thunng8 wrote:
Looking to getting back into UNIX workstations and the 285 caught my eye .. and maybe learn AIX as well
PCs and Macs are so boring ...
From a hardware standpoint yes, they're all based around the same commodity ASICs, but from a software standpoint they do have some interesting tricks. Definitely common, but that's not always bad.
Its down to trying to get a HP c8000 or a IBM 9111-285. How does HP-UX and AIX compare?
Given the choice of the two I'd go AIX, no questions. HP-UX is pretty plain SysV+Veritas, while AIX still has some neat tricks in it that other systems don't necessarily add (going off of what I've skimmed, as my systems are all old MCA-based so I've not played with 5.3, 6.1 or 7). If you know of a specific reason for you to go HP-UX that may swing things, but otherwise it's not too interesting.
It also doesn't hurt that POWERs are still being produced whereas PA-RISC has been on the dump pile for a few years. If you do go HP-UX I'd recommend looking for a Itanium so you're at least at the current version on current hardware. On the additional bump note there you can try out OpenVMS as well, and get the feel for another OS with some very innovative/well implemented features that may sadly be dying.