(sorry about the picture, it was dark in here and I was too lazy to clean up the clutter)
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The resemblance is uncanny, no?
There's a good story behind this one to make up for the lack of silicon graphics. Back when I was in grade school we played guts in gym class. all the time. also dodgeball. (are kids still allowed to chuck hard rubber balls at each other or was that banned along with peanut butter and sugar pop?) The aggrocrag involved climbing a rope to the gym ceiling, a good 30-35 feet up, and honking this horn thing when you got to the top. I was damn quick going up, but scared to death of coming back down.

Also, incredibly loud disco music such as village people, ohio players, earth wind fire, etc, was played.
So in a sense, you could say I climbed the aggrocrag. Too bad we never had any glowing pieces of awesomeness to take home. This makes up for it. Inside is dual opteron 290s, 16gb of ram, radeon x1900xtx, and a bunch of good stuff stuffed in the expansion slots (hp-ib, FC, sound board that works with the internal speaker and front headphone jack).
If you're not in your twenties, not from north america, or otherwise have no idea what I am talking about, try here:
The Aggro Crag is a forty-foot tall mountain made up of spikes, steel girders, broken robot parts, volcanic rock and THE ESSENSE OF PURE EVIL.
a really ugly laptop that got the chicks talking because the Tux penguin I glued onto the top was "cute" (I cut out its belly to make way for the logo holder)
lol that's awesome.