The collected works of vishnu - Page 24

When it comes to spirits I definitely prefer clear ones (rum gin vodka) my palate is too sensitive for the real stuff ( uisge beatha ). :P
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The Dillo mailing list has been humming like a hive the last few weeks, not to give out any spoilers but the most active topic has been "what's currently broken in dillo"... :shock:
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If they don't do that they can't recalculate their page ranks based on what users click on, frankly I'm surprised they weren't doing this up to now, since it's that type of page rank that made google so accurate and thus drove infoseek and altavista and excite even pretty much yahoo! out of the search business...
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You guys and your years, this is about as long as I've ever gone; my circa-1997 200MHz Pentium Pro all-purpose firewall, BBS dialer and wireless access point to my neighbor's networks:
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Obviously priceless, but if this were Antiques Roadshow the experts would estimate that for insurance purposes the value is... :?: :?: :?:
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duck wrote:
ClassicHasClass wrote: mens526? Sounds like a total sausage fest.

ISTR Mensa (latin for table) was originally supposed to be "Mens" (mind) but it seems they saw their error and changed it...

Ha ha, you guys are so funny! But as I've explained elsewhere, mens526 = "mechanical engineering sun number 526," so there are at least that many Blade 2500's in the building. Shocking, I know... :shock:

duck wrote: On a sadder note, the alpha suffered a fan failure (the reset pin is triggered on the CPU if no tach signal is found on the fan) and my uptime is now a shaky 2 days, with hopes that nothing else is broken since it rebooted spontaneously once after the replacement... :-(

I even got a nice HP DL160 with twin 4-core xeons and the 8-drive SAS backplane, battery backed 410i raid card and ILO (unlicensed, so completely gimped, grmbl) off ebay to replace the alpha for the more critical services, but it seems that the new machine superheats the air in my closet causing it to go into howling fan overdrive mode and I can't sleep in the next room with that. Sigh.

Still, the alpha seems to run again (knock on wood) so I guess I'll keep the HP as a rack ornament and occasional kernel compiler. Watching it blast through builds with -j 16 was fun.

Sounds like a gold-plated opportunity to upgrade the cooling system in your closet!
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So since nobody uses Motif anymore ( :roll: ) I've embarked on yet another abortive attempt to learn the accursed gtk. I downloaded the "official" gtk "hello world" tutorial, and figured out what it takes to compile it, yes this:

Code: Select all

gcc -Wall -pedantic -W -ggdb      \
-I/usr/include/gtk-2.0        \
-I/usr/include/glib-2.0       \
-I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include   \
-I/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/include    \
-I/usr/include/cairo          \
-I/usr/include/pango-1.0      \
-I/usr/include/gdk-pixbuf-2.0 \
-I/usr/include/atk-1.0        \
-lgtk -lgdk -lgobject-2.0 hello_world.c -o hello_world

And what does it do when it runs? It segfaults! So yeah, that's everything that's wrong with gtk in a nutshell.

For anyone who's interested, a backtrace:

Code: Select all

#0  0xb7e33fdd in g_type_check_instance () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
#1  0xb7e26122 in g_signal_connect_data () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
#2  0x08048855 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffff304) at hello_world.c:55

and the code (comments are mine, theirs are too verbose):

Code: Select all

#include <gtk/gtk.h>

/* callback function */
static void hello(GtkWidget * w, gpointer data)
g_print("Hello, World!\n");

static gboolean delete_event(GtkWidget * w, GdkEvent * e, gpointer data)
g_print("delete event occurred\n");

return TRUE;

/* another callback */
static void destroy(GtkWidget * w, gpointer data)

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
GtkWidget * window;
GtkWidget * button;

gtk_init(&argc, &argv);

/* create a new window */
window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);

/* connect the "delete-event" to a signal handler */
g_signal_connect(window, "delete-event", G_CALLBACK (delete_event), NULL);

/* connect the "destroy" event to a signal handler */
g_signal_connect(window, "destroy", G_CALLBACK (destroy), NULL);

/* sets the border width of the window */
gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(window), 10);

button = gtk_button_new_with_label("Hello World");

/* button clicked callback */
g_signal_connect(button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK(hello), NULL);

/* whatever */
g_signal_connect_swapped(button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK(gtk_widget_destroy), window);

/* packs the button into the window (a gtk container) */
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), button);

/* realize the widget */

/* and the window */


return 0;
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Your estimate of google is slightly generous; otherwise correct... 8-)
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I have diddled around with the fox toolkit, but gave up on it because it couldn't (at least not then) handle UTF8. I bought the wxwidgets book a couple of years ago with the intent of learning that, but actually haven't gotten around to it yet, so that's probably what I'll do next (although the wxwidgets Motif port is sadly either undermaintained or unmaintained). I tried learning KDE once but the fact that their signals and slots architecture didn't work with any debuggers turned me away. I'm just guessing but there's probably a fix for that now...
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ClassicHasClass wrote: No idea. Let's not find out.

Nice Army base ya got 'ere Colonel, wouln't want anything to 'appen to it!
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Strictly speaking it's not the KDE toolkit it's the K Desktop Environment which is built with the qt toolkit from Troll Tech. The consensus seems to be that qt is the best C++ based toolkit but, and at least this was the case last time I looked at it, it runs a preprocessor over your code which implements their signals and slots architecture so really when you're debugging, you're not debugging the code you wrote, you're debugging the code you wrote that the preprocessor modified, and, at least back then, there weren't any debuggers that could understand that. I'm sure it's all different now I haven't looked at it in a decade at least, and have pretty much stuck with Motif that whole time... :roll:
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duck wrote:
hamei wrote: all mei you, so bye-bye duck from Philly ..... (the one from Finland is safe) :(

Don't be too sure, I recently got a job as a web programmer :-)

Really? If that's not just a specious verbalism to tweak hamei, then congratulations! :D
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They'd run Pro/Engineer 2001i alright! And before bursting into peals of laughter recall that single-seat licenses of that version started at around $25,000... :shock:
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Ian's got an Octane dual R10K 250 for sale for 125UKP, about halfway down the page:
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I shudder to think what they would have charged for my maxed out Octane2 15 years ago...
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Well I suppose if I'd ever actually used KDE I'd have been more disposed to look kindly upon their toolkit of choice. I do remember an article Eric Foster-Johnson wrote in Unix Review way back when saying that KDE would be the holy grail for the Unix desktop, that the Unix desktop could finally be as polished and well integrated as Windows. Say what you will about Mickeysoft but they got OLE right. But when no commercial Unix vendor ever adopted KDE it just made me wonder. Now the deeper I get into the wxwidgets book the more I'm appreciating the design and simplicity of Xt and Motif... :lol:
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I'm thinking about buying one of those portable room air conditioners, with 5 computers on in the computer room the whole house air conditioner just can't handle the watts. I don't know what the story is in Jakobstad, do you ever need an air conditioner there? All my ancsestors came from above the arctic circle in Norway and they all assured me that no one ever uses air condtioning there... 8-)

Back before they air conditioned the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome it used to get brutally hot during the height of summer, and the beer vendors would be yelling "beer, get your beer here, air conditioning in a cup!" :twisted:
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Nothing like a little delicate Octane surgery to stretch your day into the wee hours. How dusty was it inside the poor thing? Octanes are notorious dust collectors... :x
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recondas wrote:
vishnu wrote: I shudder to think what they would have charged for my maxed out Octane2 15 years ago...
Eight years ago a number of us bought new 600MHz V12 Octane2s directly from SGI for $600 (no, I didn't leave out any zeros :D ).

I remember it well, and now sgi seems to have purged the remarketed link from their website... :evil:
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How do the compression connectors look? Warped or oxidized? Any evidence of overheating, charred PC boards in the system unit or power supply? Non-Vpro graphics are pretty cheap these days when they show up on Ebay. Or you could pay the premium price for a brand new one at Ian's depot... ;)
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That's pretty impressive, why isn't that guy a member here? Someone should extend him an invitation to join... :P
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mopar posted a price list from 2006 in this topic: Revelatory! :shock:
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World domination! Or something... had a quite similar setup but they've apparently gone offline for good...
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I was all set to buy one but then made the mistake of reading the user reviews of the various portable room air conditioners that they sell at Home Despot which put the stop to that effort in short order. But if you like yours Classic I'm sure it will be more than good enough for me, what version is it?

Duck, heat pump do you mean swamp cooler? Those are awesome in arid environments but don't work for crap in humidity.

Current temp here is -4 degrees C on its way down to -11 later tonight, better take the dog for her walk before it gets too cold.
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Is that Leisure Suit Larry I spy on the hard drive? :shock:

I've got DOS 2.2 on Verbatim 5.25 inch floppies circa 1984, last time I tried to boot them they still worked, but that was a few years ago...
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:Tezro: :Octane2:
Don't you go getting all Unabomber on us now hamei... :lol:
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ClassicHasClass wrote: 1. Squat.
2. ????
3. Profit!

I'll invest!!! :lol:
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I looked on Ebay and you're right, they're practically giving them away. The one I saw that did come with the dongle was $1600 US though. Makes you wonder what happened to all the dongles, they all must have had one once. Or maybe Avid complains to Ebay if they're for sale with dongles.
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:Tezro: :Octane2:
Guardian452 wrote: There are other creative solutions, depending on your environment, this may or may not be suitable...

Ha ha that is awesome! I was thinking about doing the same sort of thing, to pump air up from my basement through the laundry chute to the computer room, with fans on both ends... 8-)
ClassicHasClass wrote: After all that I didn't post the model. It's an LG LP1111WXR. The related LG LP1311BXR is mechanically identical.

Thanks! I'll be picking one up at the Home Despot post-haste. Ipso-facto... :mrgreen:
hamei wrote: For an individual room, if it's long-term I still think the aircons we use here are the way to go. The fan and some cooling coils are inside the room in a box high up on the wall, the compressor and heat exchanger live outside. It's all connected by a couple insulated hoses through the wall. 3" hole through the wall is enough. They make them in small sizes, too.

Vendor? I'm not a guy who's afraid to put three inch holes through the wall of his house, in fact I've got my three inch hole saw right here... :twisted:
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You didn't get Premier to work? Does it hang at startup and never even get to putting up the splash screen? And you have to manually kill the process? Because that's what happens on my V12 Octane2. From what others have posted I apparently mistakenly assumed that VPro was the culprit but it's obviously more complicated than that... :oops:
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:Tezro: :Octane2:
Then again, if you don't do searches for things like pressure cookers who cares if they track you? My search history is full of strings like XmGetPixmap(XtScreen(XtParent(w)) - it's a wonder the FBI isn't kicking my door in even as we speak... :evil:
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smj wrote: GPS directions were off, give us about 30 minutes... :lol:

I'm so viewed... :shock:
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Wow, thanks for the infodata guys! :mrgreen:

So much to do so little time... :shock:
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hamei wrote: No problem. Once you take off the clothes and tape up their mouth, you can't tell a commy from your garden-variety Goldwater Republican :D

Another wild night in the monastery there, eh buckaroo? :mrgreen:
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:Tezro: :Octane2:
hamei wrote:
vishnu wrote: Another wild night in the monastery there, eh buckaroo? :mrgreen:

Did you know that in the middle ages monasteries and their attached nunneries were hotbeds of licentious behavior ? :shock: :shock:

Indeed; the catholic church in particular didn't ban marriage or require celebacy until the 11th century, in particular to prevent the clergy from looting the church coffers to enrich their families... :shock:
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:Tezro: :Octane2:
Welcome to The Cloister and congratulations on your ordination to The Order! :mrgreen:
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Compiling custom VFOs is light years above my pay grade but if you post the Sony's EDID recondas will happily use his god-like VFO skills to compile one for you. 8-)

We need an angel smiley...
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Doesn't the Discreet (Autodesk) software that comes with those things have a way of taking care of that for you?
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hamei is a little off on the boy/girl ratio but otherwise that image sums up our membership quite nicely... :lol:
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Proxies are low resolution images that you substitute for your high resolution images so you can work faster. Once your script is assembled with proxies you return it to full resolution for final render. You can also use proxies to temporarily view anamorphic images in flattened space. Proxies are controlled in three ways in the Globals section of the interface, useProxy, useProxy + pre-rendering your proxy files, and interactiveScale. Click on the Globals tab in the Parameters workspace and expand the useProxy setting... Enjoy! :mrgreen:
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