i mean SGI 4-Port Differential Ultra SCSI XIO Card for Octane, P/N 030-1281
The collected works of ivelegacy - Page 5
hi guys
i have to O2 AV1 boards for sale, i will post photos and more details, soon
i have to O2 AV1 boards for sale, i will post photos and more details, soon
i have a dead front plane in my IP30, but i already have the PCI Cardcage (1), may sATA-PCI (with the right chip) also work for Octane2 ?
(1) used to add USB support in linux kernel, and … it works only with a window of 20Mbyte/sec
never used with Irix, so it should be very interesting if it will ever work with sATA
(1) used to add USB support in linux kernel, and … it works only with a window of 20Mbyte/sec
never used with Irix, so it should be very interesting if it will ever work with sATA
could eventually also work with Octane + XIO-PCI ?
could eventually also work with Octane + XIO-PCI ?
kernel development,
Scientific Apps (I'd like to use Ansys and Catia, I need more ram)
jpstewart wrote: Since this seems to be from Ian Mapelson's "Gifts" CD, perhaps he'll weigh in with more (correct!) info about where to find the needed library
already asked him before posting here, and he replied that he does not know about the missing library.
here it is for sale an ATX form factor board with PowerPC 440 installed. Codename "ebony" it should have support for linux. In case you are interested let me know by PM.
more informations will follow
here it is for sale an ATX form factor board with PowerPC 440 installed. Codename "ebony" it should have support for linux. In case you are interested let me know by PM.
more informations will follow
about Indigo2 Extreme Graphics, i am reading that guys have combined these Silicon Graphics P/N
i am confused about auction like this (Silicon Graphics Indigo2 Extreme Graphics 030-8106-005 030-8226-002 030-8105-006), is it really possible ?
full informations about indigo2 found here
- 030-8106-005
- 030-8105-006
- 030-8226-002
i am confused about auction like this (Silicon Graphics Indigo2 Extreme Graphics 030-8106-005 030-8226-002 030-8105-006), is it really possible ?
Code: Select all
030-8202-004 XL Graphics (1-board)
030-8105-006 XZ Graphics (2-board set)
030-8105-006 Extreme Graphics (3-board set)
030-8226-002 or 030-8107-00x (Older card)
030-0786-002 Solid Impact (1-board)
030-0909-004 High Impact (2-board set)
030-0944-003 Maximum Impact (3-board set)
full informations about indigo2 found here
thank you for your informations, i have already ordered a second hand
See MIPS Run

hi guys
as recompiling an old v2.95 gcc on a modern toolchain takes too much effort, i am looking for a binary tarball
more specifically i need
- Gcc version 2.95.2 19991024, mips-sgi-irix6.5 full toolchain
- fully populated with CRT & libraries, something like { crtbegin.o, crtend.o, libgcc.a, … }
if anyone has it, let me know
thank you
as recompiling an old v2.95 gcc on a modern toolchain takes too much effort, i am looking for a binary tarball
more specifically i need
- Gcc version 2.95.2 19991024, mips-sgi-irix6.5 full toolchain
- fully populated with CRT & libraries, something like { crtbegin.o, crtend.o, libgcc.a, … }
if anyone has it, let me know
thank you
it's not for me, there is an other friend of mine that is looking for MaxImpact gfx with 4Mbyte TRAM. If you have one for sale, contact me by PM
thank you
it's not for me, there is an other friend of mine that is looking for MaxImpact gfx with 4Mbyte TRAM. If you have one for sale, contact me by PM
thank you
ajw99uk wrote: Not about to pull mine apart to check, but as there are three boards in an Extreme set and the auction picture looks like what's in my I2, I think the error lies in describing the set as "High Impact (2-Board Set) with the additional Extreme Graphics Board". More likely it is just an Extreme set.
yes, you are right! I have checked the P/N and the guy on ebay is wrong: he is selling an Extreme Set, there is no HighImpact in his auction. The problem is … i am not expert about this stuff and his auction was confusing me a bit. I have also cross checked the photo on Lan's web, and MaxImapact set looks completely different, so no more dubs about.
thank you for your post !
is there any 2D and 3D CAD for Irix ?
i am looking for a simple one
is there any 2D and 3D CAD for Irix ?
i am looking for a simple one
Some prowling the streets, looking for sweets from their Candyman
I'm Looking for a new fun with IP30/Octane2
IP30 purposes : linux (kernel development), Irix Scientific Apps { Ansys, Catia, Pro/E, FiberSIM, AutoDYNþ, ... }
Other Projects : { Cerberus , Woody Box , 68K-board, SWI_DBG }, discontinued Console hacks { GB, GBA, PSX1 }
Wanted Equipments : { U1732C LCR meter by Keysight } ~ ~ I am still Learning English, be patient with me ~ ~
about me , there are just a few things to know: I am exuberant , and I love the urban dictionary : is it a problem ?!?
IP30 purposes : linux (kernel development), Irix Scientific Apps { Ansys, Catia, Pro/E, FiberSIM, AutoDYNþ, ... }
Other Projects : { Cerberus , Woody Box , 68K-board, SWI_DBG }, discontinued Console hacks { GB, GBA, PSX1 }
Wanted Equipments : { U1732C LCR meter by Keysight } ~ ~ I am still Learning English, be patient with me ~ ~
about me , there are just a few things to know: I am exuberant , and I love the urban dictionary : is it a problem ?!?
CADCUP of coffee, can i have one, too
ops, there is something wrong with me and the search function: i have found this neko-thread but not by using the forum search function, i used google because that function has produced an empty result X________X
btw, it seems the right thread with the answers i am looking for!
Apologies for that
very interesting thread
thank you guys !

ops, there is something wrong with me and the search function: i have found this neko-thread but not by using the forum search function, i used google because that function has produced an empty result X________X
btw, it seems the right thread with the answers i am looking for!
Apologies for that
very interesting thread
thank you guys !
Some prowling the streets, looking for sweets from their Candyman
I'm Looking for a new fun with IP30/Octane2
IP30 purposes : linux (kernel development), Irix Scientific Apps { Ansys, Catia, Pro/E, FiberSIM, AutoDYNþ, ... }
Other Projects : { Cerberus , Woody Box , 68K-board, SWI_DBG }, discontinued Console hacks { GB, GBA, PSX1 }
Wanted Equipments : { U1732C LCR meter by Keysight } ~ ~ I am still Learning English, be patient with me ~ ~
about me , there are just a few things to know: I am exuberant , and I love the urban dictionary : is it a problem ?!?
IP30 purposes : linux (kernel development), Irix Scientific Apps { Ansys, Catia, Pro/E, FiberSIM, AutoDYNþ, ... }
Other Projects : { Cerberus , Woody Box , 68K-board, SWI_DBG }, discontinued Console hacks { GB, GBA, PSX1 }
Wanted Equipments : { U1732C LCR meter by Keysight } ~ ~ I am still Learning English, be patient with me ~ ~
about me , there are just a few things to know: I am exuberant , and I love the urban dictionary : is it a problem ?!?
i have seen
, and i know that 3.4.6 should be newer/better than 2.95 (i got a few PM about that), but guys, i really need the v2.95 because i have to support GPC, which is based on 2.95, so i'd like to have its CRT files.
i am a bit busy about recompiling GPC now (GNU Gcc never compile the first time, it always requires a lot of effort go achieve the result)
i am a bit busy about recompiling GPC now (GNU Gcc never compile the first time, it always requires a lot of effort go achieve the result)

Cerberus in Greek and Roman mythology, is a multi-headed (usually three-headed) dog, a mane of snakes, and a lion's claws. He guards the entrance of the Greek underworld to prevent the dead from escaping and the living from entering. Cerberus is featured in many works of ancient Greek and Roman literature and in works of both ancient and modern art and architecture, although the depiction of Cerberus differs across various renditions.
Let me say that this project was born as university homework, and became a foolish project, just for fun. I have chosen the name "Cerberus" for 3 reasons:
- because this project figure as the guardian of my digital underworld to prevent the personal information from escaping and the hackers on the other side of the network from entering
- because there are 4 nodes, more specifically 3 PowerPC 405GP DHT nodes, plus 1 big node that acts like master control
- because it's just a funny "hostname"
btw, It does hw cryptography, 405 GP supports it, so my Cerberus has really 4 heads, the first node is a Walnut motherboard in ATX form factor, it has 10/100/1000Mbit/sec lan, a sATA controller and a 4 uart board used to control other 3 nodes, which are DHT-Walnut in custom form factor, 2 of them have sATA controller for softRAID (2 hard drive for each a sATA controller), the last one has micro drive, and will have the 10/100/1000 lan replaced with an USB.
the whole system is completely remote controlled and it is able to bootstrap from the lan, in case of lan-hanupup the microdrive-node is also able to perform tftpboot in order to bootstrap all the nodes. So Cerberus is always able to bootstrap, even if the LAN is off line.
the grey plastic box is the PSU control, it contains rele' connected to nodes and to an MPU that is always powered by the ATX PSU and always connected to the lan, this way It is able to perform selective (node by node) wakeup on lan. The MPU is based on Philips ARM, and it runs uc/OS2 with an ENC SPI-10Mbit/sec lan attached on the top. I will replace it with a router like Fonera 2202.
the black box is a 6 bay sATA, it can take up to 6 sATA hard drives
kernel development,
Scientific Apps (I'd like to use Ansys and Catia, I need more ram)

this is the earlier ancestor of this project, a pretty DHT-Walnut node used to develop UBOOT raw-disc access, used to raw read the first partition of an MBR-harddrive in order to load and boot the linux kernel.
with my friend i have opened a ewiki page about, i hope it's useful in case you want to replicated, and it may be you can find DHT-Walnut boards on ebay (dot com)
still to be completed, it was an university home-work in where i have invested part of my free time in order to get my degree
kernel development,
Scientific Apps (I'd like to use Ansys and Catia, I need more ram)
ClassicHasClass wrote: but why the 405? Purely the HW crypto?
i originally bought because these boards were offered on ebay at cheap price, something like 30 USD each the DHT, and 90 USD the ATX, so i bought a stock of 4 DHT( Cerberus used 3 of 4), and 1 ATX. Now i am using the 405GP as it can provide HW crypto, that's is fine a lot if combined with soft mirroring

vishnu wrote: Did you make the case yourself?![]()
it was done by laser cutting, you only need to design the case, export as CorelDraw, and send the project to a "service", that will cut plexiglas for you, shipping you the goods back. It may be cheaper than you can imagine. In my case i have bought an already made case and i have redesigned just a few parts, e.e. the frontal plane used to stock the 3 DHT boards

kernel development,
Scientific Apps (I'd like to use Ansys and Catia, I need more ram)
amazing ProEngineer, i have used it in my university, i have here the original CD of release 17 for unix. Unfortunately no valid license.
I wish I could enter into the
vegetable garden
William Gibson
, on the right of a director, to decide how a film is ultimately released for public viewing, but I am not a nor
Cyberpunk writer
neither a dude in
, and my English still looks like an old rusty trailer which needs a fix-up, so my personal
begins with a pill ... tumbling down the
rabbit hole
, where the sky above the router port is the color of television, tuned to a dead channel and some gears still need a debugger there.
cybercow wrote: If you have the non-fan version (like i do)
so i am not alone with the non-fan-version, nice to know, thank you to have demystified

hey oh? Swimming pool & Racing bicycle.
cybercow wrote: neko-qcad
it's new to me, i mean never heard before, so thank you to have pointed it out.
i am interested in this kind of CAD: Pro/E and CATIA
i have also installed SolidWorks on my Windows Laptop
unfortunately i can't see a CAD like OrCAD or EagleCAD for Irix
i mean something to design schematics and PCB: is it existing ?
it seems to me there are two open sources choices
- gEAD
- KiCad
I wish I could enter into the
vegetable garden
William Gibson
, on the right of a director, to decide how a film is ultimately released for public viewing, but I am not a nor
Cyberpunk writer
neither a dude in
, and my English still looks like an old rusty trailer which needs a fix-up, so my personal
begins with a pill ... tumbling down the
rabbit hole
, where the sky above the router port is the color of television, tuned to a dead channel and some gears still need a debugger there.
about ram i was a bit shocked, see prices
the Impact here for sale has 8 SIMM modules of 128Mbyte each, so does it really mean it has a virtual value (just of the ram of) 8 x 99 UKP X______________X ? How much should i ask to sell this machine ? Unbelievable, these guys are insane about prices !
- 128MB FPM SIMM , 99.00 UKP
- 128MB EDO SIMM , 79.00 UKP
the Impact here for sale has 8 SIMM modules of 128Mbyte each, so does it really mean it has a virtual value (just of the ram of) 8 x 99 UKP X______________X ? How much should i ask to sell this machine ? Unbelievable, these guys are insane about prices !
ajw99uk wrote: I've heard that at launch in 1994 Acorn's engineers did not actually know if the designed RAM ceiling of 256MB would ever work, because they could not get the hardware to test it!
yeah, been afraid about that, i asked around with the following answer
Yes, you can fit 2x128MB SIMMs to the RiscPC, giving 256MB memory, but some software might have difficulty with this much memory, believing the system is short of memory!
ajw99uk wrote: Note also that they are not parity RAM, so not suitable for an SGI machine anyway. If you are looking for
nope, i was offered to sell out my friend's Impact (yeah, i am playing like a broker

i mean, it has
- Phobos G160 (with manual and CD)
- 3Com for SGI (not the hacked one)
- 40Gbyte 2U SCA SCSI disk
- 8x128Mbyte (that we have understood they cost, a bit)
- a not hw patched revision of the the motherboard (like happenes for RevA, i mean, this one, which was the earlier motherboard installed, replaced with the last Rev available and for Impact)
- CD rom SCSI that can also work when the machine stands vertically
- Iomega ZIP SCSI
- extra cooler (ok, it's just +5 USD gadget, btw is funny and pretty installed into the bay)
- repainted box (professionally made, 50 euro just for the can of purple paint)
- Impact feet
jan-jaap wrote: Post office has a reputation for destroying things or valuable items simply vanishing
that is false, I have sent Ducati (motorcycle) parts to
- germany
- uk
- france
- usa
- canada
without any issues! The secret is just choosing the right shipping agency
e.g. UPS, Fedex, SDA, and in case i do my best to offer the cheapest price

kernel development,
Scientific Apps (I'd like to use Ansys and Catia, I need more ram)
Trippynet wrote: you're looking at 700 Euros
well, this machine is my friend's one, he has asked me: would you like to buy it instead of putting auctions around for sale ?
i asked - how much ? - and he answered - 300 euro for the whole including an additional plastic box - (that - what should i use it for ? -he said - obviously to put in an other 40Gbyte SCSI external hard drive - X________X )
to be honest, i am thinking about that, as i have written a of time here, this friend of mine has damaged my IP30, offering 100 euro of money cash to buy the replacement (a front plane) which i am not able to find out at such a price. I was asked 250 euro + shipping + VAT, so, as the fact i can develop linux on IP28, too (1), while replacing my dead Octane2 seems HopeLess (i was asked more than 700 euro for the whole Octane2 machine, that's insane at all), i am really thinking about buying this machine from my friend for 300 euro without any shipping issues as i can pickup it an put it into my car.
Actually i am remotely connected (ssh) to this machine in order to fix all the software jam my friend has done (e.g. issue with lan configuration, issues with C compiler, issues with license manager, and so on). After 1 week of fixup, this machine has been working very solid with Irix, everything is fast and being working very good!
Phobos G160 is … too slow, i can achieve only 10Mbyte/sec, i was thinking about using NFS to resolve the 10Mbyte/sec limitation offered by the internal SCSI built-in controller, but … this way seems hopeless due to the Phobos limitations, too =(
btw, It's also the first time of experienced with an Impact, never tried it before as i was used to play with O2+ and Octane2, so … how do i feel the console ? The SCSI is not so fast, but the whole experience is very pretty and i think i am falling in love with, so if people want to offer 100 euro being afraid about how safe the shipping can go, well … i offer 300 euro and i take it!
that's all!
(1) IP28 and IP30 are the only SGI machines with R10K ISA in where i can run linux! I can't run linux on O2+/R10K/R12K, it's unstable due to cache issues
kernel development,
Scientific Apps (I'd like to use Ansys and Catia, I need more ram)
jan-jaap wrote:ivelegacy wrote: I think you just confirmed what I said ...
sure, you are quite right about that, the only exception is SDA business (it's the same company, but different service, they are more expensive but extremely professional), that ships only with-in zone1-5 of Europe.
kernel development,
Scientific Apps (I'd like to use Ansys and Catia, I need more ram)
Trippynet wrote: ivelegacy is from Italy and was looking for an O2+ (or similarly maxed-out O2) recently
yes, i live in italy, but i am looking for
- Octane2 (for me, whole machine, or just the front plane with Xbov v1.4)
- MaxImpact gfx (for my friend, which is addicted for these kind of things)
i am already fine with my O2+/R12K@400K, i sold out here, to a guy of this forum, a CPU module for O2+, that was R12K@270Mhz and he told me he is fine, too, also i have sold-out to an other guy of this forum a RAD PCI card that he wanted to plug in his O2+.
Now i have AV1 modules for sale and a PSU, both for O2 system. Tested and pretty working.
it may be i am interested about 4 ram modules for O2, in case … i already have 512Mbyte of ram in 4 banks, and i want to achieve 1Gbyte of total ram, i know that .. unfortunately the kit is very expensive.
Trippynet wrote: Sounds reasonable
it is reasonable to sell the whole Impact for 250/300 euro, while it's insane to ask 250 euro just for the front plane module of Octane2 as i was asked, i think it's really too much on ebay (USA, so … plus shipping VAT etc)
Also, i was asked 700 euro for the whole Octane2 system, we are talking about R12K @ 400Mhz 1Gbyte of ram, V6 gfx, and 36Gbyte HD, and i am a bit confused about that, because I got an other quote, 350 euro for such a machine, plus 350 euro for a 2xR14K@600Mhz.
quote1 (by guy1, ebay italy): 1xR12K @ 400Mhz 1Gbyte of ram, V6 gfx, 36Gbyte HD, 700 euro
quote2 (by guy2, ebay germany): 2xR14K @ 600Mhz 1Gbyte of ram, V6 gfx, 36Gbyte HD, 700 euro (yeah, the same price)
A guy has bought an Origin with 4XR16K and 4Gbyte of ram, for less than 500 euro (ebay germany), so It seems to me, everyone wants to do personal price X_________X
and at the top of my shock price list: an O2+/R12@400Mhz 1Gbyte of ram + RAD, sold for 40 euro X_________________X
that's simply incredible, but it happened, i have seen the auction by my eyes
i payed 250 euro for my O2+/R12@270Mhz/512Mbyte, plus 150 euro for the R12K@400Mhz upgrade, so it means 400 euro against the same numbers without a zero, 40 euro, and the ratio goes for 1:10 payed for the same object X_________X unbelievable ebay germany
my O2+/R12@400Mhz/512Mbyte/RAD: 400 euro, bought from ebay italy
his O2+/R12@400Mhz/1024Mbyte: 40 euro, bought from ebay germany (1)
(1) obviously it was an extremely lucky effect (_|_) which i believe it happens once every million transactions
kernel development,
Scientific Apps (I'd like to use Ansys and Catia, I need more ram)
Trippynet wrote: That's about right for any 100Mb NIC - it's not a limitation of the Phobos card specifically. 100Mbit / 8 = 12.5MB/s absolute theoretical maximum. And pretty much all cards top out a bit below this due to overheads etc. To get much more than that, you'd need a gigabit card and no such thing exists for the Indigo2. Only faster option I'm aware of is fibre-channel.
yes, you are right, @mapesdhs has explained me that fibreChannel card is the only solution to speed up the storage of an Impact's storage. I have read that such an FC card have two ports, of the type where one port can be used for storage and the other for networking. Unfortunately i have never seen any FC network switch to any FC disk array, which i hope … they could achieve 80MB/sec in theory. I have read something of legendary about what was made by Prisa, but never seen by my eyes, and never seen for sale.
kernel development,
Scientific Apps (I'd like to use Ansys and Catia, I need more ram)
ok, lesson understood, thank you so much, i will follow your advices
ok, lesson understood, thank you so much, i will follow your advices

kernel development,
Scientific Apps (I'd like to use Ansys and Catia, I need more ram)

IBM S/36 hard drive, pretty working, sold at 300 euro shipped, to France
hey ? i can do professional packing

i have sent an IBM S/36 hard drive to France, it's a 50Kg package with the cage made of wood, professional cage, it's my first job as working student, i was used to prepare cages made of wood, so i know how to pack big and heavy things
also i can ask suggestions to my ex boss, and he provides me reduced prices, for example the woody cage used to ship the IBM S/36 hard drive was priced to my customer just 50 euro, while the real price offered should be no less than 150 euro!
SDA was engaged as shipping-agency, and they did a very professional job: local pick up, and just 4 days to delivery to France without any problem
kernel development,
Scientific Apps (I'd like to use Ansys and Catia, I need more ram)
btw, it seems this guy can be my savior, he lives 50Km from me, and it seems he have exactly the machine i need (i mean the Octane2 SMP).
Too amazing, PM sent, let's cross my fingers
Too amazing, PM sent, let's cross my fingers

- lan 10/100Mbps Phobos G130
- lan 10/100Mbps G100
- lan 10/100Mbps TI
- SCSI Controller Expansion Card, P/N 030-8133-002
everything has been hardly tested and is known to be 100% working !
also in the photo you can see a Mobo with 256Mbyte of ram, and a GFX XL24
PM me if interred, shipping within europe is 20 euro
thank you, guys
now i have to think about the firmware and the configuration of the NAS
now i have to think about the firmware and the configuration of the NAS
kernel development,
Scientific Apps (I'd like to use Ansys and Catia, I need more ram)
we are still discussing things in
thread. It was opened by Kumba of gentoo's mips. Actually i can't contribute to IP30 because my machine is dead =(
Some prowling the streets, looking for sweets from their Candyman
I'm Looking for a new IP30/Octane2
My machine got the Xbow damaged, so I swapped for a second hand Rigol-DG1032Z WaveGen/DDS@30Mhz
IP30 purposes : linux (kernel development), Irix Scientific Apps { Ansys, Catia, Pro/E, FiberSIM, AutoDYNþ }
Other Projects : { Cerberus , Woody Box , 68K-board, SWI_DBG }, discontinued Console hacks { GB , PSX1 }
Wanted Equipments : { U1732C LCR meter by Keysight, alternatives are the welcome }
My machine got the Xbow damaged, so I swapped for a second hand Rigol-DG1032Z WaveGen/DDS@30Mhz
IP30 purposes : linux (kernel development), Irix Scientific Apps { Ansys, Catia, Pro/E, FiberSIM, AutoDYNþ }
Other Projects : { Cerberus , Woody Box , 68K-board, SWI_DBG }, discontinued Console hacks { GB , PSX1 }
Wanted Equipments : { U1732C LCR meter by Keysight, alternatives are the welcome }
well, i have seen a tower of 8 Plextor CD/RW used to copy things (really don't know what), a few years later this guy wanted to sell all, so he had 8 CD/RW SCSI for sale. I mean, it may happens, it's not so uncommon to have 8-10 items like these for sale.
tillin9 wrote: If you want to try with arcload, I can help. Arcboot is a whole other issue. Gentoo uses this instead (by default), and it doesn't seem to properly overwrite the OSLoadPartition PROM setting so you either need to change PROM variables before booting (annoying) or do some major trickery to get Irix to load. See this (rather confusing) thread: http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-54 ... +boot.html
why rather confusing ? that guy explained an hack that makes possible to have dual boot on indy, and it works great as I am able to switch between nebBSD and gentoo, choosing what to boot.
arcload was hacked but it still needs manually env setup
just because i was searching for such a informations and i have already find them useful: Arcboot is pretty working in dual boot !
(also may be i will have 2 indy-s for sale, both linux and netBSD already powered in dual boot. In case … i will open a specific thread, let me ask if this guy wants to sell them, i am playing like a "broker", now
(also may be i will have 2 indy-s for sale, both linux and netBSD already powered in dual boot. In case … i will open a specific thread, let me ask if this guy wants to sell them, i am playing like a "broker", now

to be honest i haven't seen it is a thread in the bazaar area, i was searching for { linux,USB,arcload } and i found this thread, so i wanted to point out that the information in quote is useful as i am able to do dual boot with arcload as the gentoo's guy has explained in his thread.
TeamBlackFox wrote: run Linux on an SGI when between IRIX, OpenBSD and NetBSD its pretty much got the full array covered
why everyone always asks my why-that? why-this?
there is no real why, it's simply happens that i am a linux kernel developer and i like this way
that's all, folks

For all my real UnixBox needs, i will never use an SGI box, i will put FreeBSD on a x86 machine (i5 at least), plus gentoo/linux to simplify my development purposes.
TeamBlackFox wrote: I
there are easier MIPS systems to run Linux on
hey man, i am still supporting my Atheros AR7161 rev2 router
that is MIPS32@800Mhz, so probably you are talking to the wrong guy

so don't say me "CI20", i got such a dev-board and i am still fixing its BSP
it's 2xMIPS32core@1Ghz, supporting linux and Android (btw closed sources GPU)
and don't say me "mips/router"
'cause i have supported all of these:

FON2100A (hacked SPI), FON2200, FON2202 (built-in USB): Atheros5, MIPS32