stuart wrote: Not easily, I'm afraid - I built Pidgin via NetBSD's pkgsrc system and it's got a ton of dependencies.
(For those using pkgsrc, the pidgin build has a surprisingly large degree of just-worksness!)
When I have time later in the week I'll try to work out the minimum versions of the different dependencies, and confirm that they exist in nekoware. If all's good, I'll try a nekoware build and see how I get on.
Yes, Pidgin relies on lots of other bits of code. Updated to version 2.4.2, and everything works (the nasty popups about MSN contacts not on the server 's list are gone).
Sound seems to use GStreamer wich I don't have on my irix box (on the options tab you can also use a command line sound player, but I havent tried it yet...)
BTW, what's the location/name of the iconfile you mention? It does display very small in the iconbox.
UPDATE: using mplayer as the command option for sound....everything working fine now...

Sitting in a room.....thinkin' shit up.
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