The collected works of foetz - Page 26

the pro packs were around 1.7gb so that's a lot more. worth checking out for any altix or prism owners as jose said already
hamei wrote:
TeamBlackFox wrote: If you're a Gentoo MIPS developer, why not use a Gentoo box with remote X to pull a recent Libreoffice or Apache OpenOffice copy over.

This is actually a huge project, much bigger than it looks on the surface. Just building the thing took something like eight hours on an O3000 .... there are some threads here from the time the original was done with input from the guy who did it, check them out.

In fact, we're lucky to have the version we do. I hate the thing but it can be useful.

if i got that right TeamBlackFox suggested using an office on gentoo and just using the sgi for x.
hamei wrote: What's the point of Irix if all you do is display gtk2/qt/gtk3 Loonix programs on it ? Additional complexity that adds nothing .. why bother ?

of course. that only makes sense if the loonix box is running anyway
if you wanna just use the sgi racks for the looks and put some commodity junk inside; that'd be almost as bad as octane case modding :lol:
dmm wrote: My girlfriend teaches elementary school. Do you think sgi would give me the education discount?

no but maybe her :D
Alver wrote: but there's the ES47, some HP-UX machines, VMS, ... that'd be less of a disgrace to an SGI rack, wouldn't it? :D

i guess that could be forgiven :D
never ever do it this way. download the tardist, extract it with tar (it's just a tar anyway) and then point inst or swmgr to where you extracted it
hamei wrote: foetz could probably chime in here ...

why me? :shock:
but okay :P

local rendering:
the default maya renderer can use up to 8 cpus at once. assuming your machine has at least 8 :P
however, unlike the powercaster/tracer from the various alias packages the maya default renderer's smp skills are limited. a number of preprocessing stages such as shadow maps e.g. make use of only one. one of the bigger disappointments when switching from poweranimator to maya.
for mental ray it depends on the license and maya version you have. e.g. v5 supported up to 8 without any special software or license. later versions got that cut down to 2. if you wanna use more you have to get an extra license and install the standalone stuff so if you have more than 2 cpus and wanna use mental ray stick to maya5 :D

distributed/network rendering:
for the default renderer use the good old dispatcher for delegating jobs across multiple, networked machines. see the maya docs for details.
for mental ray it works as it always works with mental ray. see the maya docs for that, too :P
  • postgresql_7430.tar.bz2
  • prngd_0929.tar.bz2
  • openssh_53p1.tardist

figured version 5.3 was fitting :P
now that's a stock :P

i do agree tho, git is clumsy and has some major disadvantages. i guess without the linus bonus it wouldn't have gotten far
Pontus wrote: Are there any PeeCee emulators on IRIX good enough to run a late enough windows to use Microsoft office capable of docx?


hardly but there was a discussion about docx converters a few days ago
hamei wrote: Five years ago it was okay, if not perfect

it always sucked :P
but indeed i have to agree it got even worse. i even stopped filing bug reports or sending patches because ... some of the popular reasons:
- they mark it as fixed although it's not
- they don't see why it's a bug
- they just don't care at all
as all real unix variants irix does have its own compiler. you can however get a gcc for irix from nekoware and other sources.
the makefile btw is wrong because using -j and -Ox together makes no sense.
btw ivelegacy, the posts here do have an edit button. if you're the last one to post and wanna say something else just a few minutes later you can edit your previous one and add it
assuming you're talking about 6.5 it's part of sysadmdesktop.sw.sysadm
that stuff has been used for movies so 1080 shouldn't be a problem
toasty wrote: I use my O2 for music, light photo processing, irc, learning UNIX & shell scripting, and as a simple media server[1] when I’m not sitting in front of it. It’s a nice little machine that could still do more after it had been EOL’d.

[1] I store movies in a folder and share that via OutBox. Then I can stream to my MacBook by opening the url of a movie file in VLC. Crude but works!

that sounds nice, versatile and reasonable usage :-)
miod wrote:
duck wrote: Before we all jump back in here, I'd like to point out that this has been rather extensively answered already. Perhaps ivelegacy ought to make acquaintance with the search function.

Edit: On second thought (and some quick searching of my own) I may have jumped the shark, apologies if that was the case.

Did you mean this thread?

indeed that's the one i remember, too. seems like time for a merge

Edit by josehill: I merged the topics. It took a while for me to figure out how to do it with the new version of phpBB. I wanted to be sure I didn't mess up an important, historic thread.
Edit by josehill: I merged the topics. It took a while for me to figure out how to do it with the new version of phpBB. I wanted to be sure I didn't mess up an important, historic thread.

thanks jose :-)

duck wrote: Sounds promising, what kind of intermediate format could you feed these programs? I suspect they won't eat mov/h264

the uncompressed frames or a few similar movie formats of course. no point in using heavily compressed material as source, leave that to the adobe and alike botch :P
thomasrichinger wrote: I have installed the irix 6.2-CD and after the Installation was finished I installed my three CDs with the patches.
The result was a booting 6.2, but only with a stupid X11 and a single console-window without a titlebar.
I think thats the effect of the missing Applications-CD.

Today (if I have time) I try to install 6.2, the applications and after all the patches.
I wonder if I need all three patches-disks? I have a pair of disks from june 1999, an a little earlier single cd named "patches for 6.2 including R5200".

i guess you mean 6.3 because 6.2 wasn't available for the o2.
josehill wrote: Personally, I think IRIX 5.x can be a much bigger challenge. Since there were so many 5.3 installation cds tied to specific hardware, it's often difficult for hobbyists to find one that will work their machines.

not to mention 4 with all the maint. cds :P
ivelegacy wrote: which machine do you have guys, to run this marvelous application ?

the version 6 here was targeted at irix5. it was completely elf and had a few mips2 (r4x00) optimized versions of some program parts optionally available. it also came with a few legacy coff programs but they were just included for backwards compatibility and don't affect the actual program in any way.
the problem with this version however is the gfx support. it will not run on anything with impact or later. the only exception is infinite reality because the basics of that didn't change until the end.

ivelegacy wrote: which is the equivalent Application for a modern SGI/MIPS workstation (Octane/Fuel) ?

well, a later poweranimator :P
they had issues with vpro tho. only the later alias versions which didn't have the poweranimator license model anymore ran fine with vpro. don't get me wrong unlike the version 6 here the later versions do run with vpro. there're just a few glitches here and there.
thomasrichinger wrote: I dont plan to try 5.3 on the o2, for this I have my Indys.

and you never will :P
6.3 is the first release that supports the o2. as mentioned before you can't run 6.2 nor anything older there.

And I have no plan how to make a multiboot-harddisk, is this possible?

yes but it's not very comfortable. you'd have to manually partition the disk via fx so that it has enough space in partition 0 and 6. then you have to dump another system partition onto that and if you wanna boot the second one you have to change the SystemPartition and OSLoadPartition nvram values. then manually load the right sash and in there manually load the right kernel.
vishnu wrote:
foetz wrote:
ivelegacy wrote: which is the equivalent Application for a modern SGI/MIPS workstation (Octane/Fuel) ?

well, a later poweranimator :P

Or Maya 6.5

hehe of course any other 3d package that runs on whatever machine you have can be used. as always it's a matter of taste
strong_epoxy wrote: should these machines be saved?

quick and simple: yes :D
mipspro 7.2.1 had a pascal compiler. i don't know about later versions and yes, it should run on 6.5
arhiman57 wrote: I'm using one of my indy for my Nintendo Ultra64 dev setup, fantastic stuff. It's usefull because you can hook the output of the Ultra64 board to the composite inof the machine, so you don't need a second screen.

that's rare :D
do you code or also create gfx stuff? or both? :shock:
all alias lics go to /var/flexlm/aw.dat
sure, it depends on what you do. the o2 is an all-in-one machine with all the pros and cons such machines have even tho it's an sgi.
as for the cpu, of course an r12000 at 400mhz is significantly faster than anything that you can put into an indigo2 no matter whether it's in an o2 or not.
Internet Fate wrote: First of all I am looking for some information. Id someone to give me ideal specs for an Indy/Indigo/Impact that can do the following:
- 3D Modeling/Rendering/Animation/Ect (I've read about Power Animator and how well its been received by individuals who use Irix, although I am more comfortable with Maya, Blender & Autocad)
- Run some kind of video editing software (I've heard that early versions of Premiere run on Irix)
- Run some kind of raster image editor.

all of that works just fine except for premiere, that was not nice at all but that's quite low end anyway and not meant to run on something like an sgi

- What the most optimal specs on an Indy/Indigo/Impact would be for creating short CG animations on said hardware.

that totally depends on your expectations. looking at the gallery on your website tho most 3d programs that run on irix can do stuff like that which makes it much easier for you to find something nice

- What versions of software should I be looking for in regards to Maya, Lightwave, Autocad, Houdini, Blender, Premiere, Photoshop ect and how likely will it be to have a usable copy of these programs installed on a machine. (If anyone here has these programs and could help out, PM me!)

that's the difficult part. you can't buy any of these programs anymore and in the us license transfers are not allowed.

I think of old computer hardware in the same way many musicians think of vintage synths or guitars.

that's a nice way of looking at it :P

and btw, welcome here :-)
ivelegacy wrote: [*]Impact can have a max of 1Gbyte of ram (1), which is very expensive and hard to find, also you may need the Extreme Impact gfx, that is, again, expensive and hard to find

"Internet Fate" is new to sgi so a few corrections here. don't wanna get him confused :P

impact is a gfx card series. it's available for the indigo2 (what ivelegacy is selling at the moment) as well as the octane. the octane had 2 editions of the impact branch:
- the first generation was called si, ssi and mxi.
- the second generation with upgraded performance was called se, sse and mxe.

the first generation is equal to what was sold for the indigo2s but did a little better due to the higher bandwidth the octane had.
"Extreme Impact" does not exist for the indigo2 nor am i sure that the letter E of the octane's SE cards stands for "extreme". for the indigo2 and some others there is however a gfx card that's called extreme. that was the top shot before the impact series has been released.
ivelegacy wrote: Irix uses the Rock Ridge CD extension

irix supports such cds but the original cds from sgi and other companies are efs
he'll never post again now to keep the neat number :P
ivelegacy wrote: sure, it exists

i know, i have 2 of them :P

eats too much energy

that's a joke unless you compare it to a tablet or so

he bought a "SolidImpact gfx" (the cheapest one) which fits in 1 slot, eats less energy

jeez drop the energy issue :P the differences are ridiculous. also going from extreme to impact requires a new backplane and a new psu so the switch is not cheap at all.

and it's a bit easier to be driven.

how so?

what i remember about "extreme" comes from here ...

yeah that's all correct, the only thing you missed was:
The Extreme Graphics architecture was superseded by SGI's IMPACT graphics architecture in 1995.

so obviously there's no "extreme impact".

the Extreme seems to be related to Indigo2/R4400

no, it's from the same time but can be used in later indigo2s as well.

the Indigo2/R10k should have the Maximum IMPACT gfx

no, an r10k indigo2 can have all gfx cards that were available for the indigo2.
ivelegacy wrote:
foetz wrote: also going from extreme to impact requires a new backplane and a new psu so the switch is not cheap at all.

why ?

well because that's how it is :P

EDIT: with the one exception of the so called "impact ready" models.
kshuff wrote: Where did 7.4 come from?

from the irix version you have installed
kshuff wrote: So am I licensed for 7.4 if my 7.2.1 stuff was removed? And why would 7.2 be removed if it was installed after the IRIX install?

both is related so it comes down to a single answer:
the things you have from 7.4 are just the libs. the actual compilers remain unchanged.
vishnu wrote: It's a funny joke but I think we're all aware that in order for an unsigned integer to overflow it's got to be a pure power of two, and since hamei didn't break nekochan at post number 256 you have to figure our post numbers must be stored in at least two bytes, so hamei's got at least another 55537 posts to go before he really breaks nekochan... :P

smartass :lol:
TeamBlackFox wrote: was a junkyard find

what kind of junk yards do you have? :shock: