I may bite on one also, pending price.
The collected works of kshuff - Page 3
Its got a Motorola 68020 processor on it, what are the board part numbers?
My Crimmy Elan is marked
No good without the XIO board and cabling though


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There were a few posted on Craigslist recently, and there are two on Ebay currently, but pretty pricey. Good luck.

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I'm gonna be buried with mine


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nekonoko wrote:
sybrfreq wrote:
How bad is your red fever?
Must be pretty bad - he spammed me on my YouTube account.
Do you still have yours?

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nekonoko wrote:
sybrfreq wrote:
How bad is your red fever?
Must be pretty bad - he spammed me on my YouTube account.
Maybe I should check my YouTube account


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nekonoko wrote:
Heh, you have any videos of your Crimson on there?

No I don't, not yet


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nuts wrote:
I think to a system that's using Irix kernel and base tools, with GNU bases and only gpl softwares in /bin /usr/bin etc... xorg ...
With a system like that, maybe it will be easier to port softwares on mips ?
With a system like that, maybe it will be easier to port softwares on mips ?
When are you going to get started?

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SAQ wrote:
Do have a disk with Ultrix 4.5 on it if you can. It does bring back that vintage feel (the one that gave rise to the "UNIX Hater's Handbook"

Come on, it wasn't that bad. Cut my teeth on Ultrix 3.0 on a VAX 11/750 at community college, ended up bringing the system home with me when they decommissioned it


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We'll see in 16 months.
Said it before, say it again, Yawn ! Nothing spectacular about another wintel/linsux box.

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And I just picked up a 735 Apollo and a 735/125. Haven't had a chance to poke around and see what's in them yet.

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josehill wrote:
Not exactly. A console displays various status and error messages that terminals do not display. Also, a user can only have one console at a time.
And not exactly. You can have more than one console active at the same time, I'm doing it right now.


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I've got myself an SS5 but not really sure of the spec's since I have not powered it on in quite some time. It came with the matching SUN 19" monitor, keyboard and mouse, I do know I loaded Solaris 8 on it.

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sybrfreq wrote:
Do I even have to say it? Buy a zune *ducks*
Zune?, more microsuck crap! Dude, Creative Zen's the way to go


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That VAX and PDP11 remind me of mine, I miss them
I have some pictures in my environments gallery of them. What are you running on the VAX?

If you can, network the IBM and NFS or FTP the files over to the new computer. I've got a bunch of old 3COM ISA network cards if you need one.

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I may be wrong, but I don't think "off" is a valid prom command.

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Dump .15, really crappy/buggy release

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hamei wrote:
Horse, barn door ?
More like foot, gun, bang.

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Tempted, but I don't have the cash right now


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biosci3c wrote:
Does anybody have advice for me?
Sure, just buy a stand alone DVR or DVD recorder, it'll be a lot easier.
zmttoxics wrote:
kshuff wrote:
biosci3c wrote:
Does anybody have advice for me?
Sure, just buy a stand alone DVR or DVD recorder, it'll be a lot easier.
Well, you forgot to mention the sell the O2 to cover the cost part...
Right, my original statement stands. I should have added it would be cheaper also.
Two are better than one

skywriter wrote: or better yet, wait or those smart chinese guys to do it for you.
Your just trying to wake hamei up, aren't you

jan-jaap wrote: I wish you lots of strength and hope you find a new job soon!
Ditto. I don't know how it is over there, but here in the states it's pretty bad. I lost my job a year ago and struggle everyday. I look for work everyday, fill out applications, send my resume out, but never get any responses, and to top that find out I'm losing my health insurance at the end of October. Thank you dearly Mr. Bush for the fine mess you created!
bigD wrote: #@!$U*$#@%&!!!!
My thoughts exactly
No hard feelings Dave, just wanted it as bad as you did

012 and 026 are backplanes aren't they? Why would you remove them?
Tabalabs wrote: Yep! It will last almost forever![]()
Want one? Maybe I can do a run and sell here on forum, if moderator allows...
And if SGI allows it, their a little fanatical about using their logo.
Guess I could do something constructive and try my hand at packaging also.
I got them no problem from the members area.
chancehooper wrote: I wonder how much it would take to port IRIX to that architecture?
Nobody left at SGI that knows anything about IRIX anymore
skywriter wrote: it is better to have loved and lost, than never to have lost at all or loaded linux in the end.
Good one, Cosmos would be proud

Well, up until last Monday, been sitting on my unemployed thumb for 16 months. As of now I am part of a work group for the re-fueling shutdown at a local nuke plant. 28 days from now I'll probably be sitting on that thumb again until Peach Bottom goes down in September and Three Mile Island in October. I've done re-fueling shutdowns since 96, apart from that I have been employed as a union carpenter for the last 18 years until the economy ended up in the crapper. Before that I worked for Rexroth Hydraulics as an electronics tech/service tech.
Oskar45 wrote: Considerating Fukushima's situation, whether or not half of Japan's cell phones were working is of no importance. Either way, these people have a major problem. How long will it take for the radioactivity to reach the West Coast?
It's already there to some degree
I've missed you hamei
Everything by darkfires, okay ? It's all junk. Install that stuff and your computer will break, bigtime. Busted busted busted no damn good. I tried to bring this up politely and all I got was a bunch of namby-pamby bullshit by josehill . Now you're going to pretend that thread never happened ?
Well guess what, people ? If you want this stuff to work you can just get off your la-dee-da asses and do something about it. Either that or bye-bye SGI usefulness. Without nekoware, this platform is deader than Publius Maximus.

hamei wrote:
PymbleSoftware wrote:
Please report what specifically is broken.. We need to know what need to be reverted... I haven't updated nekoware in a awhile but I've not seen anything broken.
Everything by darkfires, okay ? It's all junk. Install that stuff and your computer will break, bigtime. Busted busted busted no damn good. I tried to bring this up politely and all I got was a bunch of namby-pamby bullshit by josehill . Now you're going to pretend that thread never happened ?
Well guess what, people ? If you want this stuff to work you can just get off your la-dee-da asses and do something about it. Either that or bye-bye SGI usefulness. Without nekoware, this platform is deader than Publius Maximus.