No go on the link bub
The collected works of kshuff - Page 2
No go on the link bub
Although not IRIX related, I've come to the realization that Seti Enhanced sucks!!!
I have two windoze boxes crunching, a dual P3 1 GHz VW320 and a 2.8 GHz P4. The dual P3 was turning out a WU about every 10 to 12 hours per processor under normal seti, just checked since upgrading to enhanced and I see the current two WU's being run with CPU time elapsed 52 hours and time to completion 138 hours. The P4 was turning out a WU every 3 to 4 hours, that went to 12 to 16 hours. I've also noted lower granted credit for work done.
Anyone else seeing this?
I have two windoze boxes crunching, a dual P3 1 GHz VW320 and a 2.8 GHz P4. The dual P3 was turning out a WU about every 10 to 12 hours per processor under normal seti, just checked since upgrading to enhanced and I see the current two WU's being run with CPU time elapsed 52 hours and time to completion 138 hours. The P4 was turning out a WU every 3 to 4 hours, that went to 12 to 16 hours. I've also noted lower granted credit for work done.
Anyone else seeing this?
Ok, since their not sending out any regular work units anymore, and my SGI's are sitting idle again, anyone have an Enhanced client working??
foetz wrote:kshuff wrote: Ok, since their not sending out any regular work units anymore, and my SGI's are sitting idle again, anyone have an Enhanced client working??
i tried to compile it some time ago but the code really sucked![]()
Yeah, I've read in another thread. Thought maybe someone had succeeded
ulenz wrote: Well, guys, let's face it: Irix is out of the game as far as distributed computing is concerned. Rest in peace !![]()
Maybe not, I posted to the message board and it was turned over to the IRIX porter. Now we play the waiting game...
nvukovlj wrote: Hi guys,
Well, I managed to compile the BOINC client (in the process adding the code to correctly identify the RAM, swap space, number of CPUs) and the SETI@home enhanced client.
I haven't had the time to package this properly and the binaries have some dependencies they shouldn't right now, but if you follow the instructions on my download page, they should work until I get around to creating a proper tardist.
Some info on the way the binaries were compiled:
1. BOINC client gcc/g++ 3.2 (the Nekoware gcc 3.4 lacks libstdc++ which is required). No real optimisation, but it isn't required for this binary.
2. SETI@home client - gcc/g++ 3.2 - Unfortunately, porting this to MipsPro (I have only would be an exercise in frustration, however,I have tried to build it as optimised as possible (i.e. -O3 -mips4 -mabi=n32 -mfused-madd -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-loops).
In adiition to this - the SETI@home binary is now linked (statically) against libfftw (3.1.1 or above) and it is within this library that a lot of the computation takes place.
Fortunately, this library was written in C and by people who had cross-platform portability in mind, so it compiles well using MipsPro. Incidentally, the seti porting guys have been playing with the lib more recently, and it is already showing signs of becoming less portable. I compiled the original. I doubt that any changes made would improve performance on MIPS chips, but I will test this eventually.
The library was compiled with:
-O3 -mips4 -IPA -TARG:madd=ON:platform=ip30 -OPT:Olimit=0, i.e. fairly aggressively.
Note: I didn't use -Ofast as I thought that it may have too much of an impact on floating point values.
The library was compiled in single precision mode - gives approximately 4% speed increase over standard (double precision) mode.
Hmm, I wonder whether performance would be better if calls to FFTW were replaced with the SCSL implementation. Unfortunately, I won't have the time to try this.
Anyway, the current archive is here:
The directory structure and the app_info.xml file are already set up for SETI@home enhanced. All you need to do (once you have installed the pre-reqs and the LD_LIBRARY_PATH has been set up) is to run 'boinc_client' giving the seti project url and your account key. Run boinc_client --help for instructions.
Boinc now includes 'boinc_cmd' binary which lets you check on the progress of the calculation. 'boinc_cmd --help' for more instructions.
Anyway, I am planning to package this up as a tardist in the next few weeks.
In the meantime, enjoy and let me know if it works for you.
Way cool, thanks Nik. I'll download tomorrow and let you know how I make out

Frapazoid wrote:
Anyone here use their Silicon Graphics systems to make graphics?
Post stuff!
Post stuff!
Does porn qualify?

nvukovlj wrote:kshuff wrote:
Hey Nik, have you had a chance to package this into a tardist yet?
I will try to do it this weekend. Didn't get the chance to do it in the past week.
You have the same problem as me, too many projects, not enough time

ulenz wrote: Let's face it, guys:
The crunching power of older SGI-MIPS-cpus is poor in comparison with actual AMD-/Intel-cpus. Moreover, there are only a few machines available. Therefore it doesn't make much sense any longer to develop Irix-clients for distributed computing. Too much electricity consumption and too less crunching power.![]()
Maybe, but some of us enjoy runnng it on our machines, keeping them busy while doing other things. See, SGI's can do that, but if you try running multiple apps with an AMD or Intel, it would bring the system to a crawl. I'll stick with the SGI's any day
As long as there is a working client, I will continue to run it!
nvukovlj wrote: Glad to be of service.![]()
Hopefully the tardist version will work fine for everyone.
Just grabbed it yesterday and hopefully will get to install it tonight. Will let you know how I make out.
unixmuseum wrote:July 1, 2006
Dear Valued Customer:
With this letter, SGI is informing customers that the “general availability” period for new Origin® 350 and 3900, Silicon Graphics Fuel® and Silicon Graphics® Tezro®, including Spare Parts for self-maintainers, is ending as of December 29, 2006. All customer purchase orders will need to be received by December 29, 2006, and deliveries completed by March 30, 2007. It is highly recommended that if you have last time purchase needs for these products, please communicate them to your SGI Sales Representative at your earliest convenience and place a purchase order prior to the December 29, 2006 deadline. ... index.html
Final nail in the coffin...guess its just tux and insmell now
Nothing spectacular <yawn>
Yeah, all my "O" hardware is running .27. I have .28 and .29, but what's the point, .27 is fine for me.
Wait a minute, gotta wipe the slobber from my lower lip...x86? Does that mean I can get rid of Borland?

sgizone wrote: I have a Onyx 1 with quad R4400 150's. I also have a quad r10k 195 board to go into it. I am having a problem with the R10k board. The system will not see all the processors and it is driving me nuts. I don't think it is the board or the procs, I think it may be the carriers. If anyone has the time and machine, I am willing to ship the board to you for repair. Please let me know if anyone is interested.
Thank you,
Did you try enableing all the cpu's in the prom? Anything in sysmon?
No problems here on an Origin2000 and Octane
ohw0571 wrote: We should check with our IRIX versions: In my case, the software failed on an Octane with 6.5.26.
So question to the people who don't have the problem: which release are you running?
I'm running Partiview 0.7.06 under IRIX 6.5.27, no problems
dkedrowitsch wrote:recondas wrote: You should now have a dispaly, keyboard and mouse <not to mention sound>.
And MP3s never sounded so sweet. The sound quality I get from high quality MP3s and my O2K/IO6G is remarkable. I've owned some decent sound cards and none of them even come close....
Try it with a set of digital heard mine

recondas wrote:kshuff wrote: Try it with a set of digital heard mine![]()
I can't quite hear them here- what kind do you have?
I meant Dieter, he seen mine in person. I've got a set of Boston Acoustics BA790's, sweet.
MooglyGuy wrote: Well, when my crazy grandmother finally kicks the bucket, I'll have to stop by your place.![]()
(she lives in Allentown, I live in Orlando)
Door is always open

Neat, now all we need to do is get the password out of him

Dr. Dave wrote: Not looking really good - anyone have any comments or suggestions? I can't really imagine that an O2k and an Octane - although architecturally similar - are close enough to let you jambalaya together a working kernel setup.
I don't know, I have'nt futzed with it in a while. I ran across the same situation, I had to force an IP30 install of the driver, but I didn't try copying over the relevent stuff to the IP27 dir. Did you also install the dmedia and impactdm stuff? I just ran across this with an Octane and forgot to install those as well.
psergiu wrote: Help !
One of my friends bought an Octane Personal Video card for his octane2. He installed the card, installed succesfuly the evo software as described in this thread but there is no /hw/evo & /dev/evo and videod won't start![]()
Check that dmedia and impactdm are also installed.
jan-jaap wrote: So, my questions to those with R8000 systems: what OS are you running on them? Which is the last unaffected IRIX release? Is this issue fixed by a patch (that I would have to install when I install the OS)? Or maybe it's possible to run 6.5.22, as long as I use rqs binaries from an earlier, unaffected release?
I think my Power Indigo2 R8000 is currently at 6.5.11, but I'd have to power it up to be sure. I've never had a problem with it running. Let me check.
MooglyGuy wrote: I lost my job last week, and am moving back up to Tennessee this Friday to live with my family in order to cut expenses while I search for another job. Unfortunately, my family doesn't have room for my rather large collection of stuff, so the majority of it (with some exceptions) has GOT TO GO!
A full list of what I have would be difficult to put together, but off the top of my head, I've got:
Name your own price! No price is too low! Come on over to Orlando, FL and take some of this stuff off my hands before Friday, or the small stuff is going to Goodwill and the large stuff is going to the dumpster!
I'd love the IR out of the Onyx and CPU board, heck all the Onyx guts would be nice. I'd take the entire system but shipping to PA would kill me.
BrentDMartin wrote: LINUX Inside!
Preinstalled with Debian Linux.
**Yawn** **big deal** **who cares** **ruined the O2**
GIJoe wrote: ok - but isn't this still included with irix 6.5 as a wallpaper? i thought i've seen it a few years ago, same with the rotating cube, cpu eater or what it was called.
Still available, at least in my 6.5.28 dist
ka0s wrote:Hakimoto wrote: Beautiful cards. I can wholeheartedly recommend them. Never had any issues with mine.
Hi Hakimoto,
What kind of speakersystem did you hook up to the Revolution 7.1?
And didn't you live in Brussels not to long ago ?
I have the 7.1 card in my Fuel and an IO6G in the Origin2K, and run them each on Boston Acoustics Digital BA-790's. Awesome sound. They also have analog input.
SAQ wrote:
You probably should include Sun and Apollo (little-known now, but they were one of the first to work on network-transparent workstations). DEC goes without saying. Pick a few micro companies as well, but that could get messy very fast because they rose and fell rapidly (cf. Commodore, Apple, Tandy, ...)
What about Data General?

See them all >here<
I could probably help you out with Alias/3 once I get all my stuff unpacked from my recent move, I have it loaded on a Personal IRIS. Stay tuned
SAQ wrote:
Weren't the early versions of Alias for the IRIS 3000 and MEX environment (which was pretty basic)? What other commercial applications were used on IRIS x000, or was it mostly roll-your-own?
PowerAnimator was 4D1-3.x, right?
PowerAnimator was 4D1-3.x, right?
I don't think PowerAnimator was around back then, was it? I just have Alias/3 which is 4D1-3.x, at least that's what the tapes say

sybrfreq wrote: *HARD*
oh wait, just a mock up? never mind...
Runs, cough, linux... Oh boy
indyman007 wrote: I have seen a linux version floating about, so I wonder if anyone could compile it for Irix?
It's in the IRIX demo's, at least in 3.3.x
sybrfreq wrote:
not only that, they've got the tezro on their home page...
Pretty boring page...

See them all >here<
Martin Steen wrote: Hello,
I made a little tool to create thumbnails of JPEG-Pictures (mainly for my own use).
The tool called "Thumbo" creates thumbnails of all pictures in a folder and creates
also a file "index.html", so you can browse the folder with an internet-browser.
Change requests are welcome.
Best regards, Martin
Cooool !!!!!!!!!!
shadowless wrote:
Not mine.
Damn, 6 hour ride for me !!
Richtom1 wrote:Damn, 6 hour ride for me !!
Go for it Keith.....I sure would if I lived up there
These beasties don't come around all that often....and at least somewhat close as compared to halfway around the planet
I would love to, but cannot justify the expenditure at this time, nor the time. I'd be looking at $100+ in gas and a day off work, unless done on the weekend.
Dr. Dave wrote:iKitsune wrote: Ford Crown Victora Police Interceptor. Fun, fast, safe, and affordable by mortals. Besides, it's like driving a land-boat, the last of the great body-on-frame rear-wheel-drive American gashog monsters.
First car was a hand me down '75 Ford LTD Landau...
Some notes:
- Speed bumps? OK, I'll speed up...
- Hood longer than most microcars these days
- Lawn roller fit in the trunk, with the trunk closed.
- Seats wide enough to sleep stretched out in, or other things...
- Record was 7 people at the drive in, 3 in the front, 4 in back, beer in the trunk. Not really cramped at all...
Know the feeling, first car was a '66 Chevy Impala, 327 with a 2-speed power glide. What a piece of junk that trans was but the car itself was a tank. Could fit a whole keg of beer in the trunk with plenty of room to spare

Ok, I'll play...this is me at my PC desk:
I'm still getting the spider thingy with the arrow through it


See them all >here<