I was watching this thread hoping someone would come up with a good recommendation. So far I've only learned what
to buy. I had already disqualified the FVS318 myself after I read the reviews.
I'm looking for:
[1] Something I can trust.
[2] Reliability
[3] A router / firewall which can handle at least 500Mb/s WAN <-> LAN
[4] Wireless N on 2.5GHz and 5GHz bands
[5] Basic VPN capabilities
[6] A hardware DMZ and VLAN capabilities on the LAN side are a bonus
[7] A 'tap' for intrusion detection/ flight data recording purposes at Gb speeds
Doesn't have to be a single device (in fact I'm pretty sure it won't be). Large, loud, power hungry devices do not qualify because it has to be installed in my utility cabinet.
Right now I'm using an Engenius ESR9850 wireless router and a Netgear DS104 hub as a tap device.
The Engenius has proven reliable, but it's a closed device so I have problems trusting it. Trust is #1. So right now I'm using my Linux server as a secondary firewall and the actual LAN is 'behind' the Linux server. This effectively puts my wireless network in the untrusted zone which isn't practical in this age of laptops and gadgets. The DS104, being a genuine hub, is limited to 100Mb/s which is my current internet speed -- no future there either.
I'm considering something like this:
http://www.dual-comm.com/gigabit_port-m ... switch.htm
to replace the DS104 hub.
I want to replace the router with a DD-WRT based solution. Maybe that firmware will be maintained a little longer than the 6 month attention span of the original manufacturer.

This effectively reduces my search to 'the best DD-WRT' solution. So far I've seen the
Cisco / Linksys E4200 (v1)
come up a lot, and the
Buffalo WHR-G300N
. I intend to go to the bottom of this before I make my choice because 'reliability' and 'alternate firmware' are not necessarily a good match. Also, DD-WRT &co seem to target mostly el-cheapo consumer devices so I have to find something there with decent hardware specs and build quality.