue those poor little furry critters.

Ha ha, English bounder ! We have no SPCA here. In fact, we spit in their faces. Send me baby chickens to stomp !

Congrats on the O350 - that's about as good as it'll get for a 'workstation' SGI machine :)

Eventually I hope to have them stacked four high, just to drive the monitor. One with processors and the rest along for the ride ... Now that will be one honkin' big graphics card :P

jimmer wrote:
I loved my 486DX. 40Mhz in a stupidly large towercase with a SCSI-II drive chain running off an AHA1540 and an ET4000 driving a no-curve Compaq branded 17" CRT. It blew past all my mates' machines at uni. Well, it did once I had finished fiddling with modelines in XFree86 and downloading Slackware onto 900 3.5" floppies and getting my dial-up tcp/ip connection to the uni modem banks sorted so i could display X-clients installed on the uni's sunos4 servers. Ah, those were the days.

Similar feelings but with OS/2. Same lovely experience with XFree/86 tho. Then I got an Indigo and discovered remote login, remote display, remote fun. Finally bought a dual PPro, overclocked it to 240 mhz and that was good. Upgraded to Overdrives at 333 mhz, Intel computing hasn't got any better since.

jimmer wrote:
Macbook and ipad... Ugh :(

It's not entirely intolerable but yeah, I like Irix a lot better. I like BeOS better too. Too bad there aren't any programs for it. Could be interesting to run Haiku on a Macbook ....
Alver wrote:
Well, I do that too. I also set a fixed width on websites. Sue me :)
Creating a website that scales all the way from iPad1 territory (1024xwhat? 650?) up to the current 2536xsomething monitors is a lot of work ...

Fodder for a twelve-page rant but I'll let Mr Alver rattle the bars unreacted ... I can't hear you ...

Cost/gain, people.

Ja, it's all about the money, right ? That's the new Ultimate Ground of Being. Quality ? Pride in workmanship ? Fuck that crap, I got my thirty pieces of silver, that's what counts !

I'm so glad I grew up in a different time.
PymbleSoftware wrote:
If you have a machine that boots from a USB stick you can run it off that.

I'm not so much into playing with fifty different operating systems anymore. It was fun at one time but one or maybe two would be enough now.

It is really nice to program for it but if you code for BeOS. Haiku or whatever generally no one uses it and even less care.

The direction with Apple is no longer computing, it's more of a novelty status wackoff thing now. Chances of this happening are one in ten thousand but something like the Longson laptop done very lightweight with a big screen running BeOS in a French-inspired case could be nice.

If BeOS could read and write doc and xls files, read/write pdf's, do email and basic web browsing, that would be an okay travelling machine. OS X sucks. Apple sucks. Microsoft sucks. All they care about is maximizing their profits and controlling markets and paying off idiot "tech writers", not making good software. And the idiots keep buying their crap .... not much excitement in the computing world these days. Good thing hardware is so capable now. It's like great boobs on Phyllis Diller, what's the point ?
dclough wrote:
The market will determine whether his way is "the right way" through the financial success of the company.

Jesus H Keerist, are you guys still gobbling up that pap ? Grow up, would you please ?
dclough wrote:
Gobbling up what? Basic and obvious principles of economics and business management?

Honestly, this is a very pretty little story to put cranky children to sleep. But it's nothing but pig shit in a large economy size bowl. Did they teach you to use your eyes and ears and mind in school or was it just high-level training in regurgitating the pap written by shills for the kleptocrats ?

That whole Cato Institution propaganda blizzard is just that : pigshit. If you actually believe it you seriously need a reeducation session in the countryside.

Sorry, just telling you the truth.

Apple is a publicly traded corporation and as such their goal is to create value for shareholders. If Tim Cook can establish and enforce policies that result in additional value to shareholders, then he is doing "right" by his shareholders.

You're nucking futz if you believe that. Tim Cook's goal in life is to grab as much money as he can for himself and to hell with the rest of the world. If you don't believe that I have a lovely golden bridge to sell you.

After all the disclosures of the past few years, if you still accept those lies then you need your head examined. I'm not trying to be rude here, just speaking the truth. Time to wakey up now, it was a nice fantasy but that's all it was - a giant fantasy. If you keep swallowing that garbage you'll end up in a double wide under the bridge down by the river, with the rest of the 99%.
ClassicHasClass wrote:
Can we get back to how Apple sucks?

Add Google to the list. I just went looking for "quiet fan replacement Cisco 3660" and what do I get ? 68,496 returns in .2 seconds, every single one a seller of Cisco memory, Cisco FANASSY3660, a bunch of hits for "quite" (Did you mean quite ? No I fucking-A did NOT mean "quite" and if I did then it's my own fucking problem, get your stupid worthless goddamned crap out of my search you nitwits, thank you so much Oh ! Well in that case click this button and we'll remove the references to "quite." Hit button, NO wrong references removed, I am so glad that Google is such an innovative creative asset to modern society. Let's throw out all the furniture making so we can have hi-tech !! Replace real craftsmen with pretentious ignorant dog turds walking around in human costumes, just super.)

Btw, I really appreciate their thoughtfulness in changing the language to Chinese every time I turn around. That is so helpful. And moving me to Hong Kong is good too. I'm too stupid to go there myself, what was I thinking when I purposely typed in google. ca instead of ?

And oh yeah, the site selling the fan assembly for a Toyota Celica was superb. What an idea ! Maybe I should get the radiator while I'm at it. What an algorithm ! These people are brilliant.

Google is making money hand over fist ! They are successful ! They are wonderful ! They have big profits ! Let's invest ! Let's get rid of some more useless rust-belt industries with low returns so we can have more of this excellent stuff ! We can be a service economy where no one actually knows anything ! (Have you been to an Apple Store lately ? Oh my.)

They are useless dickwads and if the entire society keeps heading in the dclough direction, you can write it off. Where did the Mesa Verde Indians disappear to ? They got google and it was all over ...

dclough wrote:
Your point was? I should assume somebody else is right and I am wrong because they are an "elder"? I should listen blindly to what others say because I've been conscious for a few years less?

This was funny. Thanks, dclough. You won't listen to others just because they are "elders", good on ya. That's why you parrot the crap from the Cato Institution, the American Heritage Institution, The Freedom and Apple Pie Institution, the Make The Trains Run On Time by Reducing Corporate Taxes to Zero Institution, the Let Them Eat Cake Institution without a single qualm. Oh yeah, you think for yourself !

Ha. Ha ha ha ha ha.

Even Helen Keller wasn't this blind. Those round things on each side of your nose ? Open them. Your gods have had control of the US for roughly thirty-five years. In that time they have remade the country into a shithole, stolen every loose penny they could find, destroyed the middle class, destroyed democracy, pissed away trillions of dollars on useless wars, plunged the world's economies into a toilet from which they will probably never emerge, made the entire world understand that the US is a menace to humanity .. oh yeah, those are certainly the people I would be looking to for auctorite. Definitely ! Let me tell ya, you are really an independent thinker ! None of that old-fogey bullshit for you !

dclough wrote:
The market will determine whether his way is "the right way" through the financial success of the company.

And the world is flat and the moon is made of green cheese and the tooth fairy will be here later tonight to put a quarter under your pillow.

dclough wrote:
hamei wrote:
Tim Cook's goal in life is to grab as much money as he can for himself and to hell with the rest of the world. If you don't believe that I have a lovely golden bridge to sell you.

Because you know him and he's personally told you that? Oh, you don't know him, you say?

For once, you happen to be correct. I don't know Tim Cook.

But I do know Tom Perkins. Once upon a time he was an admirable human being. Now he's nothing but a leech and a parasite, pretty much worthless scum. If there weren't so many boot-licking toadies in the US this change might never have happened.

Financialization has turned the United States into a third-rate reproduction of eighteenth-century France. No good can come of this.

dclough wrote:
Some people, on the other hand, would rather derail this discussion and grunt like bitter old men who are fed up with "all them damn young'ins 'n their fancy book smarts."

Fancy book smarts ? I wish. If you had ever read a real book then you wouldn't spout the stoopid garbage you do. You can start with Sophocles and work your way to the present. I won't even start on the list, there are too many you've never opened .. but make sure you read Gibbon and Adam Smith and Karl Marx and even Ayn Rand. None of them say what the Cato Instituti0n claims they say. Not a single one.

I'm not complaining about your book smarts. I'm complaining because you and your entire generation don't have any book smarts. All you have is the retarded propaganda you read in Forbes or some Ziff-Davis or Rupert Murdoch rag.

Bitter ? Not really. Pissed off when this crappy "high-tech" shit doesn't work ? I'll admit to that. All my life I've made things that work. It's annoying to watch my country and my society turn to a cesspool. The products your generation creates are garbage, okay ? We created CNC machines, you outsource. We created computers to solve real problems, you have Facebook and Twitter and a million other worthless "technologies" none of which actually function. We pumped billions into basic research to understand the world, you are handing it over to private corporations as a gift because "profits" are all that you can imagine as worthwhile.

It's not bitterness so much as frustration that your generation is so stupid. The history of the world is right in front of you but you piss all your opportunities away on nonsense. It's discouraging. Young 'ins [sic] are a real disappointment. Maybe you need the draft so you can get some perspective on what life is actually about.
Now ^ that was funny :) Thank you !
dclough wrote:
hamei wrote:
Now ^ that was funny :) Thank you !

Thank you for laughing and raging like a true fool in the face of my every rebuttal, and proving to the world that ageism is alive and well.

I think you missed the point :)

I was laughing because you seem quite upset at the gods of Finance being debunked (Toto ! Get away from that curtain !) but of all the examples you could think of, you chose Socrates.

I was actually thinking of the story of Midas and how the Romans ignored it, the Spanish ignored it, the English ignored it and then the US decided to follow in those august footsteps. We really don't learn much from history.

Back to Apple, it appears that they crested the creativity arc and now are into the money-grubbing stage. Every other company which has done this went down the shitter. Contrary to your assertions, d, the purpose of a company is not to make money. As soon as they turn to that they become the walking dead.

I wouldn't be buying any Apple stock ....
dclough wrote:
Gods of Finance? You put words in my mouth. The fact that someone like you can take the phrase "The market will ultimately decide whether it's the right thing" and glean from it "Gods of finance, Cato Institute, rabble rabble, Ayn Rand, rabble rabble rabble rabble, Heritage foundation, rabble rabble, corporate overlords" shows that you want nothing more than to build me into some giant strawman which you can hack at like a piñata.

Nice job with the ñ.

Where do you think all that "invisible hand of the free market" crap comes from ? When you put up those pap slogans, you're going to get called on their source. It's not part of economic theory and never has been until the kleptocrats set up propaganda mills to indoctrinate the masses.

Seems like it worked.

skywriter wrote:
Thanks for finally bringing Nekochan to the bottom of my book marks these days.

Then post something intelligent about what you did recently with your Silicon Graphics computers. Do something about our browser problem. Fix some code, even for a little utility. Test a few programs in /beta. Tell people how to set up their storage for the best results. Be part of the solution.
PymbleSoftware wrote:
I actually like 4dwm ... . I run IRIX for IRIX features.

Agreed but there are some worthwhile applications which require gnome, so it's nice to know it could be done. Same with Qt4 ... awful-looking toolkit but there's them few apps I'd like to use. Some day ....

Theres a project over at Grace (which is a Motif application) to gtk2 it. It's one person, and it apparently works fairly well now. What's inspirational about that is that if a single person can rewrite a big application to use gtk2, then the reverse is possible as well. Motif Paraview, maybe ?
sgtprobe wrote:
Anyone got this one to work properly?

I'm not sure what "properly" is but it does work here :) Had to do some tweaking to get it installed and I get some error messages but it does make stuff. Still needs a little work on the fonts but :

equinox.jpg [ 159.66 KiB | Viewed 1317 times ]

A few hints for people who might want to try it :

The irix version has an installer script. For me, that just made some links that didn't work and were in places I didn't like. (As a general rule, if I see an application that puts itself into /usr/local I stab it with an icepick, shoot it in the balls with a .45, then toss it out the tenth-floor window. In this case I made an exception since the location wasn't hard-coded and I just moved the app.)

If you like, you can just unzip the tarfile then copy it to where you want it. There's a hidden directory (dot)equinox in the tarfile, inside that directory are the two configuration files. Edit that to what you want and put the directory into your $home and it should then open correctly.

Took awhile to figure out how to save, but then loading what you have saved into the program again is above my current skillz. :)

Doing just about anything with it is above my current skillz :oops:

But anyway ... smj went to the trouble to generously donate an Octane to the cause. The writer of this app is a professional. The program itself has a lot of potential. Irix without software is useless. So, in my mind, the least we can do as a commuuuuunity is to get off our lazy fat asses, download and install the application, write to the author giving accolades and suggestions and user reports, and add one more good program to the few that exist for Irix.

Otherwise, we get exactly what we deserve.

Otherwise I kinda like it. It's cool that it works just like Softimage at times.

I don't know Softimage but this one seems pretty nice. And the author is accessible and likes Irix. Sooooo ...... let's get on the stick, people. It's either that or genuflect to a bunch of cool zombie hardware.

Edit :

sgtprobe wrote:
Took awhile to figure out how to save, but then loading what you have saved into the program again is above my current skillz. :)

I'm having the opposite problem - I grabbed a file from a diferent program, saved it as a Wavefront .obj file, then did "Open new file" in Equinox.

Came right in. I should have upped the resolution of the conversion though. Renders okay without any extra addons. Would maybe be nicer if it were at version 9 like the linnux version. We could always encourage Mr Nagy ...

equinox_render.jpg [ 272.54 KiB | Viewed 1271 times ]

Now if I can figure out how to save ... could always read the fine manual, I guess.

Nah :P

Edit 2:

Interesting semi-hidden page

Works in Irix (altho maybe better in linnux ? I can't speak to that)

sfo.jpg [ 342.27 KiB | Viewed 1265 times ]

Time to email Mr Nagy with some feedback (hint hint) ...
Alver wrote:
It costs me a fuckton of extra code, testing, etc, etc... while I gain what? The approval of those few people who insist on a) running websites fullscreen on a huge monitor while b) bitching that it doesn't scale to said monitor?

I believe this is incorrect and will become even more incorrect.

First, in general it's not the huge monitors which have the problem. Most huge monitors have crappy resolution. It's the laptops which have high resolution these days. Macbook 13" and Macbook 15" have resolutions that are higher than 220 ppi (1). There have been Thinkpads with high resolution. iPhones and iPads are headed in that direction. You can disount us el-weirdo T221 users but Macbooks and iPads are mainstream products.

The conventional wisdom is that desktop displays won't go there (2) but I believe that is incorrect. Both Intel and Apple are sifting through history for "new, innovative" crap to patent (3). They both need stuff to sell in the future, so it is going to happen.

So Joe Q Public buys a Macbook Pro to replace his desktop (4). Retina Display [coming soon to a neighborhood near you] (5) gives you zoomy-zoomy display. Now you have a glorious, sharp, distinct, better than real life (thank you, Photoshop) hi-res 15" screen. With the browser blown up fullscreen (it is only a 15" screen, after all), these sites are a 3 1/2" wide (800 pixels times 1"/ 220 pixels) strip down the middle of the display. And nothing you can do about it, unlike the way the web was originally designed.

Not so wonderful.

Need some screenshits ? I can give you dozens. There seems to be a hidden epidemic of cowboy coding.

Seriously, not worth it :D Most of the stuff I make has pictures. Pictures are sized in pixels. Unless you prefer having those pictures dynamically blown up to proportions where you get the eighties block-effect, it just doesn't scale nicely.

Seriously, too goddamned bad. This is the world wide web, not a book. The requirements have been there since the very beginning. That's why html is not just PostScript. There would be no need for html if that were not true.

Web "designers" are just being lazy and sloppy. It's going to bite them in the ass.

Meanwhile, it's biting me in the ass. Grrr.

(1) ... a-display/

(2) ... p-displays

Come 2013, and PC consumers could finally break the shackles of regressive PC resolution "standards" such as 1366x768 and 1920x1080, if Intel has its way. At a presentation at IDF Beijing, Intel expressed its desire to see much higher resolution displays for all computing devices, not just PCs, which could in true terms be "retina-matched" display resolutions. At an optimal (comfortable) viewing distance, the resolution of a computing device's screen should match that of your eyes.
(lost the link somewhere, too lazy to find it again)

(4) Hot Trend of 2008

(5) Marketing Schtick, 2012-2014

(It doesn't appear to be CSS though. From looking at the source for lots of sites, it seems that web "designers" have set aside everything that was taught about html. Tables and frames and framesets with the width fixed in pixels is pretty common these days. Grrrrr. )
smj wrote:
Isn't this part of the push behind Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)?

Bringing a better web to you since 1999 ... it's a good thing we have important things like changing toolkits and moving the buttons on browser menus and other worthwhile "technologies" to attend to. ...

our_website_programmer.jpg [ 441.5 KiB | Viewed 221 times ]
We be bumpin' with gas now .... had to revisit this in the vain hope that someone, somewhere has ears :

Here is a typical website. This is unbelievably common today :
piece_of_shit.jpg [ 212.51 KiB | Viewed 173 times ]

Here is the same website with ONE little change that took me all of five minutes to make .. (width=800 to width=100%.) That's all it took.

It's not perfect but it is 1000% better for almost zero effort. This is quite acceptable - this is the web, not a coffee table book.
correctamundo.jpg [ 346.46 KiB | Viewed 173 times ]

Okay, I lied. i had to go back and remove the 600 <br> line breaks that the idiot had to insert because he didn't know doodly-squat about html.

So the "return on time invested" would have been grossly in favor of doing it correctly in the first place.

As jan-jaap so succinctly pointed out, the web is NOT desktop publishing.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

As an addendum : sure, svg is lovely but no one uses it. But resizing photographs is not necessary. If I have to put up with small photos because I want high resolution display, so be it. That's my problem. But putting up with total shit because the people who create these messes don't have a clue, that's another subject altogether. Puh- lease , no more goddamned fixed-pixel crap in html. They should never have included it in the language, then we wouldn't have to deal with this garbage.
J-J, all these computers but no peripherals ! You need at least a printer. Maybe a Tektronix 480 or similar would be appropriate ?
jan-jaap wrote: Look again, there's a HP Color Laser 2500 hidden somewhere.

Kinda modern ... maybe a nice pen plotter of some sort ?

the small stuff is still in the attic. I have a scsi HP ScanJet 3 or 4 (?), a couple of space mice, various external DAT/CD/DVD etc devices. Still looking for a suitable tablet.

Dials and Buttons. You definitely need dials and buttons on at least one machine ...
sgtprobe wrote:
I have mailed him to thank him for his hard work and hinted that we would really like future upgrades on Irix version.

grazie :)

Ok, I see that you can load objects, I can't. Really weird. I looked like it installed correctly on my system, no errors where reported at least.

Me, too. But maybe I was lucky - I didn't like where it put stuff so I ditched the "correct" installation and put all the files where I wanted them. Then I edited the configuration file. Then I noticed a bunch of error messages about reading the sample files. So I tried change-directorying into the folder where the models were stored and started from there, eg < /opt/grafix/equinox/bin/eq & >

That seems to work. You might try that ?

But then again, I'm very bad at using Irix to begin with. I know how to start programs at least

That makes two of us :)

edit: just noticed the sreenshots look really dark on Windows. Gamma, grrrr. If this were not an Irix-oriented forum I'd feel obliged to lighten them up :)
vishnu wrote: I saw an HP 7475a pen plotter sitting in the scrap bin at work today, those things were thousands of dollars when they were new... :shock: :cry:

You should grab it ! You can make it work with Irix, pretty sure those run HP-GL so drivers shouldn't be a problem. I had a 7221 with a Compacted Binary driver, was a bitch to get going in DOS. Worth it, though .. zoop zoop zooop click click click :)

They made those big ones where the pen scoots across the top of the roll, those are cool. Faster than an inkjet for line drawings and nicer, too. Would look great in the middle of the room there, J-J. Along with your Crystal Eyes display on the FW-900 :P

This is even better than blinkenlights ... how can anyone resist a pen plotter ?

I think it's drawing your computer room, j-j :P
Anyone have any experiences with a vps or any recommendations ? The trouble with using a private vpn from China is that they eventually get tracked down and messed with. I'm speculating that a tunnel to a vps in a non-aligned country with a simple proxy would get me though the gfw with the least trouble. Any suggestions ?

Fried datagram is one of my favorites ...
guardian452 wrote:
That's actually the one and only me ;) with my birthday hat and everything.

Pretty big for seven years old ... what do they feed you guys back there ?
tomvos wrote:
And while you may sniff at java ...

I'm not so sure that people want to sniff at Java. In principle, Java is fine. The problem is that in practice, every Java app I've ever used that was not a command line program was awful . Truly execrable.

The dislike of Java is not aristocratic disdain. It's a learned response.

Combined with modern IDEs that focus on instant feedback like Light Table , this results in an really new experience ...

Kind of like APL/2 did decades ago ? :P
Alver wrote:
Our site is at - some content is in dutch, but at least most administrative info is in english (and we all speak/write english if necessary ;) ).

Thank you, that sounds encouraging. I will go look then bother you via pm.
smj wrote: Similar thing here - a couple friends talked me into buying a Color LaserJet 8550N for $75 while my house was still empty. They thought it would be neat to be able to come over and make nice 11x17" color prints without having to make room for it in their own homes. :?

I was thinking that you could add a Draftmaster to your garage so your friends could do a little e-size plotting while they are visiting. But that seems rather selfish. Perhaps you should replace that huge laser printer with a nice little inkjet ?

(I'd really like one of these so if anyone knows where there's a cheap one, I'd be happy to get it delivered to smj's house ...)
fu wrote:
what's considered a decent android phone rockers & gators?

The Assist just got a Samsung for her mom. I believe that's an Android ? Back is rounded and has a rubberized covering like a wetsuit, feels nice and non-slip, front is plain and clean. If she hadn't already made such a big deal out of getting an iPhone she'd keep this one for herself. $200 complete. Costs us $15 a month to run. Man, is AT&T making a killing off the Americans who get a "free" phone :)

I'd look into it. Not sure what model it is but will check ... Ah.


This Colonel Sanders job is gettin' me down ...
geo wrote: anyway i just give up and looking forward to that other seller maybe i can convince him to drop the price a lil bit.. 5000RMB still a bit painful :)

Don't even consider it, geo. If you buy something from Japan they say "It's junk and bad !" if it even has a tiny scratch. If you look at anything unusual (aka anything that's not a cheapo peecee) in China, it's been drop-kicked through the goal posts of life about three hundred times but they want a million five for it. And they won't bargain. They have no idea what it is and can't even turn it on but by god, they know it's worth san shi wan rmb.

They are idiots. They can keep their beloved crap forever. You will see gloriously overpriced trash that's been on taobao for years. Literally years. Things like a 195 mhz pimm for an Octane for $800 ...
geo wrote: ... no wonder my O2 laptop has a broken LCD when arrive :(

Yuan tong and shen feng are okay. The rest are shit, total shit. Kick it across the floor, down the steps, throw it out the window ... sometimes I hate peasants. We'd be better off if the shipping companies hired chimpanzees.
geo wrote: ... even if it got fragile stickers?

Fragile stickers translate to "kick me" in Chinese. Have you ever seen that Samsonite advertisement with the gorilla ? It should be on youtube (if you have a vpn.)

I'm serious. If you could carry a package three feet then set it down, they will drop it on the floor and kick it the three feet instead. Sometimes they back up and drop it from ten feet away so they can get in more kicks. Even the cans in the grocery store - look at them some time. They are all dented to hell.

Peasants :(
Do we have any networking wizards who want to waste some time on VOIP questions ?
Okay le. Using the Octane binary I can send files from Irix to Windows. In the other direction I see the file name but clicking on the button only depresses the button (and me.) No other discernible action.

Using the O2 binary, same thing. I can see the file name in the attachments button but can't do anything beyond pushing it.

Messaging works predictably both ways now tho. It was a little flaky coming from the Windows side before.

Using the dropbox on the Irix 'send' window would be hot. Who cares about the Windows users, let them hunt through file listings :P

Here's what the main window looks like when you put the grafix in /etc where it belongs ...

gX.jpg (5.42 KiB) Viewed 642 times

Could I make a suggestion ? How about not using the main window frame, and making the graphic the same size as minimized applications ? Or better yet, putting the title at the bottom of a window that's the same size as minimized apps. Then it would fit in better with the rest of the desktop. Something like :
minimized_icon.jpg (8.96 KiB) Viewed 642 times

One other thing :) What ports are you using ? In theory, if you open a hole in the firewall this would transmit across the internet as well ? Nekochanners could message each other :shock: (Already tried to get the Assist to put it on her phone. She said, "No way ! That costs money !" $400 shoes is okay but three jiao for messages is too expensive.)

edit: Hmm. Easier to add a new one than delete the old one. This is what I had in mind .. Should work the same way but look like a minimized application ?
main_window.jpg (14.71 KiB) Viewed 640 times

kiss the job creators' boots of shiny shiny leather ...
fu wrote:
... all previous tests to transfer directly from one device to the other failed. i was thinkinkg of a simple scenario: you want to transfer a file from your iphone to your friend's android phone next to you. sure you can email/dropbox/doobeedoo it but wouldn't it be a heck simpler if you could just transfer it via irda/bluetooth/ladeeda, from one device to the next one?

Look at geo's ipmsg thingy (thread in /development above). There's an Android version. There are probably plenty of applets for transferring files but the interesting thing about this one is that it is (in theory) cross-platform between phones and computers. Not just "Windows and Macintosh cross-platform", either. Could be handy ...
andyjpb wrote:
I'm not claiming to be a wizard, but what do you want to know?

First off, from a practical standpoint I realize this is overcomplicated and stupid. So I am more interested in a "can it be done" answer than a "You should just ..." answer.

Two incoming pots lines and a 3640 / 3660 router. I want to do point-to-point voip with a couple places in the outside world so the obvious easy method is an NM-2v and a wic-2fxs, plug a phone into the socket and reserve that one phone for voip calls.

But is it possible to run the two incoming telephone lines into a 2fxo, plug two office phones into a 2fxs, and have the router determine which is a normal phone call and which is a voip call, then switch between them internally ?

edit : To answer my own question for posterity, the answer is yes ... fport.html

figure 14, for one example
geo wrote: ... yes, when you press the button the button will disappear right? then it means the downloading was done and it was placed in /etc/gXipmsg/Downloads :)

Ah. Okay, I will check there. Probably have to make it user-writable as well ... maybe a link would be better.

... im afraid it will only possible if the motif is the wm also, for bsd and linux which uses open motif,

Let them eat cake. I'm sick of people telling me to "just intall gnome !" Let them just install Motif for a change :P

geo wrote: actually that was my first plan but if so, how can we move the app around the desktop? still can grab?

The crude way would be to use alt-f7. Stage II would be to do something similar to the minimized icons - if you notice, they have a title bar across the bottom. You can drag them around by that title bar or by the main graphic. The title bar also maximizes the application but that wouldn't be necessary for you ... unless you wanted to create a main window where a user could do configuration by clicking the title bar, or open a send window by clicking the graphic. Or something like that ...

about the idea nekochanners message each other, this was suggested by kuba but hi suggest to use something like virtual network where we can setup and meet each other?

We already have irc but unless you are a fan of slashdot it's not very pleasant. Direct connection might be fun.

geo wrote: hahaha my God! 400usd for shoe?

Frye's boots, actually. "Hand tooled" ... in Mexico, by peasants. Definitely worth $375. Have to pay all the Nordstrom corporate management for the scary risks they take with their own personal money.

more expensive than my Air Jordans? geeez hehe

At least they aren't tennis shoes made in Guangdong for twenty bucks (actual cost $17.50, not counting how much they cheat Customs - I have a friend works for a major shoe company in south China)... Instead they are leather, made in Mexico for fifty bucks. "American labor costs too much !" People are so stupid.

geo wrote: will try if still can grab the app, if not, is it ok i put the app always at the lower right? or movable is still better?

You should ask canavan, who actually knows something about this stuff, but alt-f7 should always move the window.

Edit : okay, a little more essperience here : the Irix side works fine. But on the Windows side, if I hit "reply" it quotes the text and sends the message. If the Assist hits reply and sends, the quoted text goes but the reply text does not. Strange, eh ? Assistants are strange and talented bug-finders.

I am not sure I should ask about this but on Windows, the app bongs a bell when a message is received. It's almost as annoying as the QQ knock noise :) Do we want this ?

Is there any way to add users manually ? If one were to try going through the router to the Outside World, for instance ?

Seems to me I had intra-office messaging working before between Irix and Windows (forget how) but the ability to send files quickly and easily right to the desktop is nice. Thanks, geo.