Mind you, I'm a die-hard non-Windows user and I have to say that I was pretty impressed with the RC. I've it running in a VM and I actually went ahead and ordered a 64 bit Professional SB disc, so I can run my RAW processing software natively.
The collected works of Hakimoto - Page 4
You the man, dex! Even though I'm all out of SGI kit, big up for the good work!
There's been a lot of talk, chat, flame and troll on the opensolaris lists, despite Oracle having said quite clearly that the release will occur in the first half CY 2010. Most "internal" sources claim that's about the middle of June. Note, this is for the 2010.0x / 2010.1h release. Dev builds are on hold to outside developers and users at b134. They will become available again after the public release of the 2010.0x / 2010.1h release. Again, most "internal" sources claim that the dev builds will resume at b138 or above.
Bit of a bummer, because I've been waiting months to get a fix that is in b135 and well, I'm stuck waiting.
Bit of a bummer, because I've been waiting months to get a fix that is in b135 and well, I'm stuck waiting.
I have a friend in one of the affected prefectures. No word yet. It's bad, really bad. Best wishes to anyone out there, hope you make it just fine! We get earthquakes in Afghanistan, but never like that. Magnitude 8, I wish that upon no-one.
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style.
Eroteme.ch - my end of the internet...
HandBrake is definately THE way to go. The files it produces are impeccable. As other posters said, if there's an issue with playback it's likely the device and not the file produced by HandBrake.
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style.
Eroteme.ch - my end of the internet...
Nice piece of kit! Really!
Indeed, do pop by at times. It's been ages since I last fired up some SGI kit but, well, nekochan is like a second home!
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style.
Eroteme.ch - my end of the internet...
Self-moderation is the buzzword indeed. When things go out of hand, be sure that one of us will come and lock y'all down.

The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style.
Eroteme.ch - my end of the internet...
@Oskar45: Your point is well taken. The reason there's the no politics rule is because back in the day, as you may well remember, we had political discussions go way out of hand. I suppose, yes, the rule is arbitrary, as is our [the mods] judgement whether to shut down any given thread. I should think that over the years things have 'evolved' somewhat and things go out of hand less quickly and less commonly. Whether this justifies an "update" to the rule, well, that remains to be seen and is, quite honestly, neko's call.

The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style.
Eroteme.ch - my end of the internet...
I picked up a copy of Win8Pro for my work desktop and installed it with a local account and basically shut off all those "connecting-to-the-internet" functions, but haven't played around with it further. Given that I really don't care so much how messed up my work desktop is I figured I dual-boot that with Win7 Pro for now until I either decide for or against Win8 and then think about what I will do with my laptop (on which I use Ubuntu 12.04 most of the time anyway), as on that I have chemical visualisation software which I already wonder about in terms of "compatibility".
Life beyond SGI? I moved to Afghanistan and am still here.
Nah, seriously: We work so much (six days a week) that there's precious little time left on Fridays (our days off) to get anything done, so life beyond SGI is mostly family life, some further education and watching quality movies. Been thinking of actually making movies now after having watched thousands myself.

Nah, seriously: We work so much (six days a week) that there's precious little time left on Fridays (our days off) to get anything done, so life beyond SGI is mostly family life, some further education and watching quality movies. Been thinking of actually making movies now after having watched thousands myself.
@skywriter: Got tired of Europe, to be quite honest. Life's sure much harder here, but more redeeming, too.
@hamei: Well said, as always.
@hamei: Well said, as always.
Life here is more immediate, I would say. Like I know EVERYone in my neighbourhood, EVERYone asks after your health and the family. Also people have good people-memory here. I take (standard issue) yellow cabs most of the time and over the (now more than 5 years) people get to know you. So it's funny to have a random taxi stop and address you by name, even after a year or more.
Life's simpler, too. I mean, ok, in Europe it's what - work, play, sleep, repeat. I guess we have more work and less play here. But it's the whole attitude. The fact that whereever you go, if you know people or not, if you're a guest you're a friend of God and you have to sit down and have tea and people will share their food with you even if they have barely any of their own.
I guess it's more heartfelt here. Given all the misery, I guess that's the only thing people have left. Each other.
Favourite part? A few years ago I met a guy who belongs to one of the ethnic minorities (ok, we have A LOT of ethnicities here, but this is a real minority), the Pashayi people. They have their own language, own culture. So I've been to their homeland twice so far, learned some of their language, in return they've treated me like their long-lost brother and I feel privileged to be able to go there because it's in the South-East of Afghanistan, pretty much a no-go zone for anyone who's not from there. I have beautiful pictures from there, just haven't gotten round to putting them up on my (barebone) website yet. Once I do, I'll give a heads-up here. Then everyone can see what I'm talking about.
Life here is more immediate, I would say. Like I know EVERYone in my neighbourhood, EVERYone asks after your health and the family. Also people have good people-memory here. I take (standard issue) yellow cabs most of the time and over the (now more than 5 years) people get to know you. So it's funny to have a random taxi stop and address you by name, even after a year or more.

Life's simpler, too. I mean, ok, in Europe it's what - work, play, sleep, repeat. I guess we have more work and less play here. But it's the whole attitude. The fact that whereever you go, if you know people or not, if you're a guest you're a friend of God and you have to sit down and have tea and people will share their food with you even if they have barely any of their own.
I guess it's more heartfelt here. Given all the misery, I guess that's the only thing people have left. Each other.
Favourite part? A few years ago I met a guy who belongs to one of the ethnic minorities (ok, we have A LOT of ethnicities here, but this is a real minority), the Pashayi people. They have their own language, own culture. So I've been to their homeland twice so far, learned some of their language, in return they've treated me like their long-lost brother and I feel privileged to be able to go there because it's in the South-East of Afghanistan, pretty much a no-go zone for anyone who's not from there. I have beautiful pictures from there, just haven't gotten round to putting them up on my (barebone) website yet. Once I do, I'll give a heads-up here. Then everyone can see what I'm talking about.

I always wanted to go to Svanetia in Northwestern Georgia (Rebulic of, that is...). June 2012, I finally did. It was breathtaking. Hard to get to, as well. Almost felt like being back "home" in the countrysides of Afghanistan.
Still want to go to Greenland and Kamchatka, to Ingushetia and the Yemen. (That is these four places more so than anywhere else.)

Still want to go to Greenland and Kamchatka, to Ingushetia and the Yemen. (That is these four places more so than anywhere else.)
@Winnill & @Fu:
thanks for your comments.
Winnill, I suppose technically you could call this xenophobia. Technically. Practically it boils down to thirty years of war during which the highly heterogenous "Afghan" crowd splintered even more. Most people don't realise that there is no single people called "Afghans". There's a myriad of different ethnicities and languages here. The only time they were "as one" was when they fought the Russians. After that things went bad and a lot of trust went away. So now, even from village to village and valley to valley, if you ain't from there you're automatically suspicious. That is until they've spoken to you, formal introductions have been made and you're accepted as a guest. Then it's an entirely different story. Complex country of ours here... I suppose in the West this is not as obvious, due to the higher homogeneity, ethnically speaking. Not that I want to be presumptious here but I guess the differences between a, say, Northern German and a Southern German are less pronounced than between a Uzbek "Afghan" and a Pashtun "Afghan". At least the two Germans speak roughly the same language.
thanks for your comments.
Winnill, I suppose technically you could call this xenophobia. Technically. Practically it boils down to thirty years of war during which the highly heterogenous "Afghan" crowd splintered even more. Most people don't realise that there is no single people called "Afghans". There's a myriad of different ethnicities and languages here. The only time they were "as one" was when they fought the Russians. After that things went bad and a lot of trust went away. So now, even from village to village and valley to valley, if you ain't from there you're automatically suspicious. That is until they've spoken to you, formal introductions have been made and you're accepted as a guest. Then it's an entirely different story. Complex country of ours here... I suppose in the West this is not as obvious, due to the higher homogeneity, ethnically speaking. Not that I want to be presumptious here but I guess the differences between a, say, Northern German and a Southern German are less pronounced than between a Uzbek "Afghan" and a Pashtun "Afghan". At least the two Germans speak roughly the same language.
hmm... I don't have any setups like that anymore. Simply lugging around my 15 " Lotus laptop. But maybe I should post pictures of what my DSL connection at home looks like... getting "uplinked" is pretty adventurous here.

not that i use it anymore, but when i was still packaging for nekoware, i found that the release notes were actually pretty important reads. thus my vote is clear.
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style.
Eroteme.ch - my end of the internet...

what does this do? google search for "vstiff" didn't turn up anything here... then again, my internet's censored, so maybe "vSTIFF" will red flag.

Maaaan! 10 years already! Here's to another ten and what is pretty much one of the finest communities on the net!
vishnu wrote: What was on the site in the three years before the forum was created?

I looove PNG.


Hahaha... love it! If no-one takes it hamei, send it to Kabul, I'll put it in the rack 'ere an' give them folks something to whine about noise!
I don't get this. The Parallela boards that just started shipping for 99 $ (the kickstarter campaign for credit card sized parallel computing), that makes sense. But why pay 900 $ now to maybe get a phone next year? Ok, it looks nice, nicely specced, but hey, if they build it you'll be able to buy it in a shop at some point anyway.
Wicked stuff. I might actually check this out. Good ol' times.
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style.
Eroteme.ch - my end of the internet...
Let's see, Friday at hakimoto's in Kabul:
Morning - DSL line won't synchronize
Lunch - DSL line still won't synchronize, it's Friday, everyone's off, plus it's Ramadan, even if someone was working they'd be braindead from fasting in this heat by now
Afternoon - Occasional synchronization
Evening - DSL line finally synchronizes, PPP connection comes up, one minute later the Chinese hack attacks (hamei?) start in one-minute intervals. DNS server can't be reached. No internet connection. Hm... let's go outside and play with the dogs, who needs internet anyway?
Morning - DSL line won't synchronize
Lunch - DSL line still won't synchronize, it's Friday, everyone's off, plus it's Ramadan, even if someone was working they'd be braindead from fasting in this heat by now
Afternoon - Occasional synchronization
Evening - DSL line finally synchronizes, PPP connection comes up, one minute later the Chinese hack attacks (hamei?) start in one-minute intervals. DNS server can't be reached. No internet connection. Hm... let's go outside and play with the dogs, who needs internet anyway?

vishnu wrote: What firewall are you using? The "drop" feature in iptables is really nice for shunting off those kinds of attacks...
iptables. that's what that little box of crap is using that brings the internet thingie to my home!

i run extra firewalls behind it.
it's horrible.
i gotta talk to the russians today about getting a link from them. oops. did i say that now?

The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style.
Eroteme.ch - my end of the internet...
Gentlemen (do we still have any ladies around?),
after being here (in KBL that is) for seven years now, I have finally gotten round to writing a new website for our medical centre from scratch. Actually that's the first serious website I ever coded and I think it's passable enough to share here:
There's a little gallery section and, of course, on the front page a picture of our centre.
So, everyone who's been curious all these years to what exactly I am up to here, have a lookie!
Cheerio, h
after being here (in KBL that is) for seven years now, I have finally gotten round to writing a new website for our medical centre from scratch. Actually that's the first serious website I ever coded and I think it's passable enough to share here:
There's a little gallery section and, of course, on the front page a picture of our centre.
So, everyone who's been curious all these years to what exactly I am up to here, have a lookie!
Cheerio, h

actually we already have that "kind of link" here at work, they're installing the one for at home today. not cheap, but works sweet and at least "those guys" know what they're doing. go anywhere else in Afghanistan and ask for FQrDNS and so forth and you're met with that "ooooh... did you see that donkey crossing the street" look. but, of course, they're all friggin' experts...
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style.
Eroteme.ch - my end of the internet...
Yep, AKs on the side. Gotta have a friendly inviting picture for the public, right?

@theinonen: that's not a matter of JS. it's a matter of CSS. the menu is coded in pure CSS. JS is only used for email obfuscation and the gallery. see the "technical information" page.
but thanks for pointing it out. i shall tell the boss that our website does not work well on RISC OS.
@vishnu: thanks!
@hamei: we had an application from a lady dentist from former yugoslavia. you should see the picture she sent along with the CV. we figured that if we hired her, well, we'd get into trouble with all kinds of "authorities".

@vishnu: thanks!
@hamei: we had an application from a lady dentist from former yugoslavia. you should see the picture she sent along with the CV. we figured that if we hired her, well, we'd get into trouble with all kinds of "authorities".

Well, vishnu, I don't know where they get their numbers from but most people here live on less than 100 $ a month, so 2.4 M internet users? I doubt it. Then again "they" are always so proud to say that they sent 6 million kids to school since 2001. What everyone forgets is that this means that 8 million other children are still receiving no schooling.
What can I say... home sweet home.
Anyway, hakimoto has the "russian" link at home now.
And a LANCOM Systems "DSL/I-1611 Office" old but trusted German-made kick-ass router as well.
What can I say... home sweet home.
Anyway, hakimoto has the "russian" link at home now.

And a LANCOM Systems "DSL/I-1611 Office" old but trusted German-made kick-ass router as well.

The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style.
Eroteme.ch - my end of the internet...
Hm... here we have wholesale markets and street stands and peddlers and the illegal Bush market (after George Bush) that used to be inside Kabul river's dry bed but was raided and now it's somewhere else and yeah, sometimes the police go around and smash some stands and the day after they collect their "fees" and everything's good and everyone can go buy whatever they want wherever they want. Just lovely. You can get absolutely anything you like pretty much anytime of day and night.

Totally silly. What do people think, really? But then again, people here will sell you crap internet for 1000 $ a month, all things are relative.
geo wrote:
vishnu wrote:
Hakimoto wrote:
You can get absolutely anything you like pretty much anytime of day and night.

Dude, seriously, please tell me you do not go out on the streets of Kabul after dark! Or... Do you?


but if hakimoto = jason bourne, then no further questions your honor

Of course I go out after dark. I've been living here for seven years, it's not like you can't have a normal life. And no, I'm not Jason Bourne.
vishnu, I appreciate the concern, but people in war zones also have to lead normal lives.

And, as a matter of fact I also travel outside of Kabul on occasion. Deep into the South East!

hamei, come one, give me a comment on that one. You must be able to say something about the "deep South".

Been paying for my own mail since 2002. POP3 and IMAP access. What do I need webmail for, really? _Occassionally_ I log in via horde. Just if I don't have another means of access. But "free" email? Please...
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style.
Eroteme.ch - my end of the internet...
Wonderful, hamei. I'm in complete agreement. The social web is rotten. Not counting nekochan.net of course.
And it's funny how forums aren't really considered social networks. Think about it. We guys (and gals), most of us know each other for nigh on a decade now. Despite most having never met! How is that not a social network.
Anyway, good reading on a Monday morning in Kabul. Keep it coming boys!
And it's funny how forums aren't really considered social networks. Think about it. We guys (and gals), most of us know each other for nigh on a decade now. Despite most having never met! How is that not a social network.

Anyway, good reading on a Monday morning in Kabul. Keep it coming boys!
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style.
Eroteme.ch - my end of the internet...