smj wrote:
Working in IT on Wall Street, we were happily getting by with just a DEC or Sun workstation on our desk in the mid-90s. Largely because we had licenses for things like Applix Aster*x (office suite), IslandWrite, ZMail, Wingz spreadsheet, etc.
Ja, you can do pretty much whatever you want on Irix, too. The problem is not what you send, it's what you get. This g-d docx thing feels like a time warp back to 1995
You would think humans would be smarter than that by now, wouldn't you ? We standardized on base 10 and arabic letters, we standardized on paper sizes, we standardized on railroad gauges, we standardized on 24 hours per day and 12 months per year, we standardized on nuts and bolt sizes, we standardized on road widths, we standardized on plywood sizes and nail sizes and wire sizes and red yellow green for traffic lights but given the chance to set up a standard right from the beginning, it was 2,000 BC all over again. Without Raquel Welch or the dinosaurs