Nice piece of post-retro kit there! I had an SE/30 once upon a time. Never got to play much with it, but it was a lovely little monochrome machine. Luckily the floppy drive still worked!
The collected works of Hakimoto - Page 5
International snail mail is, really, a shadow world. I often wonder how things arrive here in Afghanistan. We get snail mail at work occassionally. From Europe. It arrives. Automagically...
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style. - my end of the internet...
I had to look that up, but man, nice piece of kit! Have a pile of fun with it.

The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style. - my end of the internet...
Wow, that looks like some nice piece of retro kit. Again congrats!
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style. - my end of the internet...
Nice one, guys! Big yourself up massively, foetz. Reading this thread really made my day.

The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style. - my end of the internet...
I'm not the one who has to update all machines at work to Win 7 this year. So, no tears.
Niiiiiiiiiice! Aaah, all those sweet Miggy memories...
mdl, nice, nice work. I just realised, however, that we're expected to compile this ourselves. I didn't see that coming. Any chance for a Windows binary?
mdl wrote: I regret not pointing this out explicitly, because it's a really poorly publicized GitHub feature that even I didn't know about until I made this release--I did supply a binary! Hit here.![]()
Haha! You the man!

hamei, you crack me up, man!
favourite rap? since no-one but my main man hamei here's offered up anything, lemme: (Faroe Islands) (Iran) (USA)

Sorry jmjsgi, please see the forum rules. Topic locked.
40k? For CrApple? Nah, thanks...

I never thought I'd fall so low as to put (modern) CrApple hardware up for sale on our beloved Alas, it's not mine!
For sale is my sister's MacBook Pro, early 2011, 13" unibody. I finally got her to move away from that! ;-P
Here's the low-down:
- Some time ago this laptop fell down. Hard. It has a dent on the side (see pictures).
- This is an ex-smoker's machine.
- I replaced the data cable and IR sensor on this myself (thus fixing it), the HDD and screen (and everything else except the dent) are intact.
- The HDD was tested under heavy (read) load and passes all SMART tests just fine.
- I reasonably cleaned the machine inside and out.
- i5 2.3 GHz
- 4 GB 1333 MHz
- Intel HD3000 384 MB
- 13.3" 1280x800
- SuperDrive DVD+RW
- 320 GB HDD
- EU charger
Comes with a MonstaLife MonstaMac Sleeve.
The machine is currently in Switzerland but can be easily transported to Germany for shipping inside the EU. Worldwide shipping is no problem either, I suppose. Shipping costs and methods can be assessed individually.
Looking at, explicitly "used" listings, these seem to go for EUR 350+ to be fair. (And some other people on ebay have some really sick ideas about pricing these, I mean 700 EUR for THAT just because it has an SSD inside? Please.)
Offers solicited. Anything reasonable will be passed on and considered.
Any questions regarding non-hardware aspects strictly by PM only, please. Let's respect the rules.
Images follow. What you see is what you get.
Thanks for looking!
I never thought I'd fall so low as to put (modern) CrApple hardware up for sale on our beloved Alas, it's not mine!

For sale is my sister's MacBook Pro, early 2011, 13" unibody. I finally got her to move away from that! ;-P
Here's the low-down:
- Some time ago this laptop fell down. Hard. It has a dent on the side (see pictures).
- This is an ex-smoker's machine.
- I replaced the data cable and IR sensor on this myself (thus fixing it), the HDD and screen (and everything else except the dent) are intact.
- The HDD was tested under heavy (read) load and passes all SMART tests just fine.
- I reasonably cleaned the machine inside and out.
- i5 2.3 GHz
- 4 GB 1333 MHz
- Intel HD3000 384 MB
- 13.3" 1280x800
- SuperDrive DVD+RW
- 320 GB HDD
- EU charger
Comes with a MonstaLife MonstaMac Sleeve.
The machine is currently in Switzerland but can be easily transported to Germany for shipping inside the EU. Worldwide shipping is no problem either, I suppose. Shipping costs and methods can be assessed individually.
Looking at, explicitly "used" listings, these seem to go for EUR 350+ to be fair. (And some other people on ebay have some really sick ideas about pricing these, I mean 700 EUR for THAT just because it has an SSD inside? Please.)
Offers solicited. Anything reasonable will be passed on and considered.
Any questions regarding non-hardware aspects strictly by PM only, please. Let's respect the rules.
Images follow. What you see is what you get.
Thanks for looking!
Haha. See, I knew I was going to regret posting this.
Anyway, update from my sister: "Just sell the darn thing..."
Any takers?

Anyway, update from my sister: "Just sell the darn thing..."
Any takers?
guardian452 wrote: I think your price is about what I'd pay for one that can shut all the way... And was not used by a smoker. Alas, not interested, just bought a rmbp last month so hopefully I'll be good for a while.
Your same number but in USD instead of euro would be slightly more reasonable.
Oh, mind you, that figure was in reference to a non-smoker machine that can shut all the way. It's not " my " price.

We're not looking for that much, which is why I wrote "offers solicited". And you are quite right, the same figure in USD would be what I would consider a reasonable offer for this machine.
Hahaha! You guys crack me up! Well, is no-one going to pick her up and find out?
(I can see the thread already "In bed with Indiga...")
(I can see the thread already "In bed with Indiga...")
Classic, nice work, but the liner notes don't pass Afghan censorship. Nudie pics there, perchance? ;P
Now I'm gonna have to fire up tor...
Now I'm gonna have to fire up tor...
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style. - my end of the internet...
Very nice kit. I have fond memories of Apple ][ clones. Had some myself back in the day. I hope you find a good home for it!
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style. - my end of the internet...
Do not double post.
The only difference between this post and the other, that I can see, is that this one here is unfinished.
You do have the possibility of editing posts, so why create a second new post instead?
The only difference between this post and the other, that I can see, is that this one here is unfinished.
You do have the possibility of editing posts, so why create a second new post instead?
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style. - my end of the internet...
What kind of "arrows" are you referring to? Please post an example
of a code tag here, so we can investigate this further. Thanks.
Changed topic title to be more informative.
Changed topic title to be more informative.
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style. - my end of the internet...
Hi there, jmjsgi.
Maybe it's not explicit enough in the wording of the rule at the top, but the "software rule" we have extends also to requests to receive and / or buy commercial software.
You might want to try finding copies of such software on ebay, they sometimes crop up there. Hope that helps.
Locking thread.
Maybe it's not explicit enough in the wording of the rule at the top, but the "software rule" we have extends also to requests to receive and / or buy commercial software.
You might want to try finding copies of such software on ebay, they sometimes crop up there. Hope that helps.
Locking thread.
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style. - my end of the internet...
OK, I think then we can all agree that the bug is not with the forum software...
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style. - my end of the internet...
dexter1 wrote: Y888099, allow me to suggest setting up a private Blog about these monologues about ancient software worlds
A fair suggestion considering that there is no request for assistance put forward in the majority of his posts. A blog would be a more suitable format.
dexter1 wrote: If you have specific questions about software please ask them here
Yeah, that's why I suggested he post in "Miscellaneous Operating Systems/Hardware" in the first place. Because in "Everything Else" no-one will read these long posts.
Y888099 wrote: So, the interest here is: I want to buy/sell/trade.
Everything else is a waste of time. Understood.
In all fairness to individual sensibilities (and believe me, I have plenty of my own) that is nothing but a childish response, Y888099. You have been proffered what is called constructive criticism and you react sarcastically at best.
The only question you have asked in your post is who needs NPTL. Apparently a lot of people. Mileage may vary.
That you don't need it - fair enough - and you could have asked if anyone knows how to remove the dependency. There: a specific question that would help you along with your problem.
As it stands, your post is just another rant. dexter1 is right, people will just start ignoring you. That's not nice per se but it's not like it hasn't been pointed out to you repeatedly how these forums work.
If you don't get the message when people gently point out better ways of getting the answers you seem to be needing, well, as they say in French "tant pis", bad luck.
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style. - my end of the internet...
@s0ke: As to the original topic, I went minimal in 2007. I run
seriously capable laptop and four OSen on it. Haven't regretted it. Yes, I miss the big ol' iron sometimes, but maybe one day we'll have Indy emulation. I hope you will be happy with your decision, you're certainly not alone with it!
Hope Redmenace finds a good home!
As for the rest, my sincere apologies for hijacking your thread to post the below, but I really feel it's necessary (again).
Did you actually read what dexter1 wrote?
I think that's quite specific advice (again) on how these forums work. It's the "Hardware For Sale/Trade" forum. Compare Raion-Fox's two times two (short) lines of comment and your ever so slightly more extensive post. Thence dexter1's advice that if you want to discuss this at such length to either PM s0ke or address his motivations in detail in a new thread in "Everything Else" where it's not as OT as it very quickly becomes here.
For the record, you're not the only person who's been discouraged from OT discussions in the (rather specific) Bazaar subforums (or elsewhere for that matter).
The point is that going OT in posts in this subforum is discouraged , whether you like it or not.
OT. Not about s0ke's motivations. Not even about the same topic. Just another exposition of how you are dissatisfied with these forums and how they are moderated. That is why dexter1 offered you the advice.
Actually, in (my) fourteen years of moderating here, we've had very few people who have found our way of doing things around here as unreasonable as you seem to find it. Which means that (nearly) everyone else is still here.
I strongly suggest you start here: (Yeah, that's netiquette , from 1995!)

As for the rest, my sincere apologies for hijacking your thread to post the below, but I really feel it's necessary (again).
Y888099 wrote: So, in this forum you have to send PM to keep things private, isn't odds you have to keep discussion private?
Did you actually read what dexter1 wrote?
dexter1 wrote: ... i have no inclination to see these kinds of discussions in a hardware for sale thread. If you want to discuss his decision, PM him or start a thread somewhere in everything else.
I think that's quite specific advice (again) on how these forums work. It's the "Hardware For Sale/Trade" forum. Compare Raion-Fox's two times two (short) lines of comment and your ever so slightly more extensive post. Thence dexter1's advice that if you want to discuss this at such length to either PM s0ke or address his motivations in detail in a new thread in "Everything Else" where it's not as OT as it very quickly becomes here.
For the record, you're not the only person who's been discouraged from OT discussions in the (rather specific) Bazaar subforums (or elsewhere for that matter).
Y888099 wrote: For sure, I don't want to open a topic to discuss anything regarding a simple comment.
The point is that going OT in posts in this subforum is discouraged , whether you like it or not.
Y888099 wrote: It will be a waste of time like talking about linux. Therefore once again, it was the last occasion lost to have a good mini-discussion, born accidentally , which should have handled with a few comments.
OT. Not about s0ke's motivations. Not even about the same topic. Just another exposition of how you are dissatisfied with these forums and how they are moderated. That is why dexter1 offered you the advice.
Y888099 wrote: Go on this way and you will see how fast people will leave the whole forum, which frankly, already looks like a desert.
Actually, in (my) fourteen years of moderating here, we've had very few people who have found our way of doing things around here as unreasonable as you seem to find it. Which means that (nearly) everyone else is still here.
I strongly suggest you start here: (Yeah, that's netiquette , from 1995!)
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style. - my end of the internet...
Ah, what a
"Everything Else" topic!
I'm a synthetic organic chemist.
Question I have is why do you need to be a chemist to manage yourself using Ps or Ts?

I'm a synthetic organic chemist.

Question I have is why do you need to be a chemist to manage yourself using Ps or Ts?

The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style. - my end of the internet...

When I was in high school (way back when), we extracted nutmeg in a project and showed by an analytical technique called gas chromatography that there were different substances in the extract, including myristicine, which is psychoactive. But, of course, we're talking microgramme quantities here and it's not like anyone stood at the exhaust of the GC machine to inhale what came out!

As for the chemistry, "psychoactive drug chemistry" is no more or less dangerous than other organic chemistry. If you do it right, it'll work out just fine and you don't blow yourself up in the process. If you don't, well...

In fact workplace nonchalance is probably the largest danger in my field. You'd be surprised how much energy is contained in seemingly small amounts of substances that are incompatible with each other.

The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style. - my end of the internet...
As tempting as new hardware is to an oldtimer Miggy enthusiast like me, the cost and lack of portability just puts me off. It's perfectly possible to go down the minimal road and run fs-uae with PPC JIT via qemu and run AmigaOS4.1FE Classic on it. That's what I do. Costs a lot less. And I can take it with me (on the laptop) wherever I go.

The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style. - my end of the internet...
@JKG2: I split the topic for you and moved your last post to the "Hardware for Sale/Trade" subforum. Maybe you want to head over there and edit your post a bit, if you feel the need to add some information!
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style. - my end of the internet...
(1)Wikipedia wrote: Alexander Theodore "Sasha" Shulgin (June 17, 1925 – June 2, 2014) was an American medicinal chemist, biochemist, organic chemist, pharmacologist, psychopharmacologist, and author.
I think Oskar clearly meant chemist in the sense of a practitioner of chemistry. To me this use is correct and is the one that should be encouraged. After all a trained chemist (in this sense) can make any type of compound, disregardless of their pharmacological activity.
The use of chemist as "dealer in medicinal drugs" (2) only appears about two hundred years after the use of the word chemist in the first sense became common. This is, unfortunately, British English usage and quite common. People will speak about going down to the chemist's to buy some paracetamol etc.
And I think, dexter1, that what you meant with "pharmaceutist" is, simply, the "pharmacist" in English (British, American or otherwise), the guy or gal who runs the pharmacy that people (wrongly) call chemist's.

An unfortunate confusion, that. I wish people would call things by their proper names instead!
So, for the record, I'm a chemist. Shulgin was, too. Technically, dexter1 is a chemist, too, but non-practicing. Chemists can make just about everything. And the chemists are "almost always correct"(3).

Pharmacists do not make drugs, at best they prepare formulations. That's quite different. PiHKAL and TiHKAL are synthesis books (well, with an pseudo-autobiographical part before) and as such firmly within the domain of chemistry.
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style. - my end of the internet...
using W10 now when I have to (which, fortunately, is only maybe 5-10 % of my computing time), took (as always) a bit of getting used to. The Settings app / CP schizophrenia sucks, yes, and the fact that they removed the direct right-click link to CP in the Creator's Update and one now has to go via other routes to get there for the settings that haven't been migrated yet sucks even more. Give it another year or two, this current incarnation might become usable without the need for too much tinkering with internals to make things work the way they should.
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style. - my end of the internet...
hamei, howdy!
Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your going out of your way to jump off that train and hit town for long enough to write us all a Southern love letter.
(I am still debating though whether showing badges explicitly adds value to your already vivid description!
Whence my statement that you chose to board that train.
I remember that, and you make a valid point, hamei, insofar as one of the weaker points in our collective moderatorship here has been as to where to draw the line. Sometimes that line came down hard and early and sometimes (way) too late and lightly (or, precisely, not). Not long after we mods started discussing our approach so as to be more consistent in the future. (The past having already been burned at the stake.)
I, of all people you'll surely agree, know why you feel the "why" of certain things needs to be discussed. A gander at the this week's world news is all it takes, especially if you're Afghan. And we've had plenty of the why discussions in the past, none of the old crew here needs reminding of that. There were camps, there were strong feelings (probably still are) and we, mods, often let it slide.
So let it be known that I feel your pain, mate. Still, the "no politics" rule has turned strict.
I appreciate your candour, hamei. And thet legacy guy may well be making valid points. What has changed, however, and this may contribute to your feeling I am being an Ass (, too) in this case is the way things are being moderated.
Going OT, devaluation of someone's FS post, posting in the "wrong" subforum etc., I've been walking behind young Mr. Italy for a while now sweeping up, pointing over to the other side of the street and tapping friendly but firmly on his shoulder to say, "hey, if you go about this slightly differently you might actually get the help you seem to be looking for". Alas, and I invite you to look this up yourself next time you hit this station (if you can be asked), our friend don't take kindly to any sort of advice it seems.
And, with moderating policy tightened and him not playing friendly with the others, well, he got full brunt.
So, yes, he may be telling a truth, but, sirree, he was asked to not do so in someone else's FS thread and to just take his feelings to the appropriate subforum and voice them there. It's not like he was silenced . But even that suggestion, to just take it to the other side of the forum, was, quite seemingly, too much to ask of ive/889/legacyTalia.
(Just as an aside: do you know what he pulled off before in his first "incarnation" here on the forums?
Maaan, that was quite something. And when he came back to the commyoonity everyone just acted like no hard feelings.)
What hasn't changed since and likely won't ever again (well, at least till we, the current set of mods, retire) is how things are handled now. Quite a bit tighter than before. If that takes the fun out of it for some, shame, but, really, things were really taking unfriendly turns here and there on the forums. The world (and the internet) may have become a reactionary place. Stuff blows up and out of proportion quickly. No doubt.
I'd like to avoid that here if possible. Just like you chose to board that train, I have to choose to be an Ass in this case, good sir. Thought long and hard about it. Cos it's not my time to leave town just yet. Can't make all happy, sad but true.
You're most welcome and thanks for stopping by!
Safe travels!
Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your going out of your way to jump off that train and hit town for long enough to write us all a Southern love letter.

(I am still debating though whether showing badges explicitly adds value to your already vivid description!

hamei wrote: Ennyhoo, whun thet poindexter showed up n started givin orders, wull, normal like ah take it personal whun some pissant tells me whut ta do but in this case ah figgerred shoot, he kin wraht thet C code shit n ah'm only good fer discussin old banjo tunes. So fer the good a tha commyoonity ah done figgerred ah'd keep quaht.
Whence my statement that you chose to board that train.
hamei wrote: he's agonna deecide what is okay to say and what ain't. Fer example, what pee yoed me off in the first place was a topic that had about six er ten posts already, "Oh them pore people ! oh ain't this terrible !" which was fine with the poindexter but whun ah said, "Hey y'all ever think about WHY this happens ?" then suddenly it wor po-litickal and we cain't say nuthin but yes suh ! no suh ! three bags full suh !
I remember that, and you make a valid point, hamei, insofar as one of the weaker points in our collective moderatorship here has been as to where to draw the line. Sometimes that line came down hard and early and sometimes (way) too late and lightly (or, precisely, not). Not long after we mods started discussing our approach so as to be more consistent in the future. (The past having already been burned at the stake.)
I, of all people you'll surely agree, know why you feel the "why" of certain things needs to be discussed. A gander at the this week's world news is all it takes, especially if you're Afghan. And we've had plenty of the why discussions in the past, none of the old crew here needs reminding of that. There were camps, there were strong feelings (probably still are) and we, mods, often let it slide.
So let it be known that I feel your pain, mate. Still, the "no politics" rule has turned strict.
hamei wrote: And ah'm kinda sooprized at you too, Esteemed Hakimoto, cuz it ain't like you to be a Ass. Cuz thet legacy guy, this tahm he's tellin the truth.
I appreciate your candour, hamei. And thet legacy guy may well be making valid points. What has changed, however, and this may contribute to your feeling I am being an Ass (, too) in this case is the way things are being moderated.
Going OT, devaluation of someone's FS post, posting in the "wrong" subforum etc., I've been walking behind young Mr. Italy for a while now sweeping up, pointing over to the other side of the street and tapping friendly but firmly on his shoulder to say, "hey, if you go about this slightly differently you might actually get the help you seem to be looking for". Alas, and I invite you to look this up yourself next time you hit this station (if you can be asked), our friend don't take kindly to any sort of advice it seems.
And, with moderating policy tightened and him not playing friendly with the others, well, he got full brunt.
So, yes, he may be telling a truth, but, sirree, he was asked to not do so in someone else's FS thread and to just take his feelings to the appropriate subforum and voice them there. It's not like he was silenced . But even that suggestion, to just take it to the other side of the forum, was, quite seemingly, too much to ask of ive/889/legacyTalia.
(Just as an aside: do you know what he pulled off before in his first "incarnation" here on the forums?

What hasn't changed since and likely won't ever again (well, at least till we, the current set of mods, retire) is how things are handled now. Quite a bit tighter than before. If that takes the fun out of it for some, shame, but, really, things were really taking unfriendly turns here and there on the forums. The world (and the internet) may have become a reactionary place. Stuff blows up and out of proportion quickly. No doubt.
I'd like to avoid that here if possible. Just like you chose to board that train, I have to choose to be an Ass in this case, good sir. Thought long and hard about it. Cos it's not my time to leave town just yet. Can't make all happy, sad but true.
hamei wrote: (but ah wish ta thank all the peepel in the passed what used ta halp doin thet, ah do preciate it. A lot. Thanky kindly.)
You're most welcome and thanks for stopping by!
Safe travels!
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style. - my end of the internet...
Good thing they didn't link to here, too, imagine going down from getting slashdotted.
In any case, congrats Eric & Co. for making slashdot.
Good thing they didn't link to here, too, imagine going down from getting slashdotted.

In any case, congrats Eric & Co. for making slashdot.

The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style. - my end of the internet...
Nice piece of kit, jammaster. Hope you get it running fine!
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style. - my end of the internet...
Hello everyone!
I recently upgraded from my trusted DS212+ to a DS216+II along with an expansion in storage space so I'm left with the old NAS and seven hard disk drives. Six of these have been used (3 each of 2 TB and 4 TB) and one (4 TB) is still factory sealed. The hardware was kept very well and is in good working (and optical, in the case of the NAS) condition. All information available to me is given here below.
All six used drives were zeroed fully with dd. These are enterprise class drives, WD RE4s in the case of the 2 TB models and WD Ses in the case of the 4 TB models. Do note, however, that all drives, including the factory-sealed one, are out of warranty as of the time of sale.
The NAS with two of the 4 TB drives inside was upgraded to the latest and greatest DSM version and factory reset. This model still receives regular updates from Synology.
The Goods
General info
Shipping is out of the Netherlands by registered parcel. Tariffs can be checked on the Dutch Postal Services website (1) and some representative ones are included in the descriptions.
All items are sold as is without any warranty express or implied beyond the honest descriptions given herein. All sales are final. Weights are given in the descriptions. Please check the data provided below and know what you are buying!
Payment can be effected by SEPA bank transfer or PayPal and must be done in full before I ship. In general, where applicable, I am looking for less than the bottom end of second hand going prices or best offer. Don't be shy to suggest something, especially if you want the lot. I am offering various discounts if you take multiple items.
Any questions, please ask. Wanting to buy? Get in touch. All via PM please. Items sold or spoken for will be marked as such.
This is some nice gear which still has a lot of life left in it. Hopefully someone will give it a good new home.
Thanks for looking!
Synology DS212+
One available, either empty or with two 4 TB drives or two 2 TB drives inside at a price advantage over individual cost. Total running time estimated at 28,500 h or 1,187.5 d or 3.25 years. Runs DSM 6.1.1-15101 Update 4 (2017/05/25). Specs as per manufacturer (2) . Comes with stock ethernet cable and PSU in a DS-216+II box.
2nd hand going prices: EUR 110 - EUR 200
Looking for: EUR 100, 10 % off if taken with two 2 TB drives, 15 % off if taken with two used 4 TB drives, 20 % off if taken with one used and one new 4 TB drive (a real steal!)
Weight: 2.3 kg without drives, 3.8 kg with drives
Shipping: NL - 8.15 EUR (registered parcel), EU - 21.15 EUR (registered parcel), RoW - 35.95 (registered parcel)
WDC WD2003FYYS (2 TB) (3 available)
N.B.: HDD lifetime percentages are given in function of "the total expected lifetime of a hard disk in perfect condition" (3) .
Drives were used either in the NAS in a RAID 1 configuration hibernating after 20 minutes of inactivity or as external backup waking up three times a day then going back into hibernation. Specs as per manufacturer (4) .
Drives 2A and 2B are in very good condition, used 40 % and 6 % respectively. 2C has a single instance of multi-zone error rate entry, used 15 %.
2nd hand going prices: EUR 60 - EUR 75
New (where available): EUR 136
Looking for: EUR 50, 10 % off if taken with a second 2 or 4 TB drive, 15 % off if taken with a third 2 or 4 TB drives, 20 % off if taken with the new 4 TB drive
Weight: 745 g
Shipping: NL - 8.15 EUR (registered parcel), EU - 14.65 EUR (registered parcel), RoW - 25.95 (registered parcel) (for 1 - 2 HDDs)
Shipping: NL - 8.15 EUR (registered parcel), EU - 21.15 EUR (registered parcel), RoW - 35.95 (registered parcel) (for 3+ HDDs)
WDC WD4000F9YZ (4 TB) (3 used available, 1 new available)
Drives were used either in the NAS in a RAID 1 configuration hibernating after 20 minutes of inactivity or as external backup waking up three times a day then going back into hibernation. Specs as per manufacturer (5) .
Drives 4B and 4C are in very good condition, used 25 %. 4A has four offline uncorrectable sectors, used 11 %.
2nd hand going prices: EUR 130
New (where available): EUR 150 - EUR 250
Looking for: EUR 100 (!) for 4A, 4B or 4C, 10 % off if taken with a second 2 or 4 TB drive, 15 % off if taken with a third 2 or 4 TB drives, 20 % off if taken with the new 4 TB drive
Looking for: EUR 140 (!) for 4D, 10 % off if taken in combination with (an)other hard drive(s) and / or the NAS
Weight: 760 g
Shipping: NL - 8.15 EUR (registered parcel), EU - 14.65 EUR (registered parcel), RoW - 25.95 (registered parcel) (for 1 - 2 HDDs)
Shipping: NL - 8.15 EUR (registered parcel), EU - 21.15 EUR (registered parcel), RoW - 35.95 (registered parcel) (for 3+ HDDs)
Lastly, 25 % off for whoever takes the NAS and all three 2 TB drives, 30 % off for whoever takes the NAS and all three used 4 TB drives, 35 % off for whoever takes the NAS and all four 4 TB drives and 40 % off (!) for whoever takes the lot.
Cheers, Hakimoto
S.M.A.R.T. data for the used drives:
I recently upgraded from my trusted DS212+ to a DS216+II along with an expansion in storage space so I'm left with the old NAS and seven hard disk drives. Six of these have been used (3 each of 2 TB and 4 TB) and one (4 TB) is still factory sealed. The hardware was kept very well and is in good working (and optical, in the case of the NAS) condition. All information available to me is given here below.
All six used drives were zeroed fully with dd. These are enterprise class drives, WD RE4s in the case of the 2 TB models and WD Ses in the case of the 4 TB models. Do note, however, that all drives, including the factory-sealed one, are out of warranty as of the time of sale.
The NAS with two of the 4 TB drives inside was upgraded to the latest and greatest DSM version and factory reset. This model still receives regular updates from Synology.
The Goods
General info
Shipping is out of the Netherlands by registered parcel. Tariffs can be checked on the Dutch Postal Services website (1) and some representative ones are included in the descriptions.
All items are sold as is without any warranty express or implied beyond the honest descriptions given herein. All sales are final. Weights are given in the descriptions. Please check the data provided below and know what you are buying!
Payment can be effected by SEPA bank transfer or PayPal and must be done in full before I ship. In general, where applicable, I am looking for less than the bottom end of second hand going prices or best offer. Don't be shy to suggest something, especially if you want the lot. I am offering various discounts if you take multiple items.
Any questions, please ask. Wanting to buy? Get in touch. All via PM please. Items sold or spoken for will be marked as such.
This is some nice gear which still has a lot of life left in it. Hopefully someone will give it a good new home.
Thanks for looking!
Synology DS212+
One available, either empty or with two 4 TB drives or two 2 TB drives inside at a price advantage over individual cost. Total running time estimated at 28,500 h or 1,187.5 d or 3.25 years. Runs DSM 6.1.1-15101 Update 4 (2017/05/25). Specs as per manufacturer (2) . Comes with stock ethernet cable and PSU in a DS-216+II box.
2nd hand going prices: EUR 110 - EUR 200
Looking for: EUR 100, 10 % off if taken with two 2 TB drives, 15 % off if taken with two used 4 TB drives, 20 % off if taken with one used and one new 4 TB drive (a real steal!)
Weight: 2.3 kg without drives, 3.8 kg with drives
Shipping: NL - 8.15 EUR (registered parcel), EU - 21.15 EUR (registered parcel), RoW - 35.95 (registered parcel)
WDC WD2003FYYS (2 TB) (3 available)
N.B.: HDD lifetime percentages are given in function of "the total expected lifetime of a hard disk in perfect condition" (3) .
Drives were used either in the NAS in a RAID 1 configuration hibernating after 20 minutes of inactivity or as external backup waking up three times a day then going back into hibernation. Specs as per manufacturer (4) .
Drives 2A and 2B are in very good condition, used 40 % and 6 % respectively. 2C has a single instance of multi-zone error rate entry, used 15 %.
2nd hand going prices: EUR 60 - EUR 75
New (where available): EUR 136
Looking for: EUR 50, 10 % off if taken with a second 2 or 4 TB drive, 15 % off if taken with a third 2 or 4 TB drives, 20 % off if taken with the new 4 TB drive
Weight: 745 g
Shipping: NL - 8.15 EUR (registered parcel), EU - 14.65 EUR (registered parcel), RoW - 25.95 (registered parcel) (for 1 - 2 HDDs)
Shipping: NL - 8.15 EUR (registered parcel), EU - 21.15 EUR (registered parcel), RoW - 35.95 (registered parcel) (for 3+ HDDs)
WDC WD4000F9YZ (4 TB) (3 used available, 1 new available)
Drives were used either in the NAS in a RAID 1 configuration hibernating after 20 minutes of inactivity or as external backup waking up three times a day then going back into hibernation. Specs as per manufacturer (5) .
Drives 4B and 4C are in very good condition, used 25 %. 4A has four offline uncorrectable sectors, used 11 %.
2nd hand going prices: EUR 130
New (where available): EUR 150 - EUR 250
Looking for: EUR 100 (!) for 4A, 4B or 4C, 10 % off if taken with a second 2 or 4 TB drive, 15 % off if taken with a third 2 or 4 TB drives, 20 % off if taken with the new 4 TB drive
Looking for: EUR 140 (!) for 4D, 10 % off if taken in combination with (an)other hard drive(s) and / or the NAS
Weight: 760 g
Shipping: NL - 8.15 EUR (registered parcel), EU - 14.65 EUR (registered parcel), RoW - 25.95 (registered parcel) (for 1 - 2 HDDs)
Shipping: NL - 8.15 EUR (registered parcel), EU - 21.15 EUR (registered parcel), RoW - 35.95 (registered parcel) (for 3+ HDDs)
Lastly, 25 % off for whoever takes the NAS and all three 2 TB drives, 30 % off for whoever takes the NAS and all three used 4 TB drives, 35 % off for whoever takes the NAS and all four 4 TB drives and 40 % off (!) for whoever takes the lot.
Cheers, Hakimoto
S.M.A.R.T. data for the used drives:
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style. - my end of the internet...
NAS + 2 used 4 TB drives spoken for. Pending final sale.
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style. - my end of the internet...
Not sold. NAS and all HDDs are still available.
The Bandito wrote: In a few years, no doubt, you'll be able to buy a computer,
software and operating system that will match the capabilities
of your current Amiga at about the price you paid for the
Amiga way back when. But you can smile to yourself, knowing
that you were touching the future years before the rest of
the world. And that other computers and operating systems
will do with brute force what the Amiga did years before with
grace, elegance and style. - my end of the internet...