And MultiNet too, neat. Too bad I'm on the wrong coast - that's a lot more reasonable than a Grey Wall...

ClassicHasClass wrote: I'll be getting gcc on it, so maybe ...![]()
The nice thing is that it'll be SunOS 4.1 compatible in general, if it works, since OS/MP is binary compatible.
Even before acquiring PDI, DreamWorks in Glendale was rendering using Linux. They have older Origin 200 servers running IRIX but are switching to much cheaper Pentium computers.
robespierre wrote: "You aren't going to get a custom o2 or fuel styrofoam mold": Just buy Instapak bags.
kokoboi wrote: You can check ...
kramlq wrote: Just be thankful the vintage hardware gods have blessed you with a mk1 Omron. Some of us have none![]()
vishnu wrote: Last time Pete left it up until it hit the target. You would prefer another target, a military target? Then name the system!![]()
vishnu wrote:smj wrote: Uhm, I can't donate $20 on Friday. I have to go see how they mocked up Grand Moff Tarkin in that new movie...
Did they actually do that? I just looked at the full cast credits on imdb and he wasn't listed. But then if his character was all cgi I guess they wouldn't have to list him, but wouldn't they have to get permission from his estate to use his likeness? Either way I don't think they should have done it; caaaaaaah- reep -y!![]()
SiliconClassics wrote: It's currently over $2,000 on eBay with three days left in the bidding. That would be an awful lot to spend on a computer just to take a sledgehammer to it.
ClassicHasClass wrote: Two, in the end (I thought three or four, but I forgot the machine on the same type of pedestal next to it was actually a PRO 380). Jim S from cctalk is coming to collect them on Saturday for his group.