jjacocks wrote:
So, I picked up another old workstation, this time an HP 9000/375.
Lucky man!
jjacocks wrote:
1) I have the HIL-PS/2 adapter (HP calls is the "keyboard adapter module"), but it doesn't plug in to the HIL port on the machine. There is a descending piece of plastic on the right side of the 10P10C connector that blocks it. I know that this adapter was made for the 9000/700 PA-RISC workstations, will it work with the 375, if I remove that tab?
I don't know for sure, but I am not aware of anyone using this adapter module on 68k workstations. I would not expect it to work if I were you.
jjacocks wrote:
2) What kind of memory do these machines take? I find reference to a 32mb kit (of 2 16mb modules) via HP part number 98229E. The specs say that this machine will take 128mb. So, should I just try to track down 4 kits?
The CPU board should have 8 slots, with memory sticks set in pairs. It will accept any pair of 2MB, 4MB, 8MB or 16MB modules of the A-3004-xxx series.