hamei wrote:
jan-jaap wrote:
Hey! I have a VW Beetle
One day I'm going upgrade it with a Porsche 911 engine.
Isn't that called a 914 ?

In the mid 60s Porsche and VW were planning replacements for their entry-level models. Porsche was to turn a concept by Gugelot Design into a replacement for VW's Karmann Ghia (the later Type 34) and for Porsche's 912. The former would be fitted with a four cylinder VW engine while the Porsche model would receive the six cylinder 901. While Porsche and VW had done a lot of collaborative work like this on a handshake basis, VW chairman Heinrich Nordhoff passed away before production was started. His replacement was something of an outsider and decided to change the terms of the deal; between the increased costs and the changes in the global economy over the early 70s, the car was not as competitive as it should have been, price-wise. Which is unfortunate, because the 2.0 four banger is a lot of fun, and the 914/6 outperformed two of the three 911 variants available at the time...
Sorry guys, couldn't resist -- I'll take it somewhere else...



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