Now this is a brilliant essay on 90ies technology and software. Thank you!
The collected works of Geoman - Page 6

Now that's cool - I'm going to try it out right now.
"553 Permission denied" so I guess it has to be copied to /beta, first ..
"553 Permission denied" so I guess it has to be copied to /beta, first ..

SGI - the legend will never die!!
Well done ! You put a lot of effort into this !
In the beginning of the tour I had to find out how to get out of this cart in front of the skull-entrance, but then it went smoothly.
In the beginning of the tour I had to find out how to get out of this cart in front of the skull-entrance, but then it went smoothly.
you could contact these guys before scrapping

SGI - the legend will never die!!
Touched a heatsink of Octane's PSU (w/o fan and handle attached obviously) while powered on some years ago.
Got defiblillated without medical indication. Don't do this.
Got defiblillated without medical indication. Don't do this.
Now this is commercial software. But on ...
Mods: Feel free to delete this posting, but my guess it's a legal offering.
Now this is commercial software. But on ...
Mods: Feel free to delete this posting, but my guess it's a legal offering.
thank you !
vishnu wrote: The best parts of Irix, in particular the SMP code, are now in Linux. And, in theory anyway Eric Masson has the blessing of SGI to to port the Irix interactive desktop to Linux. So, all you Irix loving Linux haters, pppppttttttffffffhhhhh!![]()
very true
Now this are great news!
If I saw some kinde of donation-button, I would be encouraged to donate
I really want to see this project to succeed

If I saw some kinde of donation-button, I would be encouraged to donate

I really want to see this project to succeed

SGI - the legend will never die!!
Mekton is on "Silicon Graphics General & Platform Demos [1-of-2]"
Should be running great on that Indy (but is unforunately incompatible to VPro-based SGIs).
Should be running great on that Indy (but is unforunately incompatible to VPro-based SGIs).
Interesting. But I already have a dual 64-bit-MIPS-machine.
And why isn't there an R18.000 out there already?
And why isn't there an R18.000 out there already?
ClassicHasClass wrote: Nice look!
indeed !
deltaflyer wrote: Hi everyone,
It's great to see some VRML development and VRML back in action. Back in the mid 90s I was involved in a project using VRML as an interface to an object oriented database. I hadn't encountered it since.
Out of interest, would an Onyx with a reality engine 2 board set be able to view this, or would that kit be too long in the tooth?
RE2 will handle this without a problem.
I wish they never stopped making PC graphics cards. Sigh ...
But what did Ed McCracken say in 1997?
The rest is history. Or nVidia and AMD as you could say.
But what did Ed McCracken say in 1997?
"Some people think that you can add a graphics card to a PC and get the
power of a Silicon Graphics workstation," said Edward R. McCracken,
chairman and CEO of the Mountain View, California-based computer systems
manufacturer. "You can strap a rocket onto a basset hound, and you still
have a dog with a rocket on its back." And, going to an automitive
metaphor, he added, "You can put a roof rack on a Pinto and it's not a
Range Rover."
The rest is history. Or nVidia and AMD as you could say.

SGI - the legend will never die!!

SGI - the legend will never die!!
Version 2 is great !
Not far away from my own IRIX-Desktop. I like the clean window-edges.
Not far away from my own IRIX-Desktop. I like the clean window-edges.

SGI - the legend will never die!!
Beautiful Fuel in great shape !
I knew I know the "superhero guy" on the right:
He is the "Advanced Visualizer Viewset (AWadvs-04)" viewset from viewperf 6.1.2:
He is the "Advanced Visualizer Viewset (AWadvs-04)" viewset from viewperf 6.1.2:

SGI - the legend will never die!!
So today was Octane-Day.
I let run nekosync and installed Axene. But that is what I get:
Is there a script to set these variables?
I let run nekosync and installed Axene. But that is what I get:
Code: Select all
Octane2 6% XAllWrite.mips-irix-6.5
WARNING - No $AXENE_LIB nor $XALLWRITE_LIB environment variable defined !
Enter the $XALLWRITE_LIB environment variable or nothing to exit:
FATAL ERROR - Set a valid $AXENE_LIB or $XALLWRITE_LIB environment variable before restarting this programme.
Octane2 7% Xclamation.mips-irix-6.5
WARNING - No $AXENE_LIB nor $XCLAMATION_LIB environment variable defined !
Enter the $XCLAMATION_LIB environment variable or nothing to exit:
FATAL ERROR - Set a valid $AXENE_LIB or $XCLAMATION_LIB environment variable before restarting this programme.
Octane2 8% XQuad.mips-irix-6.5
WARNING - No $AXENE_LIB nor $XQUAD_LIB environment variable defined !
Enter the $XQUAD_LIB environment variable or nothing to exit:
FATAL ERROR - Set a valid $AXENE_LIB or $XQUAD_LIB environment variable before restarting this programme.
Is there a script to set these variables?

SGI - the legend will never die!!
now this is cool ! I never seen this kind of config before.

SGI - the legend will never die!!
I think it's not impossible to gnumake that

SGI - the legend will never die!!
Very well written - a nice read! Thank you for sharing!

SGI - the legend will never die!!
Moderators: perhaps this can be a sticky thread.

SGI - the legend will never die!!
ianj wrote: Where do you get it? The project website points to a Sourceforge page with no files available for "Downloads."

SGI - the legend will never die!!
segfault wrote: Slightly off-topic: What steps would you need to go through (specifically with SGI's intellectual property) to clone the IRIX Interactive Desktop? And if it were cloned, which toolkit would you want to see it using? Would you want an exact copy or a themeable environment (default theme would be an exact copy) that would allow for a more modern look?
Now it is HP's intellectual property... which won't make things easier I fear.

SGI - the legend will never die!!
I had to log out to see and be able to click the "heart"-button on the forum main page.

SGI - the legend will never die!!
You Sir rock!

SGI - the legend will never die!!
bjames wrote: I see the download is still available.. but would'nt you need a serial number or licensing key to enter?
I just installed the windows version, because I have my ThinkPad on my lap, and I need a license indeed.

SGI - the legend will never die!!
Please do. This cancer started in late summer of 2016. Rude insults from new members coming out from nowhere.

SGI - the legend will never die!!

SGI - the legend will never die!!
It's somehow tragic, that now they do a brilliant fan-service for the community, SGI is probably going to disappear soon.

SGI - the legend will never die!!
Interesting! The company still exists.
One could ask them per mail if they still have any copyright claim on or if it can be considered as freeware.
But I think nobody is working there 15 years later and the current staff has no idea about it.
Oh I see: "Twist" is still sold by them, so you would have to mothball the software. Or delete it.
One could ask them per mail if they still have any copyright claim on or if it can be considered as freeware.
But I think nobody is working there 15 years later and the current staff has no idea about it.
Oh I see: "Twist" is still sold by them, so you would have to mothball the software. Or delete it.

SGI - the legend will never die!!
A pristine machine.
She needs 2 upgrades though: 1 TRAM Mezzanine for SE and additional 512mb RAM
She needs 2 upgrades though: 1 TRAM Mezzanine for SE and additional 512mb RAM

SGI - the legend will never die!!
There are lots of guides of successful fan mods. I can recommend them for lower end machines like R5K O2s.
But in Octane you need much dynamic pressure from this very single fan, because it is responsible for cooling the PSU, the mainbaord and (together with the HDD compartment fan) the XIO slots alone on its own. (And it sucks that there is no kind failure warning buzzer etc implemented...)
So I recommend using a high powered fan if you want to replace it. Then, if you found one, you want to make a bypass capacitor if it does not work:
So finally I'm keeping my Cherokees as they are, because the stock fan is not that much louder anyway...
But in Octane you need much dynamic pressure from this very single fan, because it is responsible for cooling the PSU, the mainbaord and (together with the HDD compartment fan) the XIO slots alone on its own. (And it sucks that there is no kind failure warning buzzer etc implemented...)
So I recommend using a high powered fan if you want to replace it. Then, if you found one, you want to make a bypass capacitor if it does not work:
So finally I'm keeping my Cherokees as they are, because the stock fan is not that much louder anyway...

SGI - the legend will never die!!
It is a disease - this is so bloated. The browser as an OS.
Yeay - lets heat the atmosphere with Ryzen and Core i7.
Yeay - lets heat the atmosphere with Ryzen and Core i7.

SGI - the legend will never die!!
So I just learned, that the company Night Dive Studios recently remake of Turok, which seems to be fairly accurate to the original, with GFX (OpenGL 2.0), sound and music. So they either have the source code, or really did a good job in re-engineering.

SGI - the legend will never die!!