Okay, I got a new laptop just to do WIndows Phone 8 development on..
The first incredibly stupid thing I did was do "express setup" of Windows 8 Home. It was late, I was tired, I just wanted to install the Windows Phone 8 SDK and go to bed.
Because of the express set up, I had a network or live account or something and no administration rights. Installing the SDK and it completes with the message "Can not add user to Hyper-V group".
I upgraded Windows 8 Home to Windows 8 Pro, fine. Then I changed the account from network to local and then it goes and starts doing the exact same updates again, or at least it appeared that way, half a Gb, a hundred Mb or so and so forth.
I tried to download a Windows Phone 8 sample but when I attempted to open it, that too failed. Couldn't find some sub file of the project. Creating a default project and attempting to debug it fails because the emulator can not be started... Because of the Hyper-V group issue. Every time I attempt to debug something, I have to "Retry" in the message box for the first time after starting Visual Studio.
I started using this laptop without a mouse, moving the pointer across the screen really quickly using the track pad kept getting interpreted as gestures, I kept getting switched between apps and the "start" screen even though all I wanted to do was click on something on the top corner then focus back to another part in the opposite corner. Okay use a mouse and live with it... Track pads are useless with Windows 8..
I woke up this morning and I just pulled the machine out of sleep mode, first thing in the morning, from last nights session, I have at least 20 tabs open in both Chrome and IE-10, Visual Studio open, Blend, and heap of other stuff and a blue screen appears with something like "Will restart in 14 minutes XX seconds to install some important patches, save your work or restart now", so I start closing tabs and emailing myself urls or stuff I might want to read later, another blue screen, 4 minutes XX seconds and the seconds are ticking down... So I am busy trying to close tabs, thinking about what I should do about what is in Visual Studio and time runs out... No option to pause or extend the session a few minutes longer and it just restarts. I am pissed off enough to post this on a Mac before logging back into the Windows8 phone dev machine with out checking what the state of my session is. Just when I was beginning to feel burnt out on this iOS app and in the mood to do some Windows Phone 8 work...
I am going through MSDN on stuff about Windows Phone 8 SDK and other parts and there are 404s and there are pages that tell you nothing useful but direct to something else which in turn puts you in a loop of equally useless pages and stuff like that all over the place. A lot of pages will not work unless you are using Internet Explorer, I can not have some stuff open on the Mac and be working on WIndows8 beside it.. I have to switch back and forth on Windows8. You can only have one Microsoft identity on the machine at one time. It used to be that You can log into say hotmail in one browser with the first account and then log into hotmail with the second account in a different browser. But no, logging into something on IE resets your Chrome session and then on Chrome when you switch from say inbox to sent you get the wrong email sent box. Only one identity at time on WIndows8 , just have the other session open on a Mac for stuff that will work outside of IE. Documentation and developer support is shambolic and you are trapped in a straight jacket working only in IE and having to switch accounts back and forth if you have separate accounts for for different things and it is all tied together through the "identity" .. the developer console, email accounts just for dev work, personal accounts from back when hotmail ran on BSD, logins to training and tools site, etc. God help you if you try to work with any of them as separate IDs.
A real Microsoft faniboi I used to work with a poker machine company suggested an app called Start8, It drops you straight into Desktop mode by passing the "Start Screen", gives you a start button or something in order for you to make it look like Windows7 or something. ... And this from a guy who worships in the direction of Redmond.
I've heard people whine about WIndows8 but man... I am wondering what happened to Microsoft. Seriously.
Addendum: I just checked and it restored the Visual Studio, Phone Emulator and IE session but my Chrome session never existed. To be fair that might have been a Samsung update that got pushed, I saw a "Samsung update blah blah wants to make changes to your machine".. But still... No, option just for a few minutes grace, just bang reboot as you are trying to save stuff.
WindowsXP used have a "Restart Later" button and you could delay things for another 15 minutes..
The first incredibly stupid thing I did was do "express setup" of Windows 8 Home. It was late, I was tired, I just wanted to install the Windows Phone 8 SDK and go to bed.
Because of the express set up, I had a network or live account or something and no administration rights. Installing the SDK and it completes with the message "Can not add user to Hyper-V group".
I upgraded Windows 8 Home to Windows 8 Pro, fine. Then I changed the account from network to local and then it goes and starts doing the exact same updates again, or at least it appeared that way, half a Gb, a hundred Mb or so and so forth.
I tried to download a Windows Phone 8 sample but when I attempted to open it, that too failed. Couldn't find some sub file of the project. Creating a default project and attempting to debug it fails because the emulator can not be started... Because of the Hyper-V group issue. Every time I attempt to debug something, I have to "Retry" in the message box for the first time after starting Visual Studio.
I started using this laptop without a mouse, moving the pointer across the screen really quickly using the track pad kept getting interpreted as gestures, I kept getting switched between apps and the "start" screen even though all I wanted to do was click on something on the top corner then focus back to another part in the opposite corner. Okay use a mouse and live with it... Track pads are useless with Windows 8..
I woke up this morning and I just pulled the machine out of sleep mode, first thing in the morning, from last nights session, I have at least 20 tabs open in both Chrome and IE-10, Visual Studio open, Blend, and heap of other stuff and a blue screen appears with something like "Will restart in 14 minutes XX seconds to install some important patches, save your work or restart now", so I start closing tabs and emailing myself urls or stuff I might want to read later, another blue screen, 4 minutes XX seconds and the seconds are ticking down... So I am busy trying to close tabs, thinking about what I should do about what is in Visual Studio and time runs out... No option to pause or extend the session a few minutes longer and it just restarts. I am pissed off enough to post this on a Mac before logging back into the Windows8 phone dev machine with out checking what the state of my session is. Just when I was beginning to feel burnt out on this iOS app and in the mood to do some Windows Phone 8 work...
I am going through MSDN on stuff about Windows Phone 8 SDK and other parts and there are 404s and there are pages that tell you nothing useful but direct to something else which in turn puts you in a loop of equally useless pages and stuff like that all over the place. A lot of pages will not work unless you are using Internet Explorer, I can not have some stuff open on the Mac and be working on WIndows8 beside it.. I have to switch back and forth on Windows8. You can only have one Microsoft identity on the machine at one time. It used to be that You can log into say hotmail in one browser with the first account and then log into hotmail with the second account in a different browser. But no, logging into something on IE resets your Chrome session and then on Chrome when you switch from say inbox to sent you get the wrong email sent box. Only one identity at time on WIndows8 , just have the other session open on a Mac for stuff that will work outside of IE. Documentation and developer support is shambolic and you are trapped in a straight jacket working only in IE and having to switch accounts back and forth if you have separate accounts for for different things and it is all tied together through the "identity" .. the developer console, email accounts just for dev work, personal accounts from back when hotmail ran on BSD, logins to training and tools site, etc. God help you if you try to work with any of them as separate IDs.
A real Microsoft faniboi I used to work with a poker machine company suggested an app called Start8, It drops you straight into Desktop mode by passing the "Start Screen", gives you a start button or something in order for you to make it look like Windows7 or something. ... And this from a guy who worships in the direction of Redmond.
I've heard people whine about WIndows8 but man... I am wondering what happened to Microsoft. Seriously.
Addendum: I just checked and it restored the Visual Studio, Phone Emulator and IE session but my Chrome session never existed. To be fair that might have been a Samsung update that got pushed, I saw a "Samsung update blah blah wants to make changes to your machine".. But still... No, option just for a few minutes grace, just bang reboot as you are trying to save stuff.

アレゲはアレゲ以上のなにものでもなさげ -- アレゲ研究家


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