vishnu wrote: but since it's 64 bit there's no point trying to compile it on that?![]()
how so?
vishnu wrote: but since it's 64 bit there's no point trying to compile it on that?![]()
duck wrote: Personally I still prefer modelling on the SGI, the UI--particularily on OSX--is suffering from nasty porting artifacts
hamei wrote:foetz wrote: as a little xmas special i put up some packages for 6.2 and a few for 5.3. ... etz%2F6.2/
Xbae ! Woo-hoo ! you be da man, foetz ! Thank you![]()
Now I have to go see what you did to make it build ...
sgtprobe wrote: I haven't bothered to try Maya 6.5 on my Old Indigo 2 with extreme graphics yet, but it does handle Softimage very nicely.
Code: Select all
Trippynet wrote: Biggie for me would be (limited) support for CSS. Neko Dillo doesn't support CSS at all I believe, whereas Dillo 3 does have basic support. And anything that improves rendering of pages without the speed penalties of modern browsers gets a thumbs-up from me!
Code: Select all
LIB_NAME = vknew
LIB_TARGET = /usr/local/jimmer
LIB_DIR = lib
INC_DIR = include
MAN_DIR = man
INCDIRS = -I. -I/usr/include
LIBDIRS = -L/usr/lib32
X11LIBS = -lXpm -lXt -lX11 -lPW
MOTIFLIBS = -lSgm -lXm
VKLIBS = -lvk
CXXOPTS = -O3 -LANG:std -LANG:exceptions=off -OPT:Olimit=0
LIB_OBJS = VkEntry.o \
VkEntryFinder.o \
VkConfig.o \
VkConfigItem.o \
VkSplash.o \
VkTimer.o \
all : lib
lib : $(LIB_OBJS)
$(CXX) -shared -o ../$(LIB_DIR)/lib$(LIB_NAME).so $(LIB_OBJS)
cp *.h ../$(INC_DIR)
cp ../$(LIB_DIR)/* $(LIB_TARGET)/$(LIB_DIR)
if test -d $(LIB_TARGET)/$(INC_DIR)/$(LIB_NAME_DIR); then echo "$(LIB_TARGET)/$(INC_DIR)/$(LIB_NAME_DIR) exists."; else mkdir $(LIB_TARGET)/$(INC_DIR)/$(LIB_NAME_DIR); fi
cp ../$(MAN_DIR)/* $(LIB_TARGET)/$(MAN_DIR)/man3
%.o : %.C
${CXX} ${CXXOPTS} ${INCDIRS} -c $<
clean :
rm -rf $(LIB_DIR)/*
rm -rf $(INC_DIR)/*
rm -rf *.o core *~ ii_*
Code: Select all
CXXC_OPTS = -O3 -LANG:std -LANG:exceptions=off -OPT:Olimit=0
APP_NAME = comix
Globals.o \
App.o \
Main.o \
UI.o \
Viewer.o \
Reader.o \
DIRS_INC = -I. -I/usr/local/jimmer/include
DIRS_LIB = -L/usr/local/jimmer/lib
LIBS_STD_C = -lm
LIBS_X11 = -lXt -lX11 -lPW
LIBS_MOTIF = -lSgm -lXm
LIBS_VK = -lvk -lvknew
LIBS_EXTRA = -lifl
$(LIBS_VK) \
$(LIBS_X11) \
# Suppress MIPSpro compiler warnings:
# 15 - Multiply defined
# 84 - libxxx not used for resolving any symbol
LINK_OPTS = -woff 15,84
all : $(APP_NAME)
%.o : %.C
${CXXC} ${CXXC_OPTS} ${DIRS_INC} -c $<
clean :
rm -rf ${APP_NAME} *.o core *~ ii_* dir.txt
jimmer wrote:foetz wrote: in case of a dso that's only used for one program a static build usually is better. jimmer might consider that.
Fair point. I have removed the dependency on VkNew. For extra Hamei Happiness this means there's also nothing going on in /usr/local anymore. Downside is that there's no pretty splash screen for the moment.
rvic wrote: Thank you for the effort
Are these packages for 6.5.22 minimum or they could be installed in let's say 6.5.15 ?
hamei wrote: Is it a little faster, or is that just because I'm looking at a smaller version ?
mapesdhs wrote: PPS. foetz, on Thursday I upgraded an Indy at a textile company with two OCZ Vertex4
64GB SSDs, R4K/200, max RAM. Since it has a Sony PSU, it now makes no noise at all .![]()
Beats the Indigo2, hehe.
Trippynet wrote: the system only has a 10MB SCSI
ClassicHasClass wrote: Another year, another machine room panorama.
hamei wrote: I never installed the debug Viewkit libaries ... oops
vishnu wrote: This is weird, I can compile my own C code that includes inttypes.h, it doesn't complain about it at all, but the C++ compiler pukes all over it.
The C code is:
The C++ code is:
Code: Select all
* Module: inttypes.h
* $Revision: 1.6 $
* $Date: 2002/09/10 02:57:20 $
seed wrote: I'm only interested in keeping the case from this Octane
ELECTROGIG's GIG3DGO is a full-featured 3D graphics software system that offers basic modeling, rendering and animation in their base package. GIG3DGO Advanced includes organic modeling/animation and distributed rendering capabilities. The company's products are well recognized, by customers and industry observers alike, for their ease-of-use, high speed rendering capabilities and intuitive solids-based modeling approach. Earlier this year, BYTE magazine named GIG3DGO 3.0 "Best-of-Show" in the multimedia category at CeBit in Hanover, Germany.
arhiman57 wrote: It's running on 5.3 or 6.2 ?