thank you mr forummeister
The collected works of fu - Page 4
sybrfreq wrote:
What's really ironic about this thread is that the real Apple Ipad is also built in China.

there's something funnier:
if we knew a thing or two about capitalism, democracy, freedom, markets, indexes and the rest of the buzzwords, no one would complain about his sneakers/computa/pod/ being made in china, zanzibar or mars.
remember what your old friends used to say:

all things that matter take time + dedication
most of the books that lay down the basics about the mess we're talking here come with a surprise: the footnotes on the 1st page of the 1st chapters take up more paper space than the text of the main paragraph.
old-(s)kool vs new (s)kool is only about haircuts (ok fashion trends too), what we're facing (and missing big time) is obviousness + implicitness.
geo wrote:
...what's worst is they were Americans talking

us continental toasts are not much better right now
till then, sybr, please give us a groove over your PA boombox and let's swing some
josehill wrote:
Anyone else remember applying adhesive lettering to photos by hand, placing the photos (or laser printer output) on a light table, and then taking pictures of the work for slide output?
i used to have a similar workflow for stills to be prepped for gallery-grade display/exhibition. (a few years after) i'd occasionally reverse that, and output digital experiments to a LaserGraphics slide printer.
josehill wrote:
the firm was very conservative about upgrading its basic software infrastructure, often skipping whole generations of Office.
the printing/scanning businesses were like that too (most of them still are). good ol' master printers use their presses and the rest of their tech till they spit their guts off. pure quality style from people who can create any combo of cmyk with their own hands, eyes and nose.
if any sales guy tried to pitch 'em verbalism about obsoleteness (newer-better just because) they'd run him through the press.
josehill wrote:
I have a small business now, and we use Office 2008 on the Macs and Office 2003 on the PCs. I'm kicking the tires on Office 2010 to see if the interface overhaul and web features are worthwhile.
(if you get a chance) i'd appreciate your feedback on the Mac versions jose. nothing to do with my own writing but new PA comes from the Office world and tells me that she can do things faster w/ Office. We use iWork now (got it free form Apple). all we need is a bunch of letters and the occasional excel budget sheet, pretty simple stuff when compared to corporate needs i guess.
i'd like to see some samba-football action a la Sócrates
walk around and shoot some landscapes maxsleg
really interesting light where pent comes from :)
really interesting light where pent comes from :)
i hope you guys are alright, esp. your email accounts:
AT&T Said to Expose iPad Users’ Addresses
Oskar45 wrote:
hamei wrote:
one other option
Already off snooping - don't bother to help me with my original question any further, that gal sure does it

I know what you're thinking. "Did s he fire six shots or only five?"
↓ go Dave go

dunno if this is zerious or not sky (most articles are overhyped to cultivate fear), i just wouldn't like any more spam in my inbox
hope all is cool + funky with your iPads+email
(bri3d caught up almost simultaneously)
hope all is cool + funky with your iPads+email
(bri3d caught up almost simultaneously)
my wife is there right now, doing an art exhibition (nothing to do w/ the expo)
i tried to make it there so that i can have a few drinks w/ hamei but i'm locked inside a theatre till the end of june
expo or not, i think that China is worth visiting
i tried to make it there so that i can have a few drinks w/ hamei but i'm locked inside a theatre till the end of june
expo or not, i think that China is worth visiting
jay, looks like you also pm'ed me your post ^
unfortunately i'm not your man for fancy commands and nekoware builds, someone else will answer that for you
unfortunately i'm not your man for fancy commands and nekoware builds, someone else will answer that for you
maxsleg wrote:
I find of lot of the German drivers are very aggressive and not half as good as at driving as they think they are!
smj wrote:
2. Dear God, you found them poor drivers compared to NorCal rush hour drivers?!? The mind boggles...
i was thinking of mentioning Paris (france not texas) but driving habits are like politics, each one thinks that his place is the worst in the globe
hmm only in sweden everything works ok :P
good luck pent, a fresh start is always good
uhm, iirc it all takes a
and "little richard" or "shakedown" (until you silence this rock n roller)
a propos, the sata hack that you guys came up with is wunderful, my next sgi gots to have one :)
jot /etc/sys_id
and "little richard" or "shakedown" (until you silence this rock n roller)
a propos, the sata hack that you guys came up with is wunderful, my next sgi gots to have one :)
smj wrote:
...Nature abhors a vacuum, and she gets pissy...
smj wrote:
... fatalism/fortune, but realized the list could just go on and on...
sounds like you could go back to Proust, there's nothing like searching for lost time on a lazy summer sunday :)
bri3d wrote:
hamei wrote:
I never use the indicators. It draws too much attention.
This reminds me of...
Bruce Wayne & his car
(ditto from the outsider)
long live diversity and this ad-free, pure quality place
jump 'n jive
hamei wrote:
This is an unusually nice place
long live diversity and this ad-free, pure quality place
hamei wrote:
Let's not forget to light the bonfires tonight, too. I'm a little nervous about what the other worlds think of us these days ...
jump 'n jive

get to know the whole picture. whatever the software, you'll be working with the basics (light & volume). learning methods vary according to each ones abilities but nothing that a decent amount of faith + dedication can't fix.
this is the 1st step and is relatively simple. at this point you'll be merely working under someone else's directions. yes, you gotta know the tool inside-out so that you can push buttons really fast.
from there on -and if you're thinking of creating things yourself- you should hit a pause on which software(s) to get accustomed to and start studying art.
forget all easy/magic chewing gums, moviemaking is a collaborative process. art and craft cannot be replaced by buttons.
sky's first post in this thread is pure quality. hamei's suggestion for a CAD career path will get you much more sane working hours/shifts.
(aj, i thought that you were studying law or something?)
ajerimez wrote:
"movie assembly line" - they don't need generalists, they need experts in particular tasks...
this is the 1st step and is relatively simple. at this point you'll be merely working under someone else's directions. yes, you gotta know the tool inside-out so that you can push buttons really fast.
from there on -and if you're thinking of creating things yourself- you should hit a pause on which software(s) to get accustomed to and start studying art.
forget all easy/magic chewing gums, moviemaking is a collaborative process. art and craft cannot be replaced by buttons.
sky's first post in this thread is pure quality. hamei's suggestion for a CAD career path will get you much more sane working hours/shifts.
(aj, i thought that you were studying law or something?)
theinonen wrote:
I would also claim that CAD-design work needs a proper education, while the 3d-modelling stuff can be learned by just doing the stuff.
not really, guess what separates a xyz software operator from an animator, director etc. sky explained a similar situation from his field, discriminating between "engineers" working on blueprint designs and engineers who actually engineer designs, etc (can't find the thread right now).
education/skills/knowledge is still king
a demo reel is just a (current) portfolio for this type of job. everyone knows that you had all the time in the world to put it together up to your hearts content. some studios/art directors may ask for earlier reels in order to better understand your progress/ideas/technique.
KEY is getting down on it in order produce a decent corpus of work for your ideas. visual work is something that you put on a wall/screen. to the experienced eye, telling the difference between real work vs. a few quick+drty push-button filters, ain't hard.
Ryan Fox wrote:
Last version i have is 2008, not willing to move on until I've done some serious work.
nice one Ryan, personally i'd love to see more nekochaners using their stuff instead of just talking numbers like GHz vs MHz or (latest) versions on pc/lunix/mac being "better"
go cut your story on your sgi or whatever you have, yeah it'll take more time than on the latest trillionHz box. so what? we have way more tech than decent stories/works. not having the latest version of a specific filter won't make any difference, trust me.
hamei wrote:
...that the average person does
want a 3" margin added to the right side of the page. Nor does the average person want to spend three hours hunting through the Internet trying to find a workaround...
ah you noticed too ? we were over our headz, when Maria tried to export some vector work as PDF a few days ago
skywriter wrote:
...mental masturbation turned loose on the world...

SAQ wrote:
...the willingness to shake things up can be a good thing...
oh yeah! let's focus on quality again

it's not only computer people who are complaining, more often than not, upgrades of latest-better make no sense to us either
guys, please carry on such discussions (like the one you had about Office), it will only make things better.
strictly to the topic: Matador works fine on the o2, was used to push/pull stills/freeze frames to/from the art dept straight to on air spots/headlines etc..
^ dang! i mean thanks,
i wish i knew earlier, we ended up having to layout/paginate everything, messing with crosshairs, borders, margins and what not, just to export the frkn thing
i wish i knew earlier, we ended up having to layout/paginate everything, messing with crosshairs, borders, margins and what not, just to export the frkn thing
^ it's what scares me w/ most kids who just consume buzzwords. every time they see/hear something they like, can only come up with a single question "what software did you use?"
all this faster easy magic push-the-button nonsense is frying perceptions left & right, high & low, like a mile a minute. we're all expertz now dude, i got mo magic buttons, just don't ask me to do anything original.
the baloney stops when the green flag drops
all this faster easy magic push-the-button nonsense is frying perceptions left & right, high & low, like a mile a minute. we're all expertz now dude, i got mo magic buttons, just don't ask me to do anything original.
the baloney stops when the green flag drops
smooth maneuver sybr, give me some funky sax + drums and ah bee straight :)
truth is, poor OP just asked about software suggestions, but the "how do i go pro?" question popped-up quickly (and it's always encapsulated anyway) which made me want to give some honest facts.
truth is, poor OP just asked about software suggestions, but the "how do i go pro?" question popped-up quickly (and it's always encapsulated anyway) which made me want to give some honest facts.
sybrfreq wrote:
... you have to throw away an old pair, otherwise you'll end up like my sister...
bwahaha, story of my life divorce
-honey, we need a new wardrobe
-wellll my latest pairs of shoes won't fit nicely anymore *meow*
just someone else's photo from flickr but if it looks familiar… one day you find shoes all over your bed…
hamei wrote:
sybrfreq wrote:
it was late.
The end is nigh ! repent ! repent !
just wait for Clytemnestra to stab Cassandra in the back again (as if deafness by choice is not enough)
hamei wrote:
I still prefer cad programs. If you want to make a box...
hmmm... we could cook up a design, run it through your machines and produce Clytemnestra key-rings?
sorry what? none of them was meant to be likeable, it's the only take in show-business where gods resemble human nature and vice versa
keep Clytemnestra, screaming bitch is all yours, no problemo. i'll club with Iris, coolest chick for my taste + she can take me from NY to Athens in 5 seconds flat
(science didn't come up with the teleporting machine so far, i still gots to use airplanes)
Joyce did a good take too, somewhere down the road Beckett got seduced by that french chick, but these guys could write…but hot damn talk about coming back to a broken house...
keep Clytemnestra, screaming bitch is all yours, no problemo. i'll club with Iris, coolest chick for my taste + she can take me from NY to Athens in 5 seconds flat

Joyce did a good take too, somewhere down the road Beckett got seduced by that french chick, but these guys could write…but hot damn talk about coming back to a broken house...
hell yeah!
ain't it sublime that all great wars were started by a neurotic guy who just couldn't get an erection?
remember the baboons in the opening shot of stanley's "2001 space odyssey"?, a reference to our true nature that usually shows up when we're about to fuck up big time. expertly choreographed by stanley, tribute to the classic works
there's also this thin almost hidden paranoia about life and death when it comes to sacrifices.
the romans were pretty cool dudes too, got all the tech that did matter for their time, made money (but money never made them) and then got back to the basics. snotty baboons doing showbiz at the colosseum: gladiatorial shows, animal hunts, and hungry lions against (other/bad) people.
federico had the balls (and skills) to do it on film.
(jets go about the keyrings
ain't it sublime that all great wars were started by a neurotic guy who just couldn't get an erection?
remember the baboons in the opening shot of stanley's "2001 space odyssey"?, a reference to our true nature that usually shows up when we're about to fuck up big time. expertly choreographed by stanley, tribute to the classic works
there's also this thin almost hidden paranoia about life and death when it comes to sacrifices.
the romans were pretty cool dudes too, got all the tech that did matter for their time, made money (but money never made them) and then got back to the basics. snotty baboons doing showbiz at the colosseum: gladiatorial shows, animal hunts, and hungry lions against (other/bad) people.
federico had the balls (and skills) to do it on film.
(jets go about the keyrings

congratulations dave :)
nice to hear about its noise levels too, i've been wondering how much of a noisemaker the tez is
nice to hear about its noise levels too, i've been wondering how much of a noisemaker the tez is
kinda cute retro-blast, all that hectic frame-rate hell got out of control when M
standardized it, no wonder why most kids today are unable to concentrate on anything longer than 3 seconds
(nice sum sky, almost haiku)
(nice sum sky, almost haiku)
merry merry whatever everyone
the nice part about the "ends of the worlds" is that we get a chance to have some more drinks
gotta find a few more bartenders tho, just me + oskar can't handle rush hours
the nice part about the "ends of the worlds" is that we get a chance to have some more drinks
gotta find a few more bartenders tho, just me + oskar can't handle rush hours
yep! nice work aj
this little cubistic mac always had its mojo working
w/ the mystic upgrade i was able to max out the ram @128MB (kinda undocumented for the lc575 but works rocksteady). i also had tons of fun capturing through s-video via an lc/pds card back in the day (originally available only in japan)
this little cubistic mac always had its mojo working
w/ the mystic upgrade i was able to max out the ram @128MB (kinda undocumented for the lc575 but works rocksteady). i also had tons of fun capturing through s-video via an lc/pds card back in the day (originally available only in japan)
zahal, what's the make/model for the s-vdieo pds card? can't recall anymore after all these years.
iirc, the only "drawback" to maxing the ram was a few more seconds when cold-bootin' the puppy.
saq, each and every person (be it a scientist/artist/philosopher/fisherman) i've ever met who owned an SE , echoes your wish. never owned one but i hear that some SEs are still serving files in classic mac networks.
iirc, the only "drawback" to maxing the ram was a few more seconds when cold-bootin' the puppy.
saq, each and every person (be it a scientist/artist/philosopher/fisherman) i've ever met who owned an SE , echoes your wish. never owned one but i hear that some SEs are still serving files in classic mac networks.
i just browsed our wiki to check the o2 page and found out that regan & smj are busy on it
it looks much better, nice to see it growin' + rockin' :)
it looks much better, nice to see it growin' + rockin' :)
oh lol no sybr…
where's bootsie? the original loonie roller who could play a (double) bass too
(we had a quantel thread some time ago, one of the reasons i never stayed in tv studios for a long time was the freaky aesthetics coupled with the hysteric frame rate. we had all the exotic tech in the 80s but taste was on hiatus )
where's bootsie? the original loonie roller who could play a (double) bass too
(we had a quantel thread some time ago, one of the reasons i never stayed in tv studios for a long time was the freaky aesthetics coupled with the hysteric frame rate. we had all the exotic tech in the 80s but taste was on hiatus )
it's been ages loonv, but moviemaker was able to open all the right formats
i did test some dv streams back then and i wasn't using premier nor flame on the blue2
also check: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=15962
i did test some dv streams back then and i wasn't using premier nor flame on the blue2
also check: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=15962
i'm cutting basic set designs in illustrator sky (used to it, love vectors and seems like the only adobe product without an id crisis atm). dunno if you have/like it but there's some additional cad stuff via
(don't need 'em, haven't tried 'em)
maria likes sketch up sometimes (but a sculptress is worse than a director, and female brain wiring is eh-oh-um, different!)
most scenographers i work with sometimes use vectorworks spotlight , other times use cool pencils+paper
and oh yes we both like sketchbook (iirc a reincarnation of recondas autosketch for the pc) when it rains and we're out of blank a4 :)
maria likes sketch up sometimes (but a sculptress is worse than a director, and female brain wiring is eh-oh-um, different!)
most scenographers i work with sometimes use vectorworks spotlight , other times use cool pencils+paper
and oh yes we both like sketchbook (iirc a reincarnation of recondas autosketch for the pc) when it rains and we're out of blank a4 :)
iffy50 wrote: does anyone know if using a null modem cable with a USB to serial type of connection (on a Mac) will work?
as long as it breaths on a ftdi chip, you're gonna be fine. i've done this on both o2 & fuel straight from my mbp using an ugly, cheapo, usb->serial adapter. got one for 30p or so from the computah fair @ucl.
iirc i had to use x zterm on mac os per neko's suggestion - (no clue if there's anything else). for the rest of the settings, just go for what the guys told you.
edit: uh-oh, iffy thank zm for clarifying further ↓
sybrfreq wrote: in storage... six time zones away from me...
glad you brought this up syb, sort of story of my life. when i was a kid my brother/sister/friends used to say i'm a collector (must have been my music addiction in the shape of vinyl records)
before i even went out of puberty, my nascent minimalism cheek-to-cheek with constant travelling just took the whole notion out of place. every now and then, i really miss favourite books, music and other things that are scattered all over the globe, but i prefer to pass things on to others who would put 'em in better use. i guess that a good collection requires a single, steady place.
zeus! all words, no pics. should come back with a few espresso machines or surfs :)
i'll chime in quickly for magellan and all other members to clarify a few things:
recondas (and probably the rest of the team here too) keeps an eye on this 'gator and helps me/you/the girl across the bar/everyone to come back to an updated list.
i personally asked him to do this (whenever he is able to), since i'm sgi-less for quite some time now & i cannot keep a rocksteady beat presence here in the forum.
back in the day, i'd search the forum and just link to the kind of discussion recondas + magellan have above, just to keep this thread as a single-post list (to make my (re)search easier).
to stay honest, the longer it grows, the harder is is to be maintained as a single post. so what do you guys think, shall we migrate this to the wiki? or are you happy as it is?
recondas (and probably the rest of the team here too) keeps an eye on this 'gator and helps me/you/the girl across the bar/everyone to come back to an updated list.
i personally asked him to do this (whenever he is able to), since i'm sgi-less for quite some time now & i cannot keep a rocksteady beat presence here in the forum.
back in the day, i'd search the forum and just link to the kind of discussion recondas + magellan have above, just to keep this thread as a single-post list (to make my (re)search easier).
to stay honest, the longer it grows, the harder is is to be maintained as a single post. so what do you guys think, shall we migrate this to the wiki? or are you happy as it is?
sounds tres kool to me jose
i'll have to polish my wiki skills again (to be honest editing the wiki ain't easier than editing a phpbb thread. to me at least). i think it'll look better on the wiki though.
what about the rest of you guys? let's vote, this thread ain't mine
i'll have to polish my wiki skills again (to be honest editing the wiki ain't easier than editing a phpbb thread. to me at least). i think it'll look better on the wiki though.
what about the rest of you guys? let's vote, this thread ain't mine
thanks for the offer jose
pretty much covers my wiki concerns too. no problem going through the wiki editing basics again. actually it works out nicely when i get full of the stuff i work with. let's wait to hear thoughts from the rest of the guys and discuss taxonomy.
pretty much covers my wiki concerns too. no problem going through the wiki editing basics again. actually it works out nicely when i get full of the stuff i work with. let's wait to hear thoughts from the rest of the guys and discuss taxonomy.
:D nice to see all the rockers here again (hey zafunky, long time no see)
yes, dave is a one-man research army but let's give him (even a small) brake kids. he (jose, or anyone else) may be able to update/help but asking him to do it from scratch sounds way much. we could always keep running the threads here.
i'll start playing again with the wiki, hope there's a way to temporarily store pages before they go live.
yes, dave is a one-man research army but let's give him (even a small) brake kids. he (jose, or anyone else) may be able to update/help but asking him to do it from scratch sounds way much. we could always keep running the threads here.
i'll start playing again with the wiki, hope there's a way to temporarily store pages before they go live.