I used 5dwm (early MaXX desktop) while its binaries were compatible with Slackware (which is the only Linux distribution I've ever used, when you've got the best why mess with the rest), after which I went back to the same WM I started out with on Unix 25 years ago[1], mwm, although I did copy over the 5dwm sgi-like root window colors into my .mwmrc, like so:
Menu Backgrounds
"Backgrounds" f.title
"Indy" f.exec "xsetroot -solid DodgerBlue3"
"Crimson" f.exec "xsetroot -solid SkyBlue4"
"O2" f.exec "xsetroot -solid SteelBlue4"
"Indigo" f.exec "xsetroot -solid RoyalBlue4"
"Octane" f.exec "xsetroot -solid DarkCyan"
"Onyx" f.exec "xsetroot -solid DarkSlateBlue"
Note that you have to have the line
"Backgrounds" f.menu "Backgrounds"
in your .mwmrc DefaultRootMenu section for this to work.
[1] Yeah, I know, I'm one of those