The Fuel is (finally) set up with 6.5.20. I'm now considering what my next step should be to get it Nekoware-ready (see other thread). For future sojourners bringing a Fuel up from scratch:
- KVM is, as mentioned, an Aten CS1764A DVI-USB KVM.
- The PROM monitor worked fine with the USB KVM, but when I booted from my 6.5.20 overlay CD, the miniroot required a PS/2 keyboard; it would not respond to the USB keyboard on the KVM, even though it could see it and complain about it when I switched focus. The mouse still works.
- After installation, I unplugged the PS/2 keyboard, telnetted in and removed /etc/ioconfig.conf and let it redetect its devices. It looks like this now:
0 /hw/module/001c01/Ibrick/xtalk/15/pci/5/usb/2/3/mouse
0 /hw/module/001c01/Ibrick/xtalk/15/pci/5/usb/2/4/1/keyboard
1 /hw/module/001c01/Ibrick/xtalk/15/pci/4/ecpp
1 /hw/module/001c01/Ibrick/xtalk/15/pci/5/usb/2/4/1/mouse
Yes, there are two meeses. 2/3/mouse appears to be the one actually in use; if I remove it, the mouse is not detected. However, even if I remove 2/4/1/mouse, it just comes back. I might need to fiddle with the KVM's mouse emulation to figure out why that is.
- In general the KVM just works (it still emits usb_hid_reattach errors to the console when I switch away, but unlike the Command Monitor, it redetects it fine when I switch back), *except* in this one case: if I log out as any user other than root. Then the mouse stops working and I have to restart the system. The keyboard works fine, but the mouse stops functioning. However, switching focus is fine, and it doesn't seem to happen if I log out if I was logged in as root. I wonder if there's a permissions problem somewhere, and I don't know if it has anything to do with "the two meeses."