What a disaster...
The collected works of strong_epoxy
Ahhh the University of Washington Computer Fair... That's where I met in person and fell in love with the NeXT Cube with Dimension graphics. Good Times...

To answer the question. I love eye candy and SGI was the first to really deliver it (besides the Amiga.) On top of that, you add the processing capability, throughput, and finally: style and you have a machine built by brilliant people, for brilliant people.
For example, at some levels, an iPod is a thing of beauty, style, intelligence, and sophistication that people want/need to possess. SGI (old logo) helped defined that category.
For example, at some levels, an iPod is a thing of beauty, style, intelligence, and sophistication that people want/need to possess. SGI (old logo) helped defined that category.

Hmm... The replacement names aren't terribly flattering: Glacier, Sand (as in hour glass I presume...)

After recently moving I finally got my own space and can play with my extensive SGI collection. The first project is paring down the Indigo 2 collection. One of the four machines wouldn't boot so I'm stripping and recycling it. Half way through I notice the thing's been hardly used. No dust, no ancient fingerprints on the internal steel. Everything looks like it's been assembled yesterday.
Sad. A $40k 195 MHz R10000 Indigo2 probably ran for a month or two, only to be stripped and recycled.
Sad. A $40k 195 MHz R10000 Indigo2 probably ran for a month or two, only to be stripped and recycled.

Attempting a clean install of 6.5.22 on an I2. I have the 6.5 foundations, 6.5.22 overlays and apps, (6.5.30 overlays and apps too BTW,) mipspro 7.4 disks, and all patches and am always missing:
c++_eoe.sw64.lib (1279199410), compiler_eoe.sw64.lib (1279199410), compiler_eoe.sw64.unix (1279199410) and eoe.sw64.lib (1289434520)
How do I make this go away?
c++_eoe.sw64.lib (1279199410), compiler_eoe.sw64.lib (1279199410), compiler_eoe.sw64.unix (1279199410) and eoe.sw64.lib (1289434520)
How do I make this go away?

I've include two distributions including versions of each. No dice.
Other ideas? What do those numbers mean at the end of the package name.
Other ideas? What do those numbers mean at the end of the package name.

NM: conflicts 1a
installs the above components. I thought they couldn't be found hence my searching all over God's creation. Turns out, they were there all along and inst just needed to be re-assured that it can install them.
We'll that's four Saturday hours down the tube, on my birthday even...
installs the above components. I thought they couldn't be found hence my searching all over God's creation. Turns out, they were there all along and inst just needed to be re-assured that it can install them.
We'll that's four Saturday hours down the tube, on my birthday even...

Seattle real estate ain't cheap. BTW: Speaking of real estate, my next project is rooting through five 1541 Commodore floppy drives. Worst, job, ever.
FTW: I did totally strip the I2.
Seattle real estate ain't cheap. BTW: Speaking of real estate, my next project is rooting through five 1541 Commodore floppy drives. Worst, job, ever.
FTW: I did totally strip the I2.

I'm building an R5000 Indy and got hit with this defect:
...any hints on how to uninstall a patch?
I loaded inst from a remote server/directory but uninstalling a patch is not obvious.
...any hints on how to uninstall a patch?
I loaded inst from a remote server/directory but uninstalling a patch is not obvious.

FYI/BTW: The first who makes an offer, loses.

I walked into Boeing Surplus 10 minutes after opening looking for SGIs and watched two guys checkout with Fuels for $25 each.
I think I'd want one of each, but just one... Octane 2 followed by Indigo Elan, then Indigo 2.
I think I'd want one of each, but just one... Octane 2 followed by Indigo Elan, then Indigo 2.

What are the skins like? Can you boot to the TOD clock error?

There's a 133Mhz PC (primary cache) Indy locally for $25. I've got a full house of much faster SGI machines but I hate to see the system scrapped. As collectors and curators, should these machines be saved?

I think that CPU fan is standard. Mine has one too.

Install Flame and it takes over the machine's environment. Toolchest is abreviated etc... Is there a way to install it like a normal piece of software?

Sound's like TeamBlackFox is a leader, not a do'er. Perhaps he should start a new site that'll allow him to bark orders at willing volunteers.

...on a clean install. They're all missing preferred versions of various libraries.
Should I simply create the missing links to the latest libraries or are they really broken?
Should I simply create the missing links to the latest libraries or are they really broken?

So I should probably read the little messages that pop up when opening the nekoware distribution...
I hereby report that Project Starfighter are Blob Wars are looking for libtiff v3. v6 is installed.
I hereby report that Project Starfighter are Blob Wars are looking for libtiff v3. v6 is installed.

Sorry, looks like these are known issues. I'll search the forums for solutions.

What kind of camera/lens are you using?

All that's needed now are download links!

Sorry for the ancient thread bump...
Did we decide that we need the 100MHz chip per here: http://www.memoryxsun.com/5251378.html
...or the 150MHz per the thread above?
Did we decide that we need the 100MHz chip per here: http://www.memoryxsun.com/5251378.html
...or the 150MHz per the thread above?

So I'm reviving a hot SS20 with Solaris 9 and would like the Sun Studio 11 compiler on it. Though it was a free download in the past it's now... unavailable. If I buy the DVD, will I need a license key à la mipspro or do I just install and run?

Bad news. I bought this chip: M48T08-100PC1
http://www.mouser.com/Search/ProductDet ... 48T0810PC1
...and my SS20 won't boot with it. Replacing the original chip works.
Did I get the wrong chip or is the chip perhaps, bad?
...and my SS20 won't boot with it. Replacing the original chip works.
Did I get the wrong chip or is the chip perhaps, bad?

Hmm, I'll check it out Tuesday. Oracle's JSP link appears down as expected. It'll probably be be back up then after OPs is back in the office.
Knock, knock. Who's there?
Thanks for the tip @esimo.
Knock, knock. Who's there?
Thanks for the tip @esimo.

Looks like only Sun Studio 12(.0) works with Solaris 9 on an SS20. That version's of course, not available. Bummer. I found an old copy of GCC that I hope to bootstrap GCC 4.X and go from there.
Thanks for the help.
Thanks for the help.

+1 Google: ftp + <SOFTWARE>
...works much better than directly googling for it.
...works much better than directly googling for it.

I'm attempting a network install of Solaris 9 to my SS20 from a Linux server. Everything works: rarp, bootp, tftp, nfs... the kernel's loaded, the boot partition's loaded, devices discovered, etc. It then attempts to load the installer and fails with:
/sbin/startup: /dev/fbs: does not exist
...and drops to the console.
This occurs with both install commands:
boot net -v - install
boot net -v - text
Any ideas?
(BTW: This all started with attempting to install Sun Studio mentioned in another thread. The machine had a 9GB drive with an awful partition setup so there was no room to install. I've installed a 36GB drive and will pay better attention to the partitioning.)
/sbin/startup: /dev/fbs: does not exist
...and drops to the console.
This occurs with both install commands:
boot net -v - install
boot net -v - text
Any ideas?
(BTW: This all started with attempting to install Sun Studio mentioned in another thread. The machine had a 9GB drive with an awful partition setup so there was no room to install. I've installed a 36GB drive and will pay better attention to the partitioning.)

So I guess the Solaris 9 install system is busted... Maybe I can clone my currently working disk?
I installed that 36GB drive mentioned in another thread and Solaris 9's format command doesn't recognize it. It's just not in the list of drives.
However, running:
...so it's found on the SCSI bus with this silly sd1 name. How do I re-label it with a normal drive id?
I installed that 36GB drive mentioned in another thread and Solaris 9's format command doesn't recognize it. It's just not in the list of drives.
However, running:
Code: Select all
iostat -En
Code: Select all
sd1 Soft Errors: 1 Hard Errors: 0 Transport Errors: 0
Vendor: HP 36.4G Product: ST336706LC Revision: HP04 Serial No:
Size: 36.42GB <36420075520 bytes>
Media Error: 0 Device Not Ready: 0 No Device: 0 Recoverable: 0
Illegal Request: 1 Predictive Failure Analysis: 0
...so it's found on the SCSI bus with this silly sd1 name. How do I re-label it with a normal drive id?

So y'all can see I'm struggling with my SS20. Since I can't reinstall Solaris 9 on a new drive I added a second drive, extracted Studio to it and 'successfully' ran the install. It did fail installing patches, something about running out of space... but all partitions had plenty. Now 'cc' fails with: '/usr/bin/cc: cannot execute binary file'
I wish this was easy like Windows...
Ha! Just trolling. Not really... Yes I am.
I'll show myself out.
I wish this was easy like Windows...
Ha! Just trolling. Not really... Yes I am.
I'll show myself out.

I, an anonymous internets user, hereby grant thee, Melkhior, 1,000,000 Internet points which makes you the winner of the Internet today! Just Wednesday mind you. Oh and there's only a couple hours left of the day. And there's no other prize.
That worked! I'm a little uncomfortable with all this 'modifying startup script' voodoo, but I'll get over it I think.
If you don't mind I'd like to post my problem and your solution to my blog. I'll reference this thread in the blog.
Thanks for your help!
That worked! I'm a little uncomfortable with all this 'modifying startup script' voodoo, but I'll get over it I think.
If you don't mind I'd like to post my problem and your solution to my blog. I'll reference this thread in the blog.
Thanks for your help!

I'll take the indigo if your other offer falls through.

pm sent

Oh, inodes. I forgot about those. Thanks. I'm re-partitioning now and I'll pay attention to them.

hmm, I've sent two PM's but they don't appear in my sent message list. Lemme know if you got them. Thx.

LOL. I'm starting to get why a colleague recently added systemd to the list of interview items/questions he uses to filter out candidates for IT positions.
Sounds like he's the problem.
Skillz in new, widely adopted technology is not cause for dismissal.