SGI: Development

Nekoware-current - Page 16

PymbleSoftware wrote:
Please report what specifically is broken.. We need to know what need to be reverted... I haven't updated nekoware in a awhile but I've not seen anything broken.


Everything by darkfires, okay ? It's all junk. Install that stuff and your computer will break, bigtime. Busted busted busted no damn good. I tried to bring this up politely and all I got was a bunch of namby-pamby bullshit by josehill . Now you're going to pretend that thread never happened ?

Well guess what, people ? If you want this stuff to work you can just get off your la-dee-da asses and do something about it. Either that or bye-bye SGI usefulness. Without nekoware, this platform is deader than Publius Maximus.
I've missed you hamei :)

hamei wrote:
PymbleSoftware wrote:
Please report what specifically is broken.. We need to know what need to be reverted... I haven't updated nekoware in a awhile but I've not seen anything broken.


Everything by darkfires, okay ? It's all junk. Install that stuff and your computer will break, bigtime. Busted busted busted no damn good. I tried to bring this up politely and all I got was a bunch of namby-pamby bullshit by josehill . Now you're going to pretend that thread never happened ?

Well guess what, people ? If you want this stuff to work you can just get off your la-dee-da asses and do something about it. Either that or bye-bye SGI usefulness. Without nekoware, this platform is deader than Publius Maximus.


:Onyx: :Onyx: :Crimson: :O2000: :Onyx2: :Fuel: :Octane: :Octane2: :PI: :Indigo: :Indigo: :O2: :O2: :Indigo2: :Indigo2: :Indigo2IMP: :Indigo2IMP: :Indy: :Indy: :320: :540: :1600SW: :1600SW: :hpserv: :O300:

See them all >here<
All of the packages I submit are in use on my own production machines, so I eat the dogfood and do my best to pick out packaging mistakes before uploading. If you notice problems, though, please contact me and I will re-upload ASAP.

As for darkfires - he pulled his SGI out of the closet, blew through a lot of packages at a breakneck pace, then disappeared (to my knowledge). Some of the less ambitious stuff (like neko_xz) works fine, and I use them, but to be honest I never expected anything like the latest GTK package to work. It would be nice to have a procedure for getting the packages that are known not to work out of /beta to avoid confusion, while still leaving them available in some form in case they can be fixed.

Also, is there a clear path for packages to go from /beta to /current? It seems like we're approaching a situation where many commonly-used packages are in /beta, which makes it more of an issue that some of the /beta packages aren't really tested.

:Fuel: :Octane: :Octane2: :Indigo2IMP: :O3x0:
ianj wrote:
Also, is there a clear path for packages to go from /beta to /current? It seems like we're approaching a situation where many commonly-used packages are in /beta, which makes it more of an issue that some of the /beta packages aren't really tested.

As I've said before, someone just needs to let me know. I'm not clairvoyant - I don't know which packages you use and have had good success with. I also don't currently have an SGI system running to test myself (all machines are currently in storage or just not hooked up).

By the same token, if packages are totally broken, let me know that as well so they can be moved to the obsolete directory. Once again, I don't have mystical powers of deduction to determine which packages borked your system. You need to tell me.

Twitter: @neko_no_ko
IRIX Release 4.0.5 IP12 Version 06151813 System V
Copyright 1987-1992 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
I want to make clear that I wasn't trying to dump any responsibility on you; I've seen some mentions of suggesting things be moved to /current, but wasn't sure if I was missing anything more concrete. Sometimes I forget that you're pushing those packages around the hierarchy all by yourself...

I haven't been pushing to get my own packages moved to /current because I don't want to come off as promoting my work before at least a few other people have chimed in saying the packages are solid. I have a feeling this kind of information tends not to find its way back to packagers, though. Maybe we need to be more proactive about letting packagers know their submissions are working for us? I haven't been so good at following up this way myself. Most of the packages I submitted have been running on my server for a year or more, but I'd like to know a few other people have laid eyes on them before I start claiming they belong in /current.

What this whole conversation makes me feel like doing is to start taking a walk through the entire /beta directory and note which packages work, which work, but have packaging errors or would break existing /current dependencies, and which are broken. I already use many of these, but I'd like to gather all that information together. I'll let you know what I find.

:Fuel: :Octane: :Octane2: :Indigo2IMP: :O3x0:
Just an idea... Would it perhaps be easier if there was a separate subforum for nekoware packages?

The package submitter would create a new thread for each submitted package and add a simple "Works: yes/no" poll to the thread. The users could anonymously vote whether the package works for them or not.

Any problems with that package could be reported in the same thread. If enough users vote that the package works, it's moved to /current.
> versions | grep pixbuf
I  neko_gdk_pixbuf      05/02/2011  gdk_pixbuf 2.22.1 - Core libraries for GTK+ and GNOME
I  05/02/2011  man pages
I  05/02/2011  man pages
I  neko_gdk_pixbuf.opt  05/02/2011  optional software
I  neko_gdk_pixbuf.opt.relnotes  05/02/2011  release notes
I  neko_gdk_pixbuf.sw   05/02/2011  software
I  neko_gdk_pixbuf.sw.eoe  05/02/2011  execution only env
I  neko_gdk_pixbuf.sw.hdr  05/02/2011  header files
I  neko_gdk_pixbuf.sw.lib  05/02/2011  shared library files

> showfiles neko_gdk_pixbuf.sw.lib | grep
l     0     0 neko_gdk_pixbuf.sw.lib   usr/nekoware/lib/
f 46800 172788 neko_gdk_pixbuf.sw.lib   usr/nekoware/lib/

> ldd /usr/nekoware/lib/
744103: 20:56:44 /usr/nekoware/lib/ rld: Fatal Error exit/longjmp: Cannot Successfully map soname '' under any of the filenames /usr/nekoware/lib/
744103:/usr/nekoware/lib/ rld: Fatal Error: Cannot Successfully map soname '' under any of the filenames /usr/nekoware/lib/

beta/neko_gdk_pixbuf-2.22.1.tardist looks definitly bad to me.

:Onyx2: :Fuel: :O2: :O3x0: :O3x0:
ShadeOfBlue wrote:
Just an idea... Would it perhaps be easier if there was a separate subforum for nekoware packages?

The package submitter would create a new thread for each submitted package and add a simple "Works: yes/no" poll to the thread. The users could anonymously vote whether the package works for them or not.

Any problems with that package could be reported in the same thread. If enough users vote that the package works, it's moved to /current.

I think it's a good idea. It would make it easier to track packages submission, especially in case of /beta flooding...

:Onyx2: :Fuel: :O2: :O3x0: :O3x0:
ShadeOfBlue wrote:
Just an idea... Would it perhaps be easier if there was a separate subforum for nekoware packages?

The package submitter would create a new thread for each submitted package and add a simple "Works: yes/no" poll to the thread. The users could anonymously vote whether the package works for them or not.

Any problems with that package could be reported in the same thread. If enough users vote that the package works, it's moved to /current.

I like this idea. I don't know if there needs to be a separate subforum just for packages, but at the least, I'll sign onto adding a "Works?" poll to all my future upload announcements.

bplaa.yai wrote:
beta/neko_gdk_pixbuf-2.22.1.tardist looks definitly bad to me.

I would not trust any of the packages related to GTK 2.22.1 at this point.

:Fuel: :Octane: :Octane2: :Indigo2IMP: :O3x0:
kshuff wrote:
I've missed you hamei :)

I think we all have.



開いた括弧は必ず閉じる -- あるプログラマー

I saw his body thrashing 'round
I saw his pulse rate going down
I saw him in convulsive throes
I said "I'll have one of those"
-- (He'll never be) an Ol' Man River.

:Tezro: :Tezro: :Onyx2R: :Onyx2RE: :Onyx2: :O3x04R: :O3x0: :O200: :Octane: :Octane2: :O2: :O2: :Indigo2IMP: :PI: :PI: :1600SW: :1600SW: :Indy: :Indy: :Indy: :Indy: :Indy:
:hpserv: J5600, 2 x Mac, 3 x SUN, Alpha DS20E, Alpha 800 5/550, 3 x RS/6000, Amiga 4000 VideoToaster, Amiga4000 -030, 733MHz Sam440 AmigaOS 4.1 update 1.

Sold: :Indy: :Indy: :Indy: :Indigo: Tandem Himalaya S-Series Nonstop S72000 ServerNet.

Cortex ---> ... 11?sk=info
Minnie ---> ... 02?sk=info
Book ---->
Github --->
Search for "Pymble", "InstaElf", "CryWhy" or "Cricket Score Sheet" in the iPad App store or search for "Pymble" or "CryWhy" in the iPhone App store.
I'm not sure if it's a general thing or special for me, but I can move over my packages when I feel they've been tested enough. Sadly, often I don't get very many reports of tests (don't know if that's MIPS-3 specific or general), so it's hard to gauge the quality. Hint to users: if you try something out from /beta and it works, let the packager know!

Good news, (possibly) - I might be getting a smaller build box (O300) that my wife will let in the house, enabling me to start building MIPS-3 stuff again.

Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!

There are those who say I'm a bit of a curmudgeon. To them I reply: "GET OFF MY LAWN!"

:Indigo: :Octane: :Indigo2: :Indigo2IMP: :Indy: :PI: :O3x0: :ChallengeL: :O2000R: (single-CM)
ShadeOfBlue wrote:
Just an idea... Would it perhaps be easier if there was a separate subforum for nekoware packages?

I asked that once myself. Mr Neko quite rightly pointed out that that's what the "Development" forum is for. There's a "Software" forum for general talk about programs ... although maybe a semi-agreed upon standard for reporting on beta apps could be good. Like the [eBay] label we sort of used to have : maybe [beta report] or similar in the subject line ?

Mr Neko, I did report on a lot of those application, but was trying to be too polite and not drive off a potential developer. Won't make that mistake again : they are BAD. Bad bad bad. Many of them are quite totally broken, as Alver poihted out. The worst of the Linux World came to our little backwater of the Internet. Cosmos is laughing, Tux it up ! :(

If anybody wants to flame me, you have permission. I'll take care of that annoying pain in the ass for you ...
I wanted to upload a new version of the neko_git package, but I was unable to log into Is there a new place to upload stuff?

Rincewind wrote:
I wanted to upload a new version of the neko_git package, but I was unable to log into Is there a new place to upload stuff?

The ftpd just needed to be restarted.

Twitter: @neko_no_ko
IRIX Release 4.0.5 IP12 Version 06151813 System V
Copyright 1987-1992 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Thank you very much! Now it works again and I uploaded neko_git-

It would be very nice if I would get some response from users which use package if everything is ok or what kind of problem you have with package so that I can try to correct it :D

Best regards,
I just uploaded a neko_vim-7.3 package to incoming.

I built this one without GUI support, but if there is demand, I can build another one with GTK enabled.

:Fuel: :Fuel: :Octane: :Octane2: :O2: :O2: :Indigo2IMP: :Indigo2IMP: :O3x0:
Could we bring lcms-1.14 back from the archives ? Apparently there are compatibility problems between lcms and lcms2, some programs using lcms as a dependency need lcms v1.

Just uploaded neko_git-

Best regards,
Hello all,

Am trying to use cairo for drawing in a Motif/ViewKit setup. I;m stuck :(

Here's my simple tester code minus the boilerplate:


MainWindow::MainWindow(const char* name) : VkWindow(name) {


ui_root = XtVaCreateWidget (

"ui_root", xmFormWidgetClass, mainWindowWidget(),

XmNwidth, 600,
XmNheight, 400,


ui_drawingarea = XtVaCreateWidget (

"ui_drawingarea", xmDrawingAreaWidgetClass, ui_root,

XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
XmNbottomAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,



Display *dpy = theApplication->display();

cairo_surface_t *cs = cairo_xlib_surface_create( dpy, XtWindow(ui_drawingarea), DefaultVisual(dpy, 0), 200, 200 );
cairo_t *c = cairo_create(cs);

cairo_rectangle(c, 0.0, 0.0, 200, 200);
cairo_set_source_rgb(c, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5);

// I think cairo_fill() fails with BadWindow because the X11 drawables aren't mapped
// since VkWindow->show() hasn't been called yet :(


MainWindow::~MainWindow() { // bye, bye. }
const char* MainWindow::className() { return "MainWindow"; }

void MainWindow::mnu_file_new() {

cout << "called: mnu_file_new." << endl;

void MainWindow::mnu_file_new_cb(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) {

MainWindow *obj = (MainWindow *) client_data;

void MainWindow::mnu_file_quit() {


void MainWindow::mnu_file_quit_cb(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) {

MainWindow *obj = (MainWindow *) client_data;

VkMenuDesc MainWindow::mnu[] {

{SUBMENU, "File", NULL, mnu_file},


VkMenuDesc MainWindow::mnu_file[] {

{ACTION, "New", &MainWindow::mnu_file_new_cb},
{SEPARATOR, "Menu separator"},
{ACTION, "Quit", &MainWindow::mnu_file_quit_cb},


My understanding is that cairo_fill() in the constructor gives me 'BadWindow' because the actual widgets haven't been mapped yet as VkWindow->show() hasn't been called yet. But when I move cairo_fill() to mnu_file_new() in the menubar, so I can call it when the window is mapped, I get a segmentation fault. Which I think is because of the whole C++ instance thing where things aren't actually mapped in memory like you think they are, which is why you need to define things as static for callbacks etc., which remains very confusing to me.

So my question is: how do I get a handle to the cairo drawable/surface in each of my VkWindow instances so I can draw into them at will?


Well I was going to take a look at this but, as usual, the Software Manager is killing me with circular conflicts between neko_cairo, neko_glib and neko_croco... :cry:

Simple as do, re, mi. a, b, c. one, two, three baby you and me
World domination! Or something...