The Indy makes me think of the Mac LC, which is appropriate since both were each company's respective low end machines.
If you were lugging around monitors that heavy, how did anyone have any energy to deathmatch after that?
If you were lugging around monitors that heavy, how did anyone have any energy to deathmatch after that?
smit happens.
, 900MHz R16K, 4GB RAM, V12 DCD, 6.5.30
, 150MHz R4400SC, 256MB RAM, XL24, 6.5.10
, 175MHz R10000, Solid IMPACT
probably posted from
, Quad 2.5GHz PowerPC 970MP, 16GB RAM, Mac OS X 10.4.11
plus IBM POWER6 p520 * Apple Network Server 500 * HP C8000 * BeBox * Solbourne S3000 * Commodore 128 * many more...

probably posted from

plus IBM POWER6 p520 * Apple Network Server 500 * HP C8000 * BeBox * Solbourne S3000 * Commodore 128 * many more...