The collected works of hamei - Page 57

recondas wrote: Anyone else running NoScript under IRIX care to report which version they're running? here ... maybe a newer one would work but I chased it this far up the ladder then quit.

Ghostery 5.4.1 does not : I force-installed it but no dice. And now that I read about ghostery, they seem very much like the classic extortion racket ... "Real nice little store you gots heah. It'd be a shame if anyting was ta happen to it ..."

Speaking of fireflop ... was forced into updating the Windoze version to 28. Now every ten seconds the effing thing is dropping down a *&^$% window "Do you want to install the Flash plugin ?" No, no a thousand times no and if I ever find myself in a dark alley with the worthless little asshole who programmed that, only one of us will be coming out alive. Is there a way to turn that OFF ?
he said I like it, I want it, I'll take it off your hands ...
uunix wrote:

Sooooooo Cool!

Oooh. That certainly is pretty. But you could buy two pairs of shoes for the wife/girlfriend for that price :shock:
he said a girl named Patches was found ...
ClassicHasClass wrote: Do you mean that grey infobar for something like "Allow the Flash plugin to run"?

I think it was "Would you like to install a plugins to show the media on this page ?" but yeah. Tried the one you mentioned, it didn't work but an older Flashblock did. This wasn't a problem with earlier fireflops. Thank you very much for the suggestion.

What a piece of shit firefox is. All those little twats squealing like pigs about "security ! security !" and then they make crap like that the default, which you have to go elsewhere to find some obscure "plugin" to turn off. What a bunch of worthless dipshit assholes. The world is ready for a real browser instead of the crap we're being force-fed.

Where is the much-vaunted Open Sores Community when they could do something useful ?
he said I like it, I want it, I'll take it off your hands ...
robespierre wrote: The disk seeks all the time, cold or hot, rain or shine; just like the post office. If it was tcal I'd expect it to stop after at most several seconds, but it does it continuously.

Either the NSA or Google has installed a search program in your underwear drawer. It is inspecting your drive for old photos of Jedgar in lace panties and a bra.

No idea what happens if it finds any but you best look out :D
he said a girl named Patches was found ...
foetz wrote: once i had a disk with similar issues. i ended up replacing it.

The one I just butchered does that same thing. Either it's normal and we just don't see it because the cover is opaque, or Robes has a problem :(

Try a low-level format and replace the file system ? Isn't there a control track that does the timing and so on ? If that's messed up, there's nothing you can fix .... on the antique Shugarts you could re-write that but probably not on a new Hitachi :mrgreen:
he said a girl named Patches was found ...
I plan to clone the boot partition on a Solaris 11 system by booting from a CD, then using dd to copy the root partition to a USB stick. Is this a dumb idea, i.e., does Solaris have anything easier, comparable to the xfsdump / xfsrestore piped trick described on Ian's site ?
Juliet ! the dice were loaded from the start ...
foetz wrote: zfs needs more work. have a look at:

Mary, Joseph and the Baby Jesus ... when I installed Sol 10 I made the root disk ufs on purpose but the new installer doesn't give you that choice.

What do you think about booting from a CD and using dd ?
Juliet ! the dice were loaded from the start ...
kjaer wrote: ... made me remember that shitty software written by infinite monkeys isn't a new feature of the free software movement.

But shouldn't things be getting better ? I mean, in the early days of railroads the steam locomotives used to explode regularly. Mississippi river boats blew up all the time. Airplanes fell out of the sky in pieces. But even back in the 1800's, long before computers, people figured out how to fix flaky crap and did it quickly.

Nowadays it seems to get worse and worse instead of better, e.g. look at foetz' recent experience with Seti. Every succeeding issue of gtk is stewpider than the previous one.

Why is this ?
Juliet ! the dice were loaded from the start ...
sgifanatic wrote: ... there is no way you can guarantee everyone will abide by any limitations on technology.

Mom Nature will be taking care of that real quick-like :D
he said a girl named Patches was found ...
kjaer wrote: Things improve when people are of a mind to get together and improve them.

Juliet ! the dice were loaded from the start ...
tooR wrote: Hello

Have quad tezro, i mount silicom image sgi Gb ethernet + silicom image fiber Gb dual port.

Umm, there are no Silicon Image cards in the "working devices" list, not even one. Is that what you really meant ?

Because if so, I am pretty sure they won't work.
he said a girl named Patches was found ...
sgifanatic wrote: She's had her chances... but she continues to give her children the benefit of doubt.

As far as I know, the fat lady has not finished singing yet.

Saw an interesting little story the other day. The people who grow Fuji apples keep thorough records. The average temperature of their little part of the world has risen 2* over the past forty years while the blossoming time has advanced five to eight days per year. As a result, the acidity of the apples has dropped markedly, which destroys the flavor, the shelf life and the resistance to destruction. I vividly remember the first Fuji apple I had, some time before 1980. It was remarkable. Had one a short time ago. It was shit.

Dinosaurs ruled the roost for 200 milion years, yet the walking ones disappeared in the blink of an eye. Something like 40% of all the species in existence have disappeared over the past hundred years.

Have fun with your super-innovative hololens. Damn, you can play such cool games ! Maybe that will be what you can do when there's nothing to fucking eat.
he said a girl named Patches was found ...
tooR wrote: the card intalled


in hinv fine i see

Interesting. It seems to be intended for use in an Altix ? That's the only place Techpubs mentions it, altho I am not the best searcher. It also seems to use a Broadcom chip, which might explain why hinv sees it ? We have no records of that card working in Irix, so would be nice to find out if it does have drivers.
he said a girl named Patches was found ...
robespierre wrote: I think that back in the '50s the commercial banana was the Gros Michel, which was larger than the Cavendish bananas we have today. It was also sweeter and more tart.

The big deal in fourth grade .. fifth grade ? was a field trip to pier 50 - 52 or somewhere down there, near where the Giants stadium is now, to visit a banana boat from Costa Rica. There were no port-tainers then, the bananas came out of the hold on rubber belts with buckets, then were offloaded by longshoremen. They had hairy spiders, too. The banana boats were fairly small and white and had accomodations for maybe a half-dozen passengers, it seemed like that would be a fun trip. This was about the time Richard Nixon took a tour of the Southern Hemisphere and the residents of ten countries lined the streets to spit on him. I didn't understand that at the time.

In sixth grade (?) the Savannah came to visit. Another field trip, yay ! That was a pretty cool ship.

Once upon a time San Francisco was a real city, with a population of human beings who had real jobs and did worthwhile work.
he said a girl named Patches was found ...
Well, that didn't last long. The worthless losers now just have to add their own stinking crap to the beginning of any result-link, so if you try to grab a pdf directly oh noes ! you canna do that ! we need to add our duckduck url to the front end of all resulting redirects !

Go fuck yourselves, duckduck. It's pretty hard to drive me into the arms of Mickeysoft but yes ! you, duckduck assholes, have succeeded. Eat my shorts, you greedy ignorant little pricks. Bing, here we come.

Bing, believe it or not, has improved a great deal over the past few months, at least here. And they don't attach their own dingleberries to my searches, at least not visibly or in a "force you to make another click" manner.

God, the Internet is truly disgusting these days.
he said I like it, I want it, I'll take it off your hands ...
Seems to be a Broadcom Tigon3 / 57xx chipset, pretty neat to know if it works. Silicom makes a single card with 6 ports could build a Tezro router :D
he said a girl named Patches was found ...
vishnu wrote: If they don't do that they can't recalculate their page ranks based on what users click on,

I don't want the ignorant little losers to calculate page ranks for me. I don't want the ignorant little losers to decide what I get to see. Just put the fucking results out there and let me go through them. The only thing more annoying is the bitch at KFC, "Would you like to supersize that?"

"Oh of course, thank you so much, I'm too stupid to speak English and ask for what I want, what I'd really like is to buy one of everything in your crappy store and send you all on vacation."

STFU you mentally-retarded bitch and give me what I asked for !!!

frankly I'm surprised they weren't doing this up to now, since it's that type of page rank that made google so accurate

Google is not accurate. The first three pages of any google search are worthless. Unless you are looking for the cheapest online price for Huggies, google is now crap.

drove infoseek and altavista and excite even pretty much yahoo! out of the search business...

What drove altavista and lycos and yahoo and all the rest out of business was Marissa Mayer, who insisted that Google keep the one-line, no advertising setup that just returned search results until all the obnoxious annoying "portals" died off. Then they would be free to turn around and cheat everyone who had fallen for the classic monopoly scam.

Is this the new US business model ? Produce something good for just long enough to sucker in a large number of people, then turn around and fuck them over ?

Those extra pointless hits to duckduck are a pain in the ass here. Like they used to do to google before they threw it out of the country (good move on the commies' part, actually. If the rest of the world were smart they'd do the same, google is evil); if you have too many hits to duck in a short time, they throttle your connection. Another point is, even stinking google did not screw up the result this way : with a real search engine if you see a pdf in the results you can rmb "save link as" and get it directly. If you try that with duck, all you get is an empty html file because the worthless ignorant little twats just have to prepend their own url.

Screw them.

Yandex is weird, Blekko, dogpile - maybe; yahoo sucks. Maybe exalead, who knows, it seems not so bad so far. Baidu is awful. Bing is Mickey but better than google and duck. I am tempted to set up a little box running gigablast and do my own damn search. These "providers" are nothing but annoying trash.
he said I like it, I want it, I'll take it off your hands ...
josehill wrote: I figure some of you might enjoy this slightly breezy article about how Paper scaled its web servers to handle publishing semi mostly-naked photos of Kim Kardashian...

It was kind of funny, gracias josé but Haysoos ... two things :

There are people who read that crap ? I don't mean Enquirer -style tabloid crap, I know there is a market for that in the trailer parks. But Paper ... what a pile of pretentious stewpid worthless shit :(

And then the article genuflecting to the brilliant IT Professional who managed to make a website scale in the cloud. Umm, I thought that was the point of The Cloud * ? Load-sharing and adding servers ("big" servers, tho, not those "little" ones. Maybe that was the secret, he used a six-rack Origin 2000 ?) is supposed to be magic now ? He called Amazon and asked them to tack on another five servers, whoopee ? He actually did his job, omigod, we should send him roses and bottles of whiskey ? So the next time you get on a bus and the driver manages to keep it in his own lane and doesn't run into a train, all the passengers should send him gifts and Christmas cards ? wtf ? Doing your job is worth a magazine article now ?

Scary :(

* What would have been impressive is if The Cloud were smart enough to auto-scale itself. Now that could be an interesting technical story. And really, it should be able to do that.
two girls for every boy ...
GL1zdA wrote: Calm down. Go to advanced settings, privacy and disable redirects (you have to enable cookies for it to work). They did it, because that way the target page won't know what were you searching for.

Alas, today no joy in Mudville ;

Code: Select all

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; IRIX64 IP35; en-US; rv: Gecko/2013020113 Firefox/3.0.19

Can't even submit to the Windows indignity, doesn't exist there either :

Code: Select all

Mozilla/5.0 (WindowsNT 5.2; rv:28.00) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/28.0

nor with the user agent I advertise to servers

Code: Select all

Toto the Dog from Kansas

all mei you, so bye-bye duck from Philly ..... (the one from Finland is safe) :(
he said I like it, I want it, I'll take it off your hands ...

Code: Select all

urchin 19% pwd
urchin 20%
6117:/usr/local/MPlayer-1.1.1/bin/mplayer: rld: Fatal Error: Cannot Successfully map soname '' under any
of the filenames /usr/nekoware/lib/
urchin 21%

no biggy ...

Code: Select all

urchin 18% pwd

oh crap

Code: Select all

cc-1094 cc: ERROR File = audio_out_wav.c, Line = 166
The constant array dimension size is not a positive integral type.

int16_t words[0];

cc-1094 cc: ERROR File = audio_out_wav.c, Line = 167
The constant array dimension size is not a positive integral type.

int32_t dwords[0];

2 errors detected in the compilation of "audio_out_wav.c".
gmake[2]: *** [audio_out_wav.lo] Error 1

Still, looks promising. We're close !

Code: Select all

urchin 1# ldd mplayer  =>      /usr/lib32/  =>    /usr/lib32/  =>        /usr/nekoware/lib/  =>  /usr/nekoware/lib/  =>    /usr/nekoware/lib/  =>        /usr/nekoware/lib/  =>        /usr/nekoware/lib/  =>      /usr/nekoware/lib/  =>     /usr/nekoware/lib/  =>   /usr/nekoware/lib/  =>    /usr/nekoware/lib/  =>  /usr/nekoware/lib/  =>        /usr/nekoware/lib/
1553: 14:41:57 mplay: rld: Fatal Error exit/longjmp: Cannot Successfully map soname ''
under any of the filenames /usr/nekoware/lib/
Axatax_ wrote: Your system is not finding libdca for some reason ... Maybe try moving the contents of /usr/local/MPlayer-1.1.1/lib into /usr/local/lib and try again...

Because you are such a nice person I will not scald you with the dragon-breath fricasee :P /usr/local on my computer is the gateway to Hell, abandon all hope, ye who enter here ... :D

I did try messing with the script to some extent, it should have worked but refused. I'm a tcsh-er, that probably has something to do with it.

So I just put the mplayer tree into the /opt directory, renamed mplayer to mplay so I wouldn't accidentally get the Other Mplayer, then swiped < setenv LD_LIBRARYN32_PATH /opt/mplayer/lib > into my winterm. Then ran < /opt/mplayer/bin/mplay -vo gl2 /usr/people/me/hotsytotsy/videofile.avi > and all went smoothly.

yay ! It plays ! Don't have enough time in to make comments but one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind :D

(The time signature in the upper left corner looks strange tho. Odd font problem ?)

gracias, muchacho !

oooh ooh oooh. Ran a couple of old 'problem' files through. Three out of four now play .. at the age of thirty-seven, she realized she'd never ride through Paris in a sportscar with the warm wind in her hair ...

nice :D :D :D
the bourgeousie is ultimately a repressive institution, and I hate it ...
duck wrote: Don't be too sure, I recently got a job as a web programmer :-)

Hey ! that's the best news I've heard this week ! Really cool, duck !

I mean, I'd really like it if someone gave you a job going through Open Sores software ripping out gcc shit but this is the next best thing :P

On the OtherDuck Front, thank you both to GL1zda and smj : here's the initial duckduck screen -

Well, that's a big help. Let's go over to Winders and turn off NoScript -

Oh look ! It's the Secret Decoder Ring ! Why am I so stupid, I didn't figure out this was the settings for the search engine ! It's so obvious ! No one in this world can read, so we have to use the magic sign that only Initiates will recognize !

This is so fucking stupid that only the ADD-riddled retards working for loser places like boogle and quackquack could come up with it. I guess they are too bored sitting in their cubbyoles stroking their dicks, so they have to invent cutesy little ways to mess with average users.

Well, fuck them.

I am soooo sick of wasting my time on stupidity that I quit. They can take their search engine and use it to wipe their asses. I am sick and tired of Open Sores blithering idiots who happily violate the rules of programming languages and call it an "extension" and the buffoons who write web sites (duck excepted) and all of these witless advertising whores. It's nothing but a huge waste of time. They can have their worthless internet. Shove it, nitwits. I'm going back to paper, pencil, and the telephone. It works better.

ramq wrote: well, you might as well use Yandex then...

Yeah, it's pretty bad. But so are all the rest. Bing in China is better than it was, exalead has promise, but mostly I am going to try to avoid search entirely. It's just like the Browser Wars - all they've done is destroy a good thing with their brainless idiocy. Fuck them all.
he said a girl named Patches was found ...
Oskar45 wrote: ... instead of condemning existing search-engines, why not implement your very own miracle?

It's not just a search engine, Oskar. I could probably put up with that. It's the entire state of commercial-grade computing.

Web browsers : they are shit. All of them. With 300 million people in the US and just as many in Europe, at least half those people use a web browser on occasion -- but there is not a single one that is worth two pennies. Absolutely worthless shit designed and implemented solely for the purpose of jamming advertising down our throats, while conveniently using our hardware and $50/mo connections to supply them with ever more data for targetting yet more crap down our throats. I'm tired of being a foie gras goose.

Geeky cool programming d00ds who do shit as in duckduck above : "Look at our cool secret hidden settings menu ! Aren't we just so special ?! "

Umm, no, not exactly. Mentally-retarded is closer to the truth, in fact.

Commercial websites for products that should not be subject to this kind of wackoff stuff : they are also created by imbeciles. A couple days ago I needed some specs for a machine I was peddling. US company (let's name names : Haas), decent machines for okay price. Go to the website and what do I get ? "Your browser does not support javascript. Please enable it and come back."

Piss off, dickwad.

Here's a secret : if I do a show and someone walks up who is apparently not wealthy and happens to be wearing a shabby sweater, I do not tell him "Sorry Jack. Go have a bath, buy a nice Italian jacket and red tie then come back and maybe I'll talk to you." That kind of thing on a company website is idiotic. Not funny idiotic, infuriating idiotic.

Was furious but already told the customer I'd get him the info so went over to the Winders box. Brought up the site. It's a US company. Because my ip is in China, the fucking site comes up in Chinese.There is no way to get it into English.

Fine. Fuck you morons. You just lost $125,000. It will be a cold day in hell before I recommend that anyone buys even a dog house from you stupid shits.

I am continuously getting websites that say "Our site requires javascriopt flash and stinkyschmutz. Please go install those and come back." The short answer to that is "Piss off."

Even sites which are not quite as stupid as this have layers upon layers of foetid shit lurking right beneath the surface. I spend way too much time blocking garbage. Every time you turn around some little twit is bleating about "security ! security!" like when I wanted to log in as root to set up the new solaris box. "Oh no, can't do that ! It's not safe ! " but the braindead little shits cream their jeans over Chrome because "it has fast javascript ! I can upload nekkid pictures to Facebleep three times faster !" Every page you go to has ten hidden links to some disgusting crap. It's like sitting down to eat a plate of spaghetti then discovering that on the end of every noodle is some disease-riddled vicious rodent with glowing red eyes and the breath of death.

And oh yes, "free and open source" software ... is also riddled with maggot-laden rotting flesh. MPlayer thread in dev : libdca. Wouldn't build. Checked the error message : gcc not only allows, it encourages illegal code. C++ defines an array using positive integers . But gcc is way too cool for that, they have "extensions" which allow anything. Excuse me. C++ is a language. It has rules. These aren't 'extensions', they are violations . If every little masturbating teenager on the planet can make up his own rules, wtf is the point ? Mickeysoft did this for a reason. What is the reason for the open sores community ? Are they insane or merely stupid ?

It's just too much, Oskar. Some struggle is fine, it's expected, life ain't a pickanick Mr Ranger Sir. But this is dumb. It's like being a flagellante for a non-existent god. Pointless and painful for no reason and it's not getting better, it's getting worse. I'm tired of struggling my ass off to go backwards on a daily basis for no reason. The children can have the fucking internet. They shit all over it, fine, take it it's yours.

Paper and pencil work fine.
he said a girl named Patches was found ...
GL1zdA wrote: The technology changes and sooner or later you will have to deal with it if you want to get things done.

Luckily, I still work in the world of real things. We don't need the now-worthless www*. I will continue to use email because, at least so far, normal text gets transmitted without requiring additional crap. But the rest of that shit ? None of my customers needs it and I certainly don't. There is nothing valuable or informative left out there. It's all home shopping channel crap and 'social media', or will be within the foreseeable future.

That garbage is worthless. It's not how you buy expensive machinery.

It's too bad, too, because there was a lot of promise there. In fact, it was pretty neat for a while.

But no longer.

* I actually have a kind of funny story to illustrate that, but maybe not for here and now.
he said a girl named Patches was found ...
duck wrote: Plan B is to drill a hole in the panels above the door and install another vent, with the hope that convection could cause some kind of air movement. There's a tiny vent connected to the building air ducts near the ceiling, but it doesn't seem to do anything at all.

I lived in a house built in the twenties - lath and plaster, Spanish tile roof, built-in ironing board, all that stuff. The pantry had a vegetable cooler that worked great : it was like a very tall closet where the shelves were parallel wooden slats, maybe 50-50 wood and air space. At the very bottom there was a big vent to the outdoors and same at the top. Things like apples and potatoes that a refrigerator is too cold for kept much longer in this thing. And they tasted better, too - didn't get soggy. My grandmother had a name for it but that's long lost to history. She had a Murphy bed, too, but I remember the name for that one.

Don't know if it would work for your HP but it was great for fruits and vegetables.
he said a girl named Patches was found ...
Axatax_ wrote: Hamei -- What fonts do you currently have installed?

Oi. A lot. All the original ones and several more I liked ... but ditched the pseudo-Adobe fonts that SGI jammed down our throats at 23. There's probably a setting for that in the mplayer configuration file ?

I'll wait for your 'dist. No point in doing this twice. The goofy letters don't bother me, I turn off the on-screen display anyhow.

I may not be a good test for a lot of the 'advanced' features ... I just watch videos with it, don't even use an interface beyond the key combos.
the bourgeousie is ultimately a repressive institution, and I hate it ...
nongrato wrote: This must be so hard to be you.

Nah. Or well, maybe it does but not for this reason.

See, the whole thing is pointless because the little shitforbrains dickwads are going to do whatever they want anyhow. Plus the entire computing "culture" is driven by nitwits so in fact, it's all pointless.

But we don't have to go quiet into that dark night, ya know ? There are two approaches you can take here.

Numbah One : "Oh gosh, Mr Estemed Programmer Sir, I am so impressed with your skill and talent ! By golly, you've really got it together ! But do you suppose in the next release you could possibly put the fonts back to rightside -up ? It's innovative and high-tech to display the screen upside-down and I think you are sooo talented to make me hang from the ceiling to read my mail ! Gosh, that's cool ! But I'm getting a crick in my neck so if you wouldn't mind ..."

The other approach is to tell the truth. We have a serious problem with that in this society. For instance, the managers of NASA that launched for political reasons despite all the concerns of the engineers are actually murdering scum. Period, end of sentence. And the asshole who lied to Congress, lied to the people of the US, and pissed away four trillion dollars on a truly stupid war just cuz somebody dissed his daddy, well ... use whatever word you like but 'brilliant leader of the free world' best not be in that job description. People talk around everything these days but underneath, there really is a truth. That tree did fall down.

It makes no real difference - no matter what, the mentally-retarded teenagers writing and designing and paying for software are going to do whatever they want. But at least if you honestly describe exactly what they are, they can't Biff-and-Muffy your comments into oblivion.

It's a small satisfaction but better than nothing.
he said a girl named Patches was found ...
Oskar45 wrote: Nope. C++ as such is just an extension of C, violating certain C-rules [although Str. calls them "modifications"]. Any open-source implementation should be free to add or delete features to their own liking...

Umm, yes, well ... there are quite a few people who would disagree with you. Here's a quick sampler : [c-]-definition-constant-expression-array-dimension.html ... expression ... e-gcc.html

There seem to be two camps on this ; one is, "oh goody, here's some lovely new things I can do" while the other is "that's nice, just don't call it C (or C++ or Lisp or Fortran or whatever) because it isn't and won't be portable in any way, shape or form."

To me, it is obvious that Group One has no discipline and will eventually lead to disaster, so that is not the path to choose. Mickey habitually used that method to subsume anything that was not under its control. I see no difference here.
two girls for every boy ...
commodorejohn wrote: But hamei, these are the Good Guys doing it! That makes it Right and Just!

In the 90's Mickey succesfully disguised themselves under the white hat. That was in opposition to the Evil Empire of IBM.

Of course, behind the scenes they were kneecapping anyone who looked at them crosswise.

There seems to be some persistent fascination with cowboy coders ?
two girls for every boy ...
TeamBlackFox wrote: Longshot here, but you think that eventually you can port the MPlayer fork mpv -

Not to be an obstreperous bastard here but if you take a look at all those fork sites (mplayer2, xmplayer, mpv, &c) you will see that the major reason for their fork is "the mplayer team was too obstinate about 'cleaning up the code and getting rid of all that old cruft'. "

Old cruft = Irix. That's us, folks.

I spent a little effort talking to the xmplayer people because a single MIPS cpu is kinda slow for today's software. Two should be better and xmplayer was pushing smp. A short but accurate description of these forkers would be "asshole".

people have been saying MPlayer is dying

People say a lot of things ...
the bourgeousie is ultimately a repressive institution, and I hate it ... :P

guardian452 wrote: To not run a newer version just because of appearance, well I was able to get over it without too much trouble.

But why bother ? Upgrading takes several hours if you are lucky. Registry entries, licenses, settings all get butchered when you upgrade even if you are set up for it. And there's always some shit with the printer drivers for your "antique, deprecated" three year old printer which have disappeared and you have to spend three hours hunting them down. And in the US you actually have to pay to go through that ordeal.

It's a bunch of work. If there's nothing better in the "new" version, why do it ?

Please don't say "security." I will go off my rocker and it will be ugly. That's such a pile of shit.
two girls for every boy ...
recondas wrote: That would let you find out if other than graphics the Fuel will run (without having to invest more than you paid for the Fuel in a V12).

In case you were going to try this, my Fuel would refuse to boot without a graphics card. I tried the setenv console d thing, too. Maybe it failed post ?

Maybe there is a way around that but I didn't find it.
he said a girl named Patches was found ...
jan-jaap wrote: Fortunately this can be disabled: ... ng-webrtc/

Another task in the endless fight to keep the slimy little preverts out of our underwear drawer. Eventually it gets tiresome.

Time to go live in the wilderness for me. Maybe sneak into town after dark once a month to pick up some Nestle's Quik, but that's about it.
he said a girl named Patches was found ...
calvin wrote: wonder if it's the same ol' decade old php cruft inside though...

Probably. All that pointless garbage for a bunch of old dead operating systems, yuck :(
Axatax_ wrote: OK guys --

I just sent a metric ton of updated packages to /incoming relating to this project.

Thank you, Mr Ax. Appreciate it very much.

Back to On Any Sunday (hey, it's Sunday, right ?)
the bourgeousie is ultimately a repressive institution, and I hate it ...
Oskar45 wrote: Don't forget to grab a bag of Satarnta, though... :D

Does that go well with roots and berries ?
he said a girl named Patches was found ...
calvin wrote: i for one love old insecure PHP!

Oh damn, that reminds me ... I forgot to check under the bed for Communists last night :(
Dennis Nedry wrote: Just wondering, does anyone here have any copies of IBM PCOMM TCP/IP for OS/2 (version 4.1 or above)? ... I'm just having a hard time tracking down any edition for OS/2 (not Windows).

I'm probably wrong but thought that at least 4.1 came with all versions on the CD.
Juliet ! the dice were loaded from the start ...
Okay, fer those of ya what's afraid of the unknown ....
you have been recruited by the star league to guard the frontier against the zurian invasion

Everything appears to be copacetic, c'mon in, the water's fine. Works at least as well as before, perhaps better. I now have two mplayers in the swmgr display but that is quite possibly because my installation is a mess. Too many betas :? Someone with a cleaner installation should give this baby a run-through but not to fear, it does work.

I'd give 'er a vote for /current but this is just a step on the way to a more current version ? With better threading support ?
TeamBlackFox wrote: Does it have to be an RM5200 CPU or can the 200MHz R5000s also do this?

Has to be 300 or 350. It's a different board.