I have a DEC Multia VX42, but it came without the vertical stand. Does anyone have one for sale, or knows where to get one?

kramlq wrote: ... from NeXT specialists http://www.blackholeinc.com/
josehill wrote:GL1zdA wrote:kramlq wrote: ... from NeXT specialists http://www.blackholeinc.com/
With worst webmasters I've ever seen. Their HTML/Webdesign skills are an insult to NeXT...
Keep in mind that their target users are NeXT enthusiasts. The current web browser situation on NeXT is even worse than it is on IRIX! Black Hole's website is pushing the limits of what a NeXT web browser can handle.
Code: Select all
<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<meta name=ProgId content=Word.Document>
<meta name=Generator content="Microsoft Word 12">
<meta name=Originator content="Microsoft Word 12">
<link rel=File-List href="index_files/filelist.xml">
<link rel=Edit-Time-Data href="index_files/editdata.mso">
<!--[if !mso]>
... and here 600 lines of MS specific code
pentium wrote: If you're insane I believe you can install Windows NT 4 for PowerPC on the 800 series laptops.![]()
hamei wrote:PymbleSoftware wrote: In which browser?
You're right ! That's strange ... divider line is there in Internet Exploder but not Fireflop. Two flavors of fireflop. Don't have Safari handy at the moment to check ...