The collected works of porter - Page 8

Do you mean - Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols ?

:Indy: :Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Indy: 4xRS6K 2xHP9K 6xSUN 1xDEC 14xMAC 7xPC 2xPS2
Yes, now. :)

I did enjoy his articles.

:Indy: :Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Indy: 4xRS6K 2xHP9K 6xSUN 1xDEC 14xMAC 7xPC 2xPS2
duck wrote:
Eh, Athena?-)

Athena has left the building.

:Indy: :Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Indy: 4xRS6K 2xHP9K 6xSUN 1xDEC 14xMAC 7xPC 2xPS2
I don't know where it comes from. It just happens.

For the life of me I can't get custom icons going on IRIX, neither 4dwm or CDE. On Solaris you simply create a file in your home directory, and the icon where CDE expects to find it.

bash-3.00$ ls -ld OpenDoc .dt/icons/
-r-xr-xr-x   1 rogerb   other       2742 Jan 25 23:02 .dt/icons/
-rw-r--r--   1 rogerb   other         33 Jan 25 23:03 OpenDoc
bash-3.00$ cat OpenDoc

I've been round the houses many times, how does one do it on IRIX?

:Indy: :Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Indy: 4xRS6K 2xHP9K 6xSUN 1xDEC 14xMAC 7xPC 2xPS2
Hi, no the .Xdefaults as you describe makes no difference...

I have a small test app which basically does




with no color management at all.

I thought platform scheme defaults would just work with the default configuration.

Compiling in the XPM icon worked well so avoids configuration entirely.

:Indy: :Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Indy: 4xRS6K 2xHP9K 6xSUN 1xDEC 14xMAC 7xPC 2xPS2
This looks like the ticket:

IRIX Interactive Desktop Integration Guide

Chapter 3. Using Schemes

:Indy: :Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Indy: 4xRS6K 2xHP9K 6xSUN 1xDEC 14xMAC 7xPC 2xPS2
Get the X11 Volume Zero book from O'Reilly, that will explain all about X11 on the wire.
Land of the Long White Cloud and no Software Patents.
Oskar45 wrote:
vishnu wrote:
If not for usenet, Linux might still be one guy's basement project and we'd still be stuck with Minix... ;)
True, but reading Minix's source should still teach you one thing or the other...

Or perhaps the Hurd may have progressed faster.

:Indy: :Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Indy: 4xRS6K 2xHP9K 6xSUN 1xDEC 14xMAC 7xPC 2xPS2

I've just converted my AIX 1.3 box to OS2 2.1. (PS/2 76i)

Getting an ethernet with AUI will give you options over 10Base2 or 10BaseT.

:Indy: :Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Indy: 4xRS6K 2xHP9K 6xSUN 1xDEC 14xMAC 7xPC 2xPS2
unsigned long lwidth = width;   /* must be CARD32 */

How so? If the program was compiled 32bit, then the program will either run as 32bit or not run at all.

If the program was compiled with pre- 64 bit headers, and as n32 or o32 binary then it is self-consistent.

:Indy: :Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Indy: 4xRS6K 2xHP9K 6xSUN 1xDEC 14xMAC 7xPC 2xPS2
Now we'd like Apple/IBM to open source OpenDoc. The AIX version ran on Motif.


:Indy: :Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Indy: 4xRS6K 2xHP9K 6xSUN 1xDEC 14xMAC 7xPC 2xPS2
To somebody at the US Patents office, that a hammer can be used to strike things is only obvious once it has been used to attempt to bludgeon some sense into them.

NZ is happily a software patent free zone.

:Indy: :Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Indy: 4xRS6K 2xHP9K 6xSUN 1xDEC 14xMAC 7xPC 2xPS2
I'm sure it does what it says on the tin, alas I was turned off RabbitMQ due to an evangelist who insisted on using it tol solve every problem, it was his hammer, and hence saw every problem as a nail.

One of the problems of turning an existing conventional sequential request/response system is you have to reverse engineer every distributed request/response operation and turn it into a sequence of asynchronous operations, that the RabbitMQ people then invent RPC over MQ is to admit defeat and in an instant destroy the advantages of highly asynchronous systems.

:Indy: :Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Indy: 4xRS6K 2xHP9K 6xSUN 1xDEC 14xMAC 7xPC 2xPS2
Adrenaline wrote:
It's definitely not a solution for everything, but if you've worked with other messaging systems that are platform independent I'd love to hear about it. The next big project that will take to July 1st next year is ramping up and I could use some alternatives.

Rather than specifying RabbitMQ I would recommend standardise on either the wire-protocol, eg AMQP or the client API, eg JMS.

That way you maintain portability at some level.

RabbitMQ does support AMQP, so happily use it as a particular implementation for some nodes, rather than the requirement for all components.

At work we have thrown our lot in with AWS, so are using SQS, it uses HTTPS as a lowest common denominator in the API stack, and have a number of different SDKs for different languages. If you have less than a million messages a month you may get away with it being free.

:Indy: :Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Indy: 4xRS6K 2xHP9K 6xSUN 1xDEC 14xMAC 7xPC 2xPS2
What does have to say?

air:~ $ nslookup

Non-authoritative answer:   name =

Authoritative answers can be found from:

:Indy: :Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Indy: 4xRS6K 2xHP9K 6xSUN 1xDEC 14xMAC 7xPC 2xPS2
Yes OS/2 is a good solid system, though like BeOS totally missed out on the concept of users and security. IBM took a long time to twig that networking should be part of the operating system with OS/2. Also had no system concept of installable software packages ( unless you count fix packs).

:Indy: :Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Indy: 4xRS6K 2xHP9K 6xSUN 1xDEC 14xMAC 7xPC 2xPS2
hamei wrote:
Meanwhile, back on the ranch, wtf is "the maximum value that a long int can hold" supposed to mean ?

(2 to the power of (32-1))-1 for 32 bit system

(2 to the power of (64-1))-1 for a 64 bit system

assuming signed long int.

:Indy: :Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Indy: 4xRS6K 2xHP9K 6xSUN 1xDEC 14xMAC 7xPC 2xPS2
HP-UX ultralt B.11.11 U 9000/871 2006564319 unlimited-user license

:Indy: :Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Indy: 4xRS6K 2xHP9K 6xSUN 1xDEC 14xMAC 7xPC 2xPS2
Put it this way, you now know how many CPU/cores/threads you have, what are you actually going to do with that information?

:Indy: :Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Indy: 4xRS6K 2xHP9K 6xSUN 1xDEC 14xMAC 7xPC 2xPS2
bluecode wrote:
People have to buy more and more hardware to keep up with lamer and lamer software.

Not if the solution does not depend on memory being shared; then you can run your processes in the cloud. Just rent the h/w as and when you need it.

:Indy: :Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Indy: 4xRS6K 2xHP9K 6xSUN 1xDEC 14xMAC 7xPC 2xPS2
The last one sounds like either a path problem, or the thinkpad config utility is not for Warp 4.
Land of the Long White Cloud and no Software Patents.
Impressive, 47 different ways of using linked lists with a mutex within a try/catch! You can immediately double that number by duplicating the same patents and adding "...on the internet".

:Indy: :Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Indy: 4xRS6K 2xHP9K 6xSUN 1xDEC 14xMAC 7xPC 2xPS2
BoatBuilding for Beginners - ISBN-13: 978-1891369292
Celestial Navigation for Yachtsman - ISBN-13: 978-0070059283
Coconut Lovers Cookbook - ISBN-13: 978-0941599597
Atlas of Remote Islands - ISBN-13: 978-0143118206
Man vs. Wild: Survival Techniques from the Most Dangerous Places on Earth - ISBN-13: 978-1401322939

:Indy: :Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Indy: 4xRS6K 2xHP9K 6xSUN 1xDEC 14xMAC 7xPC 2xPS2
hamei wrote:
ClassicHasClass wrote:
4.1.4 added Apple Talk (not "-Share"), ...

Oh, this is something you might not have noticed yet - did you know that Irix has support for either AppleTalk or AppleShare ? (I'm not sure which since I isn't an Apple person.) It's on the installation CD's ...

Yes indeed it does. It's referred to as Ktalk.

:Indy: :Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Indy: 4xRS6K 2xHP9K 6xSUN 1xDEC 14xMAC 7xPC 2xPS2
Should look like the thing on the right-hand side, without the penguin.

Vertical or horizontal.....


:Indy: :Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Indy: 4xRS6K 2xHP9K 6xSUN 1xDEC 14xMAC 7xPC 2xPS2
Windows 8 has successful shown what happens when you think that a desktop is the same as a phone.

I'll be a believer when somebody can demonstrate editing a word document or running a full IDE on a phone. Emails, notifications, simple browsing yes; desktop replacement, no.

:Indy: :Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Indy: 4xRS6K 2xHP9K 6xSUN 1xDEC 14xMAC 7xPC 2xPS2
As you asked for client, you should be able to find an Oracle JDBC driver which works with Java 1.4, for example

This does require a license agreement.

:Indy: :Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Indy: 4xRS6K 2xHP9K 6xSUN 1xDEC 14xMAC 7xPC 2xPS2
As in "Wyfe Of Bath"?

:Indy: :Indigo2IMP: :Octane: :Indy: 4xRS6K 2xHP9K 6xSUN 1xDEC 14xMAC 7xPC 2xPS2
pentium wrote: Guys, I need help. I don't know what I'm doing.

We don't know what you are doing either!

What state do you have it in?

(a) it boots up by itself gracefully

(b) you can login

(c) you can run X on the box itself

(d) you can compile stuff with the provided IBM C compiler

If you can do all that you are now at the forefront of AIX 1.3.
Land of the Long White Cloud and no Software Patents.
I solved the networking side by getting an AIX 1.3 supported MCA Ethernet card and configuring static IP for it. AIX supports fewer network cards than OS/2.

My 76i has now been redeployed as an OS/2 2.1 box. AIX 1.3 counts as been there, done that, rather like getting SunOS 4 running on a Sun 3/60...
Land of the Long White Cloud and no Software Patents.
My favourite was William's Creature from the Black Lagoon!

Land of the Long White Cloud and no Software Patents.
vishnu wrote: Windows Services for UNIX...

Note: The product will not install on Windows 9x or Windows XP Home Edition or Windows Vista. The product should not be installed on Windows Server 2003 R2. This is an unsupported configuration.
Land of the Long White Cloud and no Software Patents.
tingo wrote: Try

Code: Select all

echo %%foo%%

Exercise for the reader: why is this required?

Escapes me.
Land of the Long White Cloud and no Software Patents.
hamei wrote:
porter wrote: Escapes me.

Shouldn't that be "Escapes me." ?

Are you quoting me out of context?
Land of the Long White Cloud and no Software Patents.
ClassicHasClass wrote: You know what they put on French fries in Holland instead of ketchup? Mayonnaise. I've seen 'em do it, man. They f*ckin' drown 'em in that sh*t.

Shouldn't that be Hollandaise? :)
Land of the Long White Cloud and no Software Patents.
Actually my point is that

* after the US lagged the rest of the world by decades, keeping it's magnetic swipes and avoiding chip-and-pin like the plague
* telcos dragged their heels over adding EMV to their SIMs and using TSMs over fights on the slice of their pie
* Apple spending years telling people to pay using BluetoothLE or Wifi and poo-pooing NFC

The telcos and banks have handed over retail payments to Apple on a silver plate.
Land of the Long White Cloud and no Software Patents.
Alas my 7043-240 died a year or so ago. My recollections are although the module compiled and didn't stop XLC working, it still broke after the 90 days. I ended up just resetting the machines time back for XLC compilations.
Land of the Long White Cloud and no Software Patents.
I absolutely astounded that the authors of bash thought it a neat idea to

(a) export functions via environment variables
(b) execute contents of any environment variable with the script parser/handler

Its like somebody shooting themselves in the head with every revolver they find to see if they are loaded.

Land of the Long White Cloud and no Software Patents.