nice posters of fairchild and steve&steve
Google: Don't Be Evil.
Apple: Don't Be Greedy.
Microsoft: Don't Be Stupid.
Apple: Don't Be Greedy.
Microsoft: Don't Be Stupid.
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while true; do
# Get current WiFi ESSID
WIFI_STRING=$(/sbin/iwgetid -r);
if [ "$WIFI_STRING" == "" ]; then
# Power/Battery Status
BATTERY_STATUS=$"`cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/status`";
BATTERY_CURRENT=$((`cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/current_now` / 1000));
BATTERY_VOLTS=$((`cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/voltage_now` / 1000));
BATTERY_SOC=$(( `cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_now` * 100 / `cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_full` ));
if [ "$BATTERY_STATUS" == "Charging" ]; then
elif [ "$BATTERY_STATUS" == "Discharging" ]; then
# Date and Time
CLOCK_STRING=$( date '+%a %d %b %I:%M %p' );
# full string
xsetroot -name "Network: $WIFI_STRING | Battery: $BATTERY_STRING | $CLOCK_STRING";
sleep 5s;
hamei wrote:guardian452 wrote: Linux mint left a foul taste in my mouth ...
Do you suppose there are enough people in the kermyooonity to create a "distro" <spit> that's quality-centric ? It would be a lot of work but there's really nothing out there like what Linux used to be, or Irix, or BeOS or even classic Macintosh. It's all such avaricious shit now![]()
Or is personal computing well and truly dead ?
robespierre wrote: it could be a source of long term unreliability, since PCBs have internal power and ground planes. if the bent piece shifts it could short them together.
ivelegacy wrote: do you mean what happened with the homemade misunderstood clock?
- Looks like a bomb - and a Muslim teen Ahmed was arrested for bringing homemade clock to school
because they haven't yet seen my EAT generator, buddy, it really looks like a bomb
ofcourse it's not, but … it's 10K..40K high voltage generator
it can really hurt people, I wanted to build to test candles in combustion engine
currently it's damaged, I just need to pick up 3 new inductors coils
oh, so might be a problem to come in USA for me? Do I need a special pass?
might I need a T shirt with the message " don't stop the science, pleaZe " ?
ivelegacy wrote: is there a grammar mistake in the MOTD?
is it " welcome to Hell " (without "the") ?
I see " Welcome to the Jungle " (Guns & Roses song), " Welcome to Hell " (Spawn Comics)
funny grammar, like " happYness " vs " happIness " (used in "The Pursuit Of Happyness", Gabriele Muccino & Will Smith movie)
ivelegacy wrote:![]()
MorphOS (aka Mos) is a lightweight, highly efficient and flexible desktop operating system. It includes primarily proprietary as well as open - source components. Its many features range from a modern exceptionally customizable graphical user interface, which can utilize 3D hardware acceleration, to a high-performance Just-in-Time compiler that emulates the 68k family of processors and thereby allows to transparently execute legacy applications developed for the Commodore Ax00 series of computers. You will find a selection of core components described below
I installed Mos on MDD (PowerMac [email protected]): great experience, I envy my friend (the machine is not mine, he asked me to prepare a dual boot, linux/Mos).
It's a nice OS, even if it misses great applications, you "could" find it interesting. It's fast, with a decent filesystem and interface.
Your machine is supported, you only have to check the video card.
Posted just to inform you about the alternative fun![]()
hamei wrote: On a more pleasant note, I just read that faceblob is scared to death. 95% of their income comes from unwanted advertising, 78% of it on mobiles, and the Apple Store just started selling ad-blockers![]()
To quote Mrs Lovett, "Die ! Die ! God in heaven -- die !"
vishnu wrote: In short, keep it to rainbows, ponies and the like. Thank you! The Management."![]()
ivelegacy wrote: my GaGa friend has become jealous (she is redhead) and Santa Claus has threatened a few bad intentions to take hostile action against me in retribution for something done or not done (the real reason is that he doesn't want to make you know that he comes from Atlantis, and that his sledge is an old military weapon, powered by steam and sugar
so pssssssssss keep it secret as never said, I do not want to start the new year with a citation in court)
hamei wrote: But I refuse to be treated like a two-year-old by a guy who wandered off for five years to play an online cartoon show.
And if we are not big enough to discuss world-changing events without thread locking, then this is not the right place for me anyhow.
fu wrote: just when i was thinking of asking the ‘channers about those embedded, mini-whatever you call them kits (like the raspberry pi, bandana-split or doo-wap-de-l’arte). not sure if they count as post pc though.
ivelegacy wrote:skywriter wrote: One thing I really like to do with a Apple MacBook Air with ad-on 3rd party is the same I was able to do with Sun gear - although I can use three full color monitors instead an individual color
to what are those LCDs attached ?
ivelegacy wrote: with my MacBookAir I can't easily have X11
the best I can have is XQuartz (it's 3rd parts)
which partially supports X11
e.g. I can export " Mathematica " from IRIX, even if it misses Xfonts (already fixed)
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Feb 12 17:28:04 Xavi.local shutdown[44170]: halt by root: Shutting down due to power loss!
Feb 12 17:28:04 Xavi.local shutdown[44170]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1455316084 958625
nyef wrote: My theory is that Apple assumes that everyone just uses recent Apple laptops. One of the reasons I'm running Linux on my Mini 2010 is that OSX post-10.6 or so has broken power management (no suspend-to-disk) on that hardware, which was a major part of my use-case when I bought it.
That's the bug I mentioned in the OP. The only option that actually "works" is the "shut down after xxx minutes".Dennis Nedry wrote: When I was trying out 10.11, the UPS did another self test and everything closed up and the system turned itself off. I was able to replicate this behaviour simply by pulling the power plug on the APC and then plugging it in 5 seconds later. Even if I managed to abort the shutdown sequence in the GUI, OS X would terminate WindowServer a few seconds later and the system would go down regardless.
ClassicHasClass wrote:I have one in ... shafter CA
Shafter?? Where men are men and sheep are scared?
How often do you have to get out that way?