Contrary to what the pictures look like, i did not take a bite out of the corner O.o
The corosion is quite bad in the corner. Power supply is quite crusty as well. I am thinking about replacing the power supply with a modern atx variant with some over voltage protection, etc, to protect the boards better than that behemoth of a power supply.
that is the tape controller mounted above the card cage, correct. kinda an odd setup.
It does have 2 TU58 drives in it, although they need new capsans and i have no tapes. I fail to see the point though, it attaches via serial and can redially be emulated with a dos pc and a serial cable. I could do away with tape read errors all together. It just seems like a finicky tape setup from the get go to me. Maybe ill get the drives going if i can get a bunch of tapes for a good price. Again though, i have a 9 track tape drive in a full size rack over here that is known working and i can get the tapes for $15 a reel, ill stick with the known working drive in the rack for now.
The grey board is a boot board. looks home brewed. The machine was custom built in some university in Illinois, thats all the story i got on it. The seller said that there is a second machine just like it, i do not see myself needing another of this particular design. Quiet and tiny compared to the 11/34 rack.