Anyone else interested in getting Rabbitmq ported?
I spent a little time this morning working on getting erlang compiled (which it needs) - I will hopefully get that component compiled and into a tardist this weekend at the very least.
I spent a little time this morning working on getting erlang compiled (which it needs) - I will hopefully get that component compiled and into a tardist this weekend at the very least.
33mhz R3k/48mb/XS24 150mhz R4400/256mb/XL24 600mhz R14kA/2gb/V10 8x1.4ghz Itanium 2/8GB 32x600mhz R14kA/24GB 4x700mhz R16k/8GB/V12/DCD/SAS/FC/DM5 2x700mhz R16k/4GB