Cerberus in Greek and Roman mythology, is a multi-headed (usually three-headed) dog, a mane of snakes, and a lion's claws. He guards the entrance of the Greek underworld to prevent the dead from escaping and the living from entering. Cerberus is featured in many works of ancient Greek and Roman literature and in works of both ancient and modern art and architecture, although the depiction of Cerberus differs across various renditions.
Let me say that this project was born as university homework, and became a foolish project, just for fun. I have chosen the name "Cerberus" for 3 reasons:
- because this project figure as the guardian of my digital underworld to prevent the personal information from escaping and the hackers on the other side of the network from entering
- because there are 4 nodes, more specifically 3 PowerPC 405GP DHT nodes, plus 1 big node that acts like master control
- because it's just a funny "hostname"
btw, It does hw cryptography, 405 GP supports it, so my Cerberus has really 4 heads, the first node is a Walnut motherboard in ATX form factor, it has 10/100/1000Mbit/sec lan, a sATA controller and a 4 uart board used to control other 3 nodes, which are DHT-Walnut in custom form factor, 2 of them have sATA controller for softRAID (2 hard drive for each a sATA controller), the last one has micro drive, and will have the 10/100/1000 lan replaced with an USB.
the whole system is completely remote controlled and it is able to bootstrap from the lan, in case of lan-hanupup the microdrive-node is also able to perform tftpboot in order to bootstrap all the nodes. So Cerberus is always able to bootstrap, even if the LAN is off line.
the grey plastic box is the PSU control, it contains rele' connected to nodes and to an MPU that is always powered by the ATX PSU and always connected to the lan, this way It is able to perform selective (node by node) wakeup on lan. The MPU is based on Philips ARM, and it runs uc/OS2 with an ENC SPI-10Mbit/sec lan attached on the top. I will replace it with a router like Fonera 2202.
the black box is a 6 bay sATA, it can take up to 6 sATA hard drives
kernel development,
Scientific Apps (I'd like to use Ansys and Catia, I need more ram)