The collected works of Hakimoto - Page 3

ya**u, are you sure that the hobbyist licence only enables root login? that would be most irresponsible of HP (who now own HP/UX AFAIK). i mean, who in their right mind would run root all the time...
yeah, basically it says just that: only user root can log in. shame really. that must be the stupidest hobby licence i've yet seen.
i'd never run daily activities as root. how can they expect someone to do so?
i'd never run daily activities as root. how can they expect someone to do so?
whiter, you gonna sing for us at the meet?

please bear in mind that this part of the board is primarily for sales between nekochan members.
You're welcome to post links to ebay auctions as well, if you judge them interesting or unusual, but please put a [eBay] tag in the topic so that those who don't wish to read the post because it pertains to an ebay item can just skip it without having to look inside.
Thanks for everyone's cooperation.
PS: the old no software sales rule still applies, btw.
please bear in mind that this part of the board is primarily for sales between nekochan members.
You're welcome to post links to ebay auctions as well, if you judge them interesting or unusual, but please put a [eBay] tag in the topic so that those who don't wish to read the post because it pertains to an ebay item can just skip it without having to look inside.
Thanks for everyone's cooperation.
PS: the old no software sales rule still applies, btw.
Yeah, that's the cool thing. We're really international here!

well, looks to me as if that 'gnu' package relies on the freeware tardists available from freeware.sgi.com to work its magic. it seems that the right subsystems are not on those freeware cds of yours or in the wrong version. why not solve the conflicts by downloading and installing the packages it wants? and while you're at it, look at nekoware, we got all them tools compiled too, and much more bleeding edge than the freeware ones, especially if you're running .22 or higher. (blatent nekoware ad)
same here, quite a few job changes and periods of just taking what came my way. currently trying to create a new position for myself with a mobile telecomms company here in Brussels, involves SUN gear, Oracle, custom apps and lo behold, Signaling System 7, which I as of now know nothing about, but I got a fivehundred page tome in front of me for today's reading. Let's hope it all works out for all of us 'dynamicists'.

neko, i dread it already!

this forum DOES NOT TOLERATE spamming. Consider this a public warning, we CAN and WILL BAN you permanently if this is repeated.
Go somewhere else to spam. You will find the mods here are NOT in the mood to tolerate useless off-topic crap.
this forum DOES NOT TOLERATE spamming. Consider this a public warning, we CAN and WILL BAN you permanently if this is repeated.
Go somewhere else to spam. You will find the mods here are NOT in the mood to tolerate useless off-topic crap.
Well, an Indy, a Presenter, cabling and a carry bag... nice ensemble.

I'll be putting Sol 9 on my server soon, I can check it then if I don't forget...
unixmuseum, great stuff. can you post the relevant policy.conf sections by any chance? Would be good to see if this stuff is commented or not...
Hello Stephan and welcome to the forums!
Wenn's einfacher ist, das Ganze auf Deutsch: fixpath ist eigentlich nur eine Textdatei die einige Dateipfade setzt. Die Sache ist die, dass die neko_* Programme nur ausgefuehrt werden koennen, ohne den ganze absoluten Pfad einzugeben, wenn Du vorher die noetigen Pfade (fuer PATH: /usr/nekoware/bin, fuer LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /usr/nekoware/lib) als Umgebungsvariablen exportierst.
Unter csh (C shell) geht das mit: setenv VALUE_NAME VALUE
Unter bash (Bourne Again shell): export VALUE_NAME VALUE
Vergiss aber nicht, wenn Du z.B. setenv PATH /usr/nekoware/bin setzt, dass alle Deine anderen (System)Programme dann nicht mehr im Suchpfad sind, daher solltest Du vorher folgendes tun:
env | grep PATH
Dann notier den PATH und setz vorn heran /usr/nekoware/bin: (mit Doppelpunkt hinten), dann hast Du Deinen neuen Pfad fuer VALUE.
Verschiedene shells haben verschiedene Dateien die sie beim Starten laden, z.B. kannst Du in bash diese obigen Befehle in die Datei .profile setzen, dann werden sie jedes mal geladen (insofern Dein Benutzer auch bash als loginshell gesetzt hat, siehe User Manager im Toolchest, wenn Du Dich als root anmeldest).
Es kommt wirklich darauf an, welche shell Du benutzt, wenn Du dich als Benutzer anmeldest.
Sag' Bescheid wenn Du mehr Info oder Hilfe brauchts.
Wenn's einfacher ist, das Ganze auf Deutsch: fixpath ist eigentlich nur eine Textdatei die einige Dateipfade setzt. Die Sache ist die, dass die neko_* Programme nur ausgefuehrt werden koennen, ohne den ganze absoluten Pfad einzugeben, wenn Du vorher die noetigen Pfade (fuer PATH: /usr/nekoware/bin, fuer LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /usr/nekoware/lib) als Umgebungsvariablen exportierst.
Unter csh (C shell) geht das mit: setenv VALUE_NAME VALUE
Unter bash (Bourne Again shell): export VALUE_NAME VALUE
Vergiss aber nicht, wenn Du z.B. setenv PATH /usr/nekoware/bin setzt, dass alle Deine anderen (System)Programme dann nicht mehr im Suchpfad sind, daher solltest Du vorher folgendes tun:
env | grep PATH
Dann notier den PATH und setz vorn heran /usr/nekoware/bin: (mit Doppelpunkt hinten), dann hast Du Deinen neuen Pfad fuer VALUE.
Verschiedene shells haben verschiedene Dateien die sie beim Starten laden, z.B. kannst Du in bash diese obigen Befehle in die Datei .profile setzen, dann werden sie jedes mal geladen (insofern Dein Benutzer auch bash als loginshell gesetzt hat, siehe User Manager im Toolchest, wenn Du Dich als root anmeldest).
Es kommt wirklich darauf an, welche shell Du benutzt, wenn Du dich als Benutzer anmeldest.
Sag' Bescheid wenn Du mehr Info oder Hilfe brauchts.
klar doch, hab Dir eine PM geschickt, schau da bitte rein, dann koennen wir das Ganze privat weiterfuehren, normalerweise sollten die "Fremdsprachenbeitraege" minimal bleiben.
klar doch, hab Dir eine PM geschickt, schau da bitte rein, dann koennen wir das Ganze privat weiterfuehren, normalerweise sollten die "Fremdsprachenbeitraege" minimal bleiben.

Just out of curiosity, does anyone here have a 4D/60? That would make the oldest MIPS machine out of SGI.... and the oldest to run IRIX in its early stages, if I'm not mistaken...
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style.
Eroteme.ch - my end of the internet...
wolflord, any chance you have pictures of that one up somewhere? i'm not sure if you'd put any in the gallery... real vintage piece of gear, after all...
edit: seen, they are there, in the hardware gallery. nice beast! what irix version do you run on it?
edit: seen, they are there, in the hardware gallery. nice beast! what irix version do you run on it?
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style.
Eroteme.ch - my end of the internet...
Cool thread idea! Edited this post in retrospect, since everyone else took the opportunity to mention what they have too much.
In use
SPARCstation 1+, 25 MHz, 64 MB, two Hawk drives, FDD, on-board AUI transceived into RJ45, still fixing the NVRAM and PROM issues, but will run 2.5.1 eventually.
SPARCserver 20, Dual 180 MHz HyperSPARC, 512 MB RAM, QFE, Sun Video SBUS card, 73 gig root, 50 gig option drive. Uplink via two 100 MBit links, this be my home server.
nice to play with. Have spares to run it as Dual 75 MHz, plenty of backup RAM and replacement QFE board, PSU, backplane, internal cabling and sleds, if ever something decides to break. It'll be as cool, just slower.
Too much, can go for cheap
501-2015 FastSCSI / buffered ethernet, 5 EUR
501-2253 TGX+ framebuffer, 5 EUR
501-2708 SuperSPARC, 50 Mhz, 5 EUR
525-1377 OpenBoot PROM, SM71+, 2 EUR

In use
SPARCstation 1+, 25 MHz, 64 MB, two Hawk drives, FDD, on-board AUI transceived into RJ45, still fixing the NVRAM and PROM issues, but will run 2.5.1 eventually.
SPARCserver 20, Dual 180 MHz HyperSPARC, 512 MB RAM, QFE, Sun Video SBUS card, 73 gig root, 50 gig option drive. Uplink via two 100 MBit links, this be my home server.

Too much, can go for cheap
501-2015 FastSCSI / buffered ethernet, 5 EUR
501-2253 TGX+ framebuffer, 5 EUR
501-2708 SuperSPARC, 50 Mhz, 5 EUR
525-1377 OpenBoot PROM, SM71+, 2 EUR
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style.
Eroteme.ch - my end of the internet...
@ coredog64: how much too hot? i'm going to runa 73 gig 10k drive in it, with the little fan in front of it. Not enough?
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style.
Eroteme.ch - my end of the internet...
Well, if they're giving them out for free, then I suppose that's cool. Don't forget they also offer courtesy keys for some products:
Still, please refrain from discussing change_sid in too great a detail, ok?
Still, please refrain from discussing change_sid in too great a detail, ok?
I guess they'll take it all down with the sinking ship and leave us scavenging with our little neko-acme submarines.

t'is not the end of the world, just the end of an era, after all more than just a few people around here have mirrors...
I was waiting for this! MIPS3 fork! Yeehaw!
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style.
Eroteme.ch - my end of the internet...
hamei wrote:Hakimoto wrote: I was waiting for this! MIPS3 fork! Yeehaw!
Supplement ! Supplement ! Fork sounds so .... divisive.
Ok, ok.

I was waiting for this! MIPS3 SUPPLEMENT! Yeehaw!

The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style.
Eroteme.ch - my end of the internet...
Cool stuff!
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style.
Eroteme.ch - my end of the internet...
toney, on 6.5 you have the option of installing Freeware or Nekoware CUPS for easy access to network printers. Works like a charm here with an HP5SiNX.
Quite possible, I'd originally built that, there was a font issue, dexter1 fixed that, then we rebuilt the patched version again, that was it then. Worked fine though. Haven't been able to rebuild, my SGIs are upstairs under the roof, if I run them it gets unbearably hot (more so than it already is), so if anyone feels like rebuilding, all the info is in the opt subsystem.

joerg, you da man! gdis! wicked!

Time flies by! We're all happy to still be here, I'd say!
Quadruple cheers for nekochan.net!
Quadruple cheers for nekochan.net!
VenomousPinecone wrote: I think I shall sacrifice some peecee's today in honor of this glorius occasion.![]()
shame i don't have any left, the last round of ritual peecee sacrifice left me without any more peecees to sacrifice!

i'm with ya, VP, in spirit though, when you cut 'em up!

Hi All!
It's come to it, I'm moving on from my beloved PSION palmtops and accordingly a little lot of gear is up for grabs:
Documentation and magazines:
- Free with any of the machines: EMCC Programming Psion Palmtops, in three bound tomes, this is NOT for sale it comes FREE with a machine since it's the free version EMCC released a couple of years back.
- Palmtop Magazine (UK) issues 26 - 37, originally cost 5.88 EUR (4 GBP), they go for 1.50 EUR each or 20 EUR for the lot. They don't weigh too much, shipping should be ok inside the EU at least.
- Palmtop Pro (DE) issues 1-15 and 19, originally cost 9.20 EUR (18 DM), they go for 2 EUR each or 25 EUR for the lot. They are practically the same format and weight as the UK ones.
Machines and accessories:
- Psion 3c, 2MB, backlit. Fair cosmetic condition outside, good inside, no hinge problems. Velcro pads attached (for leather case, they've been on for years), backup battery empty, needs two AA batteries to run. Backlight has the common flicker every once in a while, due to a little conductive sponge moving out of position as the machine ages. Can be fixed, I never saw the need. Fully functional otherwise. In original box with manual. original cost 400 GBP, though that was ages ago. Going by ebay prices, this will go for 45 EUR. Small parcel, very light as PSIONS go.
- Leather case for above, though with a big phat CH (Switzerland) sticker on it. originally cost 80 GBP, this will go for 20 EUR or 15 EUR if taken with the machine.
- Psion 3c PSU, EU model, originally 40 GBP, this will go for 10 EUR or 5 EUR with the machine.
- Psion revo+, 16MB, very good cosmetics, slight hinge issues, fully functional machine, original box, cradle, DB9/DB25 converter, PSU (UK with a EU adapter included) and original Quick Start Guide. Originally went for 300+ GBP, this will go for 90 EUR.
- Neoprene case for above, red/black from PalmTec, originally 30 GBP, this will go for 20 EUR or 15 EUR with the machine above.
- Psion revo+, 16 MB, very good cosmetics save for a small white smudge and the hind little rubber feet missing, no hinge issues. Fully functional, no box, no manual. Has cradle and UK PSU with EU adapter. This will go for 80 EUR.
Pictures galore, unresized digicam dumps:
Thanks for looking, terms of sale as per my other sales posts, which means all the stuff is as described but I can't give any warranties since it's second hand (I was the first owner of all the above) and used, but I take great care to check stuff out before I sell it, most people here will know that.
Please PM if you want dibs, first come first served.
Special pricing for whoever takes the lot (I may leave the German magazines out of that equation for those who aren't able to read German...).
So long!
It's come to it, I'm moving on from my beloved PSION palmtops and accordingly a little lot of gear is up for grabs:
Documentation and magazines:
- Free with any of the machines: EMCC Programming Psion Palmtops, in three bound tomes, this is NOT for sale it comes FREE with a machine since it's the free version EMCC released a couple of years back.
- Palmtop Magazine (UK) issues 26 - 37, originally cost 5.88 EUR (4 GBP), they go for 1.50 EUR each or 20 EUR for the lot. They don't weigh too much, shipping should be ok inside the EU at least.
- Palmtop Pro (DE) issues 1-15 and 19, originally cost 9.20 EUR (18 DM), they go for 2 EUR each or 25 EUR for the lot. They are practically the same format and weight as the UK ones.
Machines and accessories:
- Psion 3c, 2MB, backlit. Fair cosmetic condition outside, good inside, no hinge problems. Velcro pads attached (for leather case, they've been on for years), backup battery empty, needs two AA batteries to run. Backlight has the common flicker every once in a while, due to a little conductive sponge moving out of position as the machine ages. Can be fixed, I never saw the need. Fully functional otherwise. In original box with manual. original cost 400 GBP, though that was ages ago. Going by ebay prices, this will go for 45 EUR. Small parcel, very light as PSIONS go.
- Leather case for above, though with a big phat CH (Switzerland) sticker on it. originally cost 80 GBP, this will go for 20 EUR or 15 EUR if taken with the machine.
- Psion 3c PSU, EU model, originally 40 GBP, this will go for 10 EUR or 5 EUR with the machine.
- Psion revo+, 16MB, very good cosmetics, slight hinge issues, fully functional machine, original box, cradle, DB9/DB25 converter, PSU (UK with a EU adapter included) and original Quick Start Guide. Originally went for 300+ GBP, this will go for 90 EUR.
- Neoprene case for above, red/black from PalmTec, originally 30 GBP, this will go for 20 EUR or 15 EUR with the machine above.
- Psion revo+, 16 MB, very good cosmetics save for a small white smudge and the hind little rubber feet missing, no hinge issues. Fully functional, no box, no manual. Has cradle and UK PSU with EU adapter. This will go for 80 EUR.
Pictures galore, unresized digicam dumps:
Thanks for looking, terms of sale as per my other sales posts, which means all the stuff is as described but I can't give any warranties since it's second hand (I was the first owner of all the above) and used, but I take great care to check stuff out before I sell it, most people here will know that.
Please PM if you want dibs, first come first served.
Special pricing for whoever takes the lot (I may leave the German magazines out of that equation for those who aren't able to read German...).
So long!
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style.
Eroteme.ch - my end of the internet...
The revo+ with neoprene case and original box is spoken for. The rest is going on eBay.
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style.
Eroteme.ch - my end of the internet...
jan-jaap wrote:
That's unethical, if you ask me. Even if they were stupid.
I completely agree. That should not be done. At least not here on nekochan.
Beautiful cards. I can wholeheartedly recommend them. Never had any issues with mine.
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style.
Eroteme.ch - my end of the internet...
Aaahh... the good ol' times!

pinball_0 wrote: just got my "xvr-1200" and it isn't
they sent me a agp pro/50 "3D Wildcat 4 7120" darn... this wont work in a sunblade.
I see it will work in a "professional" pc motherboard like a tyan
and it has XP drivers and normally runs between 2K and 3 K in price. Guess not bad for a 60.00 win... any suggestions as to motherboard I should get to run it??
I recommend running that in an Intergraph Zx10. They have Tyan boards in them with the right AGP slot and they perform really nicely, I used to have a setup like that. There should also be Linux drivers for it available from 3D Labs, if not there's always XiG which produces such drivers albeit at a cost.
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style.
Eroteme.ch - my end of the internet...
SUN can be difficult when it comes to people asking about EOL support. I had the same experience. The driver for the XVR-1200, like most of the other SPARC framebuffer drivers should already be inside the current SPARC Solaris 10. If you look here:
You should be able to find the name of the command line setup tool in there. Each SPARC framebuffer has a seperate tool for that.
SUN can be difficult when it comes to people asking about EOL support. I had the same experience. The driver for the XVR-1200, like most of the other SPARC framebuffer drivers should already be inside the current SPARC Solaris 10. If you look here:
You should be able to find the name of the command line setup tool in there. Each SPARC framebuffer has a seperate tool for that.
Ok, checked the OpenSolaris SPARC Graphics Consolidation Download Center:
XVR-1200 uses the jfb* binaries.
Have a search through your system like:
and see if it throws anything back at you.
XVR-1200 uses the jfb* binaries.
Have a search through your system like:
find / -depth -name "*jfb*"
and see if it throws anything back at you.
Hey Frank! Congrats on the second kid! Please give my best to Fem, too, I hope she's feeling well by now. Storm - quite a name there! Sorry to hear about the migraines, I hope you find a solution soon! Take good care, greets from Kabul!
I always thought these are well sweet machines. Even now. Back then they were too dear, today I run Solaris on a custom-built laptop. Still, would have been nice to own that kind of kit.