Hardware For Sale/Trade

Hardware For Sale/Trade forum guidelines...


please bear in mind that this part of the board is primarily for sales between nekochan members.

You're welcome to post links to ebay auctions as well, if you judge them interesting or unusual, but please put a [eBay] tag in the topic so that those who don't wish to read the post because it pertains to an ebay item can just skip it without having to look inside.

Thanks for everyone's cooperation.

PS: the old no software sales rule still applies, btw.
Members who post items for sale are free to price those items <or not> as they see fit. If you don't like how someone does business take yours elsewhere - without any editorial comment please.

The rules of common courtesy apply. Please don't piggyback on some else's For Sale or Wanted post unless they've given you explicit permission.

Offending posts are subject to removal.
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running...(sherwood-root 0607201829)
* InfiniteReality/Reality Software, IRIX 6.5 Release *