Uploaded neko_bind-9.6.1-P1.tardist to /beta. Update addresses CVE-2009-0696
That's absolutely awesome, neko! Thanks a million for keeping on top of this! I installed it on one of our nameservers and it seems to be allright so far. Just a remark:
We run our nameservers chrooted, and this version complained about a missing /dev/poll. So I created a /dev/poll in the named jail ( ~named/dev in our case ) with:
mknod poll c 138 0
I found the majornumber of /dev/poll in /usr/include/sys/major.h. It's seems to be ok, but if any of you have better knowledge of this, I'd be glad to hear.
Anyway, I'll let the patched named run for awhile, and if everything is ok, I'll install it on our other nameservers.
Thanks again!