The collected works of recondas - Page 9

The Altix and the rack mounted Prism hardware differ in that SGI retained the processors but replaced the PCI-X slots with AGP slots. Compare a the EEPROM section of an L1 "serial all" run on an Altix :
EEPROM      Product Name    Serial         Part Number           Rev  T/W
----------  --------------  -------------  --------------------  ---  ------
INTERFACE   IPF_2UINT       NGL5xx         030_1954_004          A    00
NODE        IP57            NCT4xx         030_1951_005          A    00
RISER       2U_RISER        NHT1xx         030_1808_006          B    00
IO9         IO9             NJJ744         030_1771_005          A    00
PS 1        no hardware detected
PS 2        DPS-500EBE      XPD0351005656  060-0178-003          S4
with the same L1 serial all output from Prism XG2N brick:
001g16-L1>serial all
EEPROM      Product Name    Serial         Part Number           Rev  T/W
----------  --------------  -------------  --------------------  ---  ------
INTERFACE   TIO_IPF_2UINT   NGS8xx         030_1993_003          A    00
NODE        IP57            NJY2xx         030_1951_005          A    00
RISER       TIO_AGP_RISER   NGB9xx         030_1992_002          B    00
PS 1        DPS-500EBE      XPD0416002773  060-0178-003          S4
PS 2        DPS-500EBE      XPD0416002763  060-0178-003          S4

The other difference might well be in how the PROM/firmware recognizes/initializes/communicates the graphics hardware in the Prism XG2N <a similar example for an Altix can be found here >:
001c16#0c: SGI SAL Version 4.43 rel051202 IP41 built 02:14:24 PM Dec  2, 2005
001c16#0a: SGI SAL Version 4.43 rel051202 IP41 built 02:14:24 PM Dec  2, 2005
Probing memory DIMMs ......................             DONE
Initializing memory controller ............             DONE
Initializing memory .....................               DONE
Switching to RAM ..........................             DONE
Discovering NUMAlink connectivity .........             DONE
Found 3 objects (1 chipsets, 0 routers, 2 iochipsets) in 398709 usec
Waiting for peers to complete discovery....             DONE
Initializing headless node module/001b16/slab/1/xtalk
Initializing headless node module/001b16/slab/2/xtalk
Late initialization of headless node module/001b16/slab/1/xtalk
Late initialization of headless node module/001b16/slab/2/xtalk
Checking partitioning information .........             DONE
Erecting partition fences .................             DONE
2 CPUs on 3 nodes found.
Decompressing SAL runtime .................             DONE
Loading SAL runtime .......................             DONE
Decompressing EFI .........................             DONE
Loading EFI ...............................             DONE

Altix IO Topology Information
Serial Number:R200xxxx

----------- -------------     ---------------------       -------------------
0x0000        0x07         GAbrick  001:16    03      001c16:slot0:slab1:corep
0x0000        0x0b         GAbrick  001:16    03      001c16:slot0:slab2:corep

starting emulator
halt_sys: file ../../../../../../efi1_10/edk/Drivers/VgaClass/ops.c, line 9834
done posting VBIOS

starting emulator
halt_sys: file ../../../../../../efi1_10/edk/Drivers/VgaClass/ops.c, line 9834
done posting VBIOS

PcdpAddPciDevice Index 0 bus 0x7 device 0 function 0
Picked segment 0 bus 7

PcdpAddPciDevice Index 1 bus 0xB device 0 function 0
Picked segment 0 bus 7

EFI version 1.10 [14.62] Build flags: EFI64 Running on Intel(R) Itanium Process
EFI IA-64 SDV/FDK (No BIOS ) [Dec  2 2005 14:10:20] - INTEL

Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Broadcom Corporation
Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet EFI driver v8.1.1

EFI Boot Manager ver 1.10 [14.62]

Partition  0:                           Enabled Disabled
CBricks          1         Nodes          3        0
RBricks          0         CPUs           2        0
IOBricks         1         Mem(GB)        4        0

Loading device drivers
EFI Boot Manager ver 1.10 [14.62]
Partition  0:                           Enabled Disabled
CBricks          1         Nodes          3        0
RBricks          0         CPUs           2        0
IOBricks         1         Mem(GB)        4        0

Please select a boot option
SGI ProPack(TM)
EFI Shell [Built-in]
Boot option maintenance menu

Use ^ and v to change option(s). Use Enter to select an option

It looks like SGI included an emulator in the XG2N firmware to load the BIOS on the graphics boards and initialize them. If that code is missing in the Altix you'll probably have to find a firmware or operating system work-around.

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Marketing info: ... nfigs.html

Technical info: ... /ch01.html

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hamei wrote:
Could you people fuck it up any worse ?
Oh, we probably could/will.

Just out of curiosity, are you claiming the distance exemption from the generic "you people"? That doesn't sound very working class hero-ish to me - thought the janitor would always be there to help clean up the mess.....


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pilot345 wrote: Ok it looks like pierocks confirmed that this push pull locker WILL NOT clear the heatsinks and ram!
So it looks like my ghetto method is going to prove more useful than I thought.
The width and thickness of the octane and O2k latches are pretty close to the same. There are stand-offs built into the screw attachment points - by eyeball it looks like the stand-offs on the Octane latch might an an 1/8" or so taller. Adding a couple of small washers to act as a shim between the VPro PCB and the O2k latch would probably do the trick.
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Chris - if you haven't already looked, OWWM is a decent reference site. If you don't have 3-phase power, they've got some info for converting three-phase tools for single-phase use here:

If phase conversion is what you're after, the speed and direction control offer by VFD would probably work well with a power feeder, and is pretty affordable if the horsepower rating isn't too high. ... 165&mID=-1
VFD units usually available on eBay too....

Lots of furniture manufacturing business around here. The economy has been especially tough on the smaller ones, so quite a bit of industrial-type/3-phase stuff has been appearing in auctions or with used tool dealers.

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Oskar45 wrote:
hamei wrote:
Pulled out the .45
Excuse my ignorance - in the ^^^ context, what do you mean by that :oops:
Depends on hamei's historical preference for .45s.

If he's reliving the last century he probably meant this one.

If he's reliving the century before that, our chinese expatriate cowboy probably had this in mind .

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Freeware hasn't been updated in several years. I'm not sure that SGI is actively maintaining the site any more - which might explain your issues with the web-based install link.

Considering the age of the freeware version, you might consider running the ssh that's available from nekoware. ... p1.tardist

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fu wrote:
I know what you're thinking. "Did s he fire six shots or only five?"
"To tell you the truth, I forgot myself in all this excitement. But being as this is a Thompson, the most powerful sub-machine gun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you have to ask yourself a question: Do you still have a problem with snoop? Well, do ya, punk?"

<quoted from "Dirty Hamei" - the Chinese knock-off of the 1971 Cinema classic, " Dirty Harry ">.

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jaymax wrote:
any directive on "How to proceed would be helpful"

There's an article in the nekochan wiki on setting up sshd that might be helpful:

....and a nekochan discussion on sshd <also linked in the wiki>: viewtopic.php?t=8221

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hamei wrote:
The only thing that's at all special is that I did a little butchery, used a scsi disk for boot and stuck a 500 gig sata disk in slot two for storage. That worked out nicely.
Nice - how about a photo or two of the mod when you get the chance?

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* InfiniteReality/Reality Software, IRIX 6.5 Release *
Did you use a 2.5" inch SATA drive? Looks like there's room for a SATA data/power cables to go under the SCA backplane <or through a hole filed/milled in the metal enclosure :D >, but it looks like a 3.5" drive mounted in the sled would be too close to the SCA backplane.

Those without an O300 can see the area we're discussing in this photo shamelessly borrowed from neko's hardware gallery . The hard drives are located in metal enclosure in the upper right corner, the LSI SAS/SATA host bus adapter would go into one of the PCI slots in the lower left corner:
O300.jpg [ 195.78 KiB | Viewed 118 times ]

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No doubt faster processors and a V12 would be nice, but I'd suggest getting the system up and running in it's original configuration first - it would probably simplify the troubleshooting process.

Maxed out Octane processors and graphics still command respectable prices. An Octane V12 just closed on eBay for $456: ... 518133298&
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Tried the manual?

If by "AAO" you mean the Acer Aspire One - only took three clicks from the first hit in a google search for "Acer Aspire One Manual" to turn up this:

Using the external VGA port on the Aspire One

If that doesn't do it, you can always download a copy of the entire manual to peruse at your leisure.

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hamei wrote:
maxsleg wrote:
Mars bar :-)

Inspirational :D
Nothing like a warm nougat center........

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* InfiniteReality/Reality Software, IRIX 6.5 Release *
Thomas - To make an evaluation of the Nodeboard LED codes meaningful, you should record the LEDs as either off or on. If they blink record them as on - if they blink in a repeatable pattern, you could also record both the 'blink' and 'non-blink' states for each CPU <see below for explaination>.

A repeating pattern of blinking LEDs is actually a good thing. Static LEDs after CPU initialization is almost always a bad sign, a repeated pattern of blinking LEDs after CPU initialization is expected. Once the CPUs have initialized <but prior to IRIX booting>, the expected behavior is that the Nodeboard LEDs will alternate <blink> "00" and "55". I interpreted your smiley face rendition of the LEDs to read:
    N1A - 00
    N1B - 00
    N2A - 55
    N2B - 00
That and the display of POM1C on the MSC suggest to me that there's nothing wrong with the compute-side hardware in your Onyx2.

I'd suggest connecting a serial terminal to check the output of the power on diagnostics. If you can get to the PROM, you might check an hinv to make sure all looks well <running 'update' probably wouldn't be a bad idea either>. If all looks well at the PROM level, try booting the system with the serial terminal connected.

If it boots, I'd suggest testing the graphics hardware with irsaudit. ... h_irsaudit

The proximity of the your newly developed problem and the addition of your newly acquired RM10s would make failure to initialize graphics a more likely suspect. Your Onyx2 might be halting at the PROM because there aren't any graphics, or might even be booting but not generating a display.
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bviking - on the odd chance you might find yourself in a similar situation again, this makes a pretty good reference <the link is pointed at nogfxkbd, but the entire document can be useful>: ... G355140959

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hamei wrote:
That warm nougat center is the downfall of Man :(
Oh - do you prefer nuts in yours? :D

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hamei wrote:
Hmm. We should research this. I don't get stuff all that often but it's been simple. I wonder if there's a declared value setting or something that kicks the process into pita ?
I think it's just the PO's interpretation of international treaties regulating imports. I just sent a package to an American APO address in Europe - even though APO addresses get domestic postal rates, a long-form customs declaration is required <regardless of the value of the contents>.

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zmttoxics wrote:
How much for the octane2? I dont really need another system, but if its cheap enough I am in Ottawa... :)

Edit: Actually, any idea on what you want for any of the sgi or hp machines? There is an HP job opening in ottawa for an HP-UX systems engineer... :)
philv wrote:
So here's the deal -- if you come pick these items up, they're yours for free.

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SAQ wrote:
Now that 10.4 is completely unsupported (read: no more security patches), what are the Neko types using to run classic Macintosh applications? As I see it, the options are

(d) something else?
A somewhat cumbersome workaround would be to not network the Mac <or option (e) - expose it only to your internal network>. Let other hardware/software pull security/internet access duty, and transfer essential contend or downloads via CD/USB/removable-media-of-your-choice <or behind-the-firewall-only-ftp if you went with option (e)>.

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dc_v01 wrote:
Must depend a bit on the physical size of the package? I just sent a small package to a DPO (same thing as APO) and they didn't ask for anything. The recipient was adamant that I not put the destination country anywhere on the address or package or the PO would screw it up. Were the customs forms country specific?
I think there might be differences regarding the destination region, and i noticed it appears to be sometimes dependent on the type of service used. I ran across a mention all Priority Mail going to certain US Military Mail systems would require the longer 2976-A customs form, or items weighing more than a pound <the didn't mention DPO addresses>:
The USPS wrote:
Tips on sending APO/FPO packages:
    * For packages weighing 1 lb. or more, fill out customs form 2976-A.

Got the same speech about not using the destination country in the address - was told the automated sorting equipment would kick the item into the conventional international mailing system so it would end up with the military host country's postal service, not the US Military Mail system.

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I found a few brief mentions that the nubus "FWB Jackhammer" SCSI controller had RAID support -but not quite enough info to tell if it was hardware or software/driver based.

Also ran across a one mention of SoftRAID and OS 7.5 - looks like SoftRAID is still around , though there's no telling where you'd find a version that run on your Quadra.
SoftRAID Support Archive wrote:
Q: With which operating systems is SoftRAID compatible?
    SoftRAID 2.2.2 is fully compatible with all versions of Mac OS from 7.5 up to Mac OS 9.2.1. Unlike other RAID packages, SoftRAID does not require an extension to mount volumes.

A SoftRAID tweak to boost performance "up to 44%":

Nice photo archive of Nubus cards here:

and if you need another SCSI controller, an ATTO Silicone Express IV Nubus SCSI card for $20:

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rusti wrote:
Do you insiders know that the -12v are supplied by the 12V VRM so that I can be sure this is the VRM to replace? It says 12V on the PCB next to the VRM. It says -12V in another location on the PCB and there is just a big chip with a heatsink nearby (so no easily replaceable part). As I had feared the -12V are not generated by the 12V VRM but somewhere on the main board.
There's an amazing diversity of knowledge available on nekochan - you might consider posting a few detailed photos of the main PCB, and the general area of the -12 marking on the PCB. Perhaps some one can ID the suspect component and offer repair or replacement advice.

ShadeofBlue wrote:
-12V is most likely only used on the PCI-X slots, for backward compatibility with conventional PCI.
Unlikely enough to hardly be worth the effort, but have you tried removing the fibre channel board and any other PCI cards that might be in the I-Brick? Might also check the sliding retaining bracket in the top of the PCI carrier hasn't worked loose allowing a PCI board to be inserted at a slight angle? The attachment screws on the carrier use a smaller-than-usual Torx bit, but in a pinch a the right metric hex key will do the job.

....and testing with a different power bay supply module and cable would fit right into my list of long shots.

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rusti wrote:
I took some pictures which I still have to check and post later. How many megapixel are a good compromise between sharpness and thread loading times.
The nekochan interface will automatically make load-time friendly thumbnails of large photos. Resize the originals by eye so that there's a balance of reasonable file size/enough detail to allow visualizing components on the board.

EDIT: I see you figured that out quicker than I type. :D

I ran the part number that's visible on your board <030-1571-002>. If all else fails, Chris at MCE <j5reward> posted one in an "available spares" list in the nekochan for sale forum a while back .

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* InfiniteReality/Reality Software, IRIX 6.5 Release *
Yeah - I wouldn't count on finding one of the Jackhammer boards with the drivers. If you ever do find a way to do software RAID, a couple of drives striped across the second channel of the OEM host controller and the add-on SCSI board would probably offer you the best sustained disk I/O. If you use reasonably modern drives even a single one could probably exceed the throughput capabilities of your Quadra's native SCSI.

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* InfiniteReality/Reality Software, IRIX 6.5 Release *
rusti wrote:
I was always searching for a place where you can find the location of the console (which brick) and this master / slave thing.
You can change the master/slave configuration by changing the rack/brick/slot designations . That can be accomplished with the L1 command "brick"; basic command syntax is available with the L1 command "help brick".

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rusti wrote:
Any thoughts (or even facts)?
As usual, JJ's answer is right on the money. And while the extra texture memory of an RM10 will indeed offer the benefits he mentions, it's also probably worth noting that the raster memory side of the RM10 offers no distinct advantage over the raster memory provided by the same number of RM9s. Each individual Onyx2 RM is actually a interconnected two board set, each comprised of a raster memory and texture memory board. RM9s and RM10s both use the same 030-1402-00x raster memory board.

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zuluchas wrote:
Very possible. I have 56MB worth of 2MB SIMMs -- if I run across 4 more some day I'll test this as well by maxing out the left board with 2MB and using the 8MB-capable board on the right.
I ran across a static bag with a dozen or so 72-pin SIMMs in it <believe they're some that were included in a box of parts from a surplus sale several several years ago>. A mix of gold and tin leads, most of 'em double sided, and one or two with IBM FRUs. Most aren't clearly marked with a size, but there's at least a couple marked 2, 4 and 8MB.

Sound like anything that might be useful <not that I'm sure what type of SIMM your 4D/240GTX takes>?

EDIT: OK - just checked the wiki and it looks like the MC2 takes 80-pin SIMMs. Excuse the unnecessary boat-rockin'.

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Thomas W. wrote: Where are the RM10??

Thomas - SGI provided a program, "irsaudit", that will do in-depth testing of InfiniteReality graphics boards. I'd strongly suggest you run the program and report back the results section. I wrote a wiki that might prove helpful: ... h_irsaudit There's an example of an irsaudit run and a screen capture of the results section in this post: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=16922&p=132650&#p132650

You might also want to stop in the PROM, select option 5, and run "enableall" and "update" at the PROM command line.

If the the disabled memory banks don't come back up, you'll probably need to drop into POD mode and clear/reset the power-on diagnostic logs. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=16720907&p=7299835&#p7299835
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Thomas W. wrote: done that... now 2 CPUs are gone... :(

Have you tried entering POD mode to clear and reinitialize the system diagnostic logs? <if you need it, there's a how-to linked in my previous post>

Thomas W. wrote:

Code: Select all

Checking hardware inventory ...............
Warning: Inventory table ID value is 0. Check Midplane NIC
That doesn't sound good. If you pull any boards you might want to visualize the midplane to make sure the NIC hasn't been knocked loose. Never had the deskside version of an Onyx2, so I'm not sure of it's location, but it should be similar in appearance to a coin cell battery.

If the NIC hasn't been physically disturbed <or if you just want to play it safe>, you might pull the RM10s and re-try things with your original configuration - just in case one or both of the RM10s have an electrical malfunction or some other issue that's causing your sudden rash of problems.
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Hello curtjr4 - welcome to nekochan.

The Jumpstart procedure mentioned by edefault is described in the nekochan wiki: ... _Procedure

There's also an O2 Troubleshooting Flowchart: ... _Flowchart

The O2 streams power-on diagnostic information over the first serial port - so I'd suggest connecting a serial terminal <you can use Windows HyperTerm or Putty/whatever under Linux>. That option would probably offer the most detail about what is causing the system fault. There's some basic serial terminal connection info included in this wiki: ... l.29_cable

Your O2 might have been bounced around a little too much in transit, so re-seating some of the major system components might not be a bad idea. The O2 Owner's Guide, with basic assembly/disassembly instructions, is available on-line: ... User/O2_OG
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hamei wrote:
The graphics card fits in the case no matter how tall the cpu heat sinks are because they are in totally different areas ... plus bri3d has an Infinite Performance Tezro clone with dual 1 ghz processors.

How come the wiki thinks this ?

I think the wiki is referencing the rack mounted Tezro in general, and bri3d's O350/Tezro-clone in particular - I wouldn't be surprised to find the reference is drawn from bri3d's posts in the original 350/Vpro thread . When installed in a O350, the rear of the PCB on a Fuel VPro would protrude into the 1GHz O350 processor heatsink shroud. The issue is resolvable, bri3d removed the heatsink shroud and has run his system for some time without it.

O350s with 600, 700 and 800MHz processors have VPro clearance issues too. While there aren't any PCB clearance issues, the heatsink used on the Fuel version of the VPro has to be shortened to clear the O350 processor shroud , or the processor shroud in the O350 must be removed. Removing the processor shroud only provides sufficient VPro clearance in dual processor O350s, in quad processor O350s the heatsinks on the rear processors would be in the way even if the shroud was removed.
hamei wrote:
The other possibility would be the tower Tezro which has two xio slots. One slot is physically inappropriate for a V12 because the case gets in the way (testing required to see if it would actually work, case constraints be damned) but in the tower, the processors are on the other side of the midplane so the processor height would not be relevant.
There's been speculation that a second V12 could be run in the tower Tezro: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=16721069&

The the location of the XIO slots on the tower Tezro's interface board is a little easier to visualize in this engineering diagram:
tezro.interface.board.jpg [ 49.42 KiB | Viewed 56 times ]

bigD wrote:
Now that I'm pimping IR3, I'm developed a snobbery against V12, even in a Tezro. ;)
For a megadose of the engineering smarts that put the "G" in SGI, you can't touch InfiniteReality. But the V12 does have at least one non-performance advantage. Tucked inside the short rack the O350/V12 has a barely noticeable fan-noise footprint <SGI kindly put a metal door on both ends of their short rack :D >. An InfiniteReality system, especially a rack system , is anything but low profile when it comes to noise.

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Only it sounds like he might be asking about "on" rather than "off":
cris_adder wrote:
..if there was a jumper on the Indigo2 that forced power on each time you connect the power cable
If that's the case, or he has a system that's stuck in "always powered" mode, then the PROM environmental variable "autopower" might cause <or be causing> his system to auto-power-on. As I recall "autopower", is also platform specific, though I no longer have an Indigo2 to confirm if it is included.
The prom man page wrote:
    Specifies whether a setting of y allows a system with software power control to automatically power back on after an AC power failure. The default setting of n requires the power switch to be pressed to restart the system. This variable is stored in nonvolatile RAM.

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* InfiniteReality/Reality Software, IRIX 6.5 Release *
pilot345 wrote:
they release 6.5.30 source to all the nostalgic hobbyists, and IRIX can live!
Issues how little of the IRIX source SGI actually owns aside, chances are it'd quickly turn into another we're-gonna-do-it-my-way open source cluster fuck.

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* InfiniteReality/Reality Software, IRIX 6.5 Release *
How long is the SCSI cable? The UW SCSI used in the Octane has some fairly severe cable length limitations, as little as 1.5 meters, depending on the number of connected devices. To calculate the overall cable length you'll have to include the distance(s) from the external connector to the hard drives in the drive box.

LVD SCSI allows for much longer cable runs. If your drive box and cabling was intended for use with an LVD controller you might be running into cable length issues.

If the cable length is a problem, the LVD QLogic 12160 is supported <but not bootable> on the Octane - and would have the fringe benefit of offering an increase in SCSI I/O.

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* InfiniteReality/Reality Software, IRIX 6.5 Release *
gkocov wrote:
I'm a little reluctant to buy a SCSI card for the Octane without being 100% sure that everything is ok with the enclosure and the disks.
That's understandable - do you have access to another system you could test the drive box and cabling against?

gkocov wrote:
Do you have any suggestions how I can connect only one of the disks and terminate the chain without going through the full length of the enclosure cable (both the terminator and the SCSI connectors on the enclosure cable are male, so I can't connect them directly)?
Working blind is always a challenge - could you post a few photos of the enclosure?

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* InfiniteReality/Reality Software, IRIX 6.5 Release *
josehill wrote: For now, let's just get a basic list on the wiki.
Looks like Regan already did: ... ct_Numbers
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There's a couple of PI/Crimson drives <with sled or bracket> currently on eBay. The seller, dhjj , is a nekochan member if you'd like to contact him directly.

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* InfiniteReality/Reality Software, IRIX 6.5 Release *
I can echo jan-jaap's success using a Dell 2407WFP with IR. Ditto for a Dell 1800FP and an NEC 1860NX <both at 1280x1024_60>.

As far as sync-on-green and IR go, it looks like it might be possible to change IR sync output. I haven't had a need to try it out, but ircombine includes a method to modify the default setting of composite sync on green. The ircombine settings were probably intended for use with Barco/high-end projector systems and-or video monitors rather than consumer LCD panels, but might be worth a try if you have sync-on-green issues:
ircombine_channel_attributes.gif [ 14.78 KiB | Viewed 72 times ]
See the Video Format Combiner Tutorial in the Onyx2 Deskside Owner's Guide or the the ircombine man page for additional info
sync= [R | G | B | N] - Specifies which of the output components
have sync enabled.  Use a single letter or a combination of R (red
component), G (green component), and B (blue component).  N
specifies sync on none of the components. Default is sync on green

syncport= [COMPOSITE|HORIZONTAL] - Specifies the default setting for
the output of the alternate sync port.  Specifying COMPOSITE places
composite sync on the sync port.  Specifying HORIZONTAL places
horizontal sync on the sync port.  The default is COMPOSITE.

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* InfiniteReality/Reality Software, IRIX 6.5 Release *
There's a exemplar photo and a few other details in the IRIX compatible PCI Cards - A Visual Aggregation thread.

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