IRIX and Software

sysmgr where the... is it?

I searched these forums and found an answer but for the heck of it I still can't find it in any dist

The Indy I put together some months ago was a quick and dirty install and lacks sysmgr.

What disk is this on?

Alternatively, and the reason I want sysmgr, is that I want to use /dev/ttyd1 to connect to something but returns an error because I think it's being used:
#cu -l /dev/ttyd1
Connect failed: CAN'T ACCESS DEVICE

It's set correctly in /etc/devices, but I recall when setting up ttyd2 I had to remove all traces of the port being in use for modems etc.
Hey Ho! Pip & Dandy!
:O2: :1600SW: :O2: :1600SW: :Octane2: :1600SW: :1600SW: :Octane2: :Octane: :Indy: :540:
assuming you're talking about 6.5 it's part of sysadmdesktop.sw.sysadm