So a couple people here have a sizeable SGI collection, so most people here can perhaps relate. Or a Porsche collection, even if they are scale models
. Or stamps. Here's one that is interesting: Concorde service items. Most of the sentiments here I can relate to. Maybe others can as well: ... _17572.asp
Still others are into old cars or hifis or guitars or whatever. I also have maybe a half dozen lenses for my Minolta xd11 and a bunch of other accessories for it, but collecting camera equipment is fairly common. So we can discuss that some other day. (plus most of that is currently in storage... six time zones away from me... I'll be sure to pick it up in the spring. There's a 135mm prime and big flash here, for some reason)
Yup, I'm a youngin', so my first was actually the 2006. The 2002 just showed up today (shipped from egypt was a bit hair-raising) after keeping an eye open for a good three years now (and the inspiration for this post. Actually, AJ poked and prodded me to share...). Most are too expensive, damaged, framed, autographed, have some random stranger's name on the back, fake, etc. I'm still looking for 1998 and 1990, but I'm not in a rush. As a matter of fact I don't really actively look for anything. I have two 2010s because I bought the real one and then won the 'replica' (POS)...
I also have a bunch of club shirts, but those tend to come and go. I realized after taking this photo, my messi barca shirt is in the wash. I'm reasonably fortunate that I work and go to school in a place where I feel comfortable to dress down to my heart’s content, and need a proper jacket and tie maybe once a month.
What else... these are kind of a work in progress... I have the MJOLNIR MKVI from halo 2 I sculpted, out of fiberglass and bondo. Fits me great, built it cheap for Halloween one year. IMO they are cool chilling on the hifi.
I also have (this is the work in progress) the Hayabusa from halo 3. This one I tried carbon fiber (instead of glass fiber) and bondo. Doesn't seem much lighter than the MKVI but definitely stronger. Not finished yet. I haven't worked on it in about a year. :/ I need to redo the collar/neckplate and the crown needs to be smoothed out some more. I do know it will be pearl white with an Oakley G30 (another one of those finishes you need to ‘see in person’) visor when it is finished. But I do not know *when* it will be finished.
Of course, with no deadline, it could be years from now
It deviates quite a bit from the actual game model though, so it fits properly onto my human head.
Post your random knick nacks, beanie babies, etc, here... whatever floats your boat. ... _17572.asp
My friends call it my "Concorde thing" and some joke about the size of the collection (I have service for 16, including full placesettings down to the official linen napkins and placemats, plus a bevy of serving utensils, a thermos, coffee pot, creamers, salt & pepper shakers, etc.). Although I have a bunch of the official Concorde gift items, including some from earlier fittings, the focus of my collection is on the in-flight food service. After all, that's really what the experience was about.
Still others are into old cars or hifis or guitars or whatever. I also have maybe a half dozen lenses for my Minolta xd11 and a bunch of other accessories for it, but collecting camera equipment is fairly common. So we can discuss that some other day. (plus most of that is currently in storage... six time zones away from me... I'll be sure to pick it up in the spring. There's a 135mm prime and big flash here, for some reason)
Yup, I'm a youngin', so my first was actually the 2006. The 2002 just showed up today (shipped from egypt was a bit hair-raising) after keeping an eye open for a good three years now (and the inspiration for this post. Actually, AJ poked and prodded me to share...). Most are too expensive, damaged, framed, autographed, have some random stranger's name on the back, fake, etc. I'm still looking for 1998 and 1990, but I'm not in a rush. As a matter of fact I don't really actively look for anything. I have two 2010s because I bought the real one and then won the 'replica' (POS)...
I also have a bunch of club shirts, but those tend to come and go. I realized after taking this photo, my messi barca shirt is in the wash. I'm reasonably fortunate that I work and go to school in a place where I feel comfortable to dress down to my heart’s content, and need a proper jacket and tie maybe once a month.

What else... these are kind of a work in progress... I have the MJOLNIR MKVI from halo 2 I sculpted, out of fiberglass and bondo. Fits me great, built it cheap for Halloween one year. IMO they are cool chilling on the hifi.
I also have (this is the work in progress) the Hayabusa from halo 3. This one I tried carbon fiber (instead of glass fiber) and bondo. Doesn't seem much lighter than the MKVI but definitely stronger. Not finished yet. I haven't worked on it in about a year. :/ I need to redo the collar/neckplate and the crown needs to be smoothed out some more. I do know it will be pearl white with an Oakley G30 (another one of those finishes you need to ‘see in person’) visor when it is finished. But I do not know *when* it will be finished.

Post your random knick nacks, beanie babies, etc, here... whatever floats your boat.
Google: Don't Be Evil. Apple: Don't Be Greedy. Microsoft: Don't Be Stupid.