I put a newbie question into my presentation topic but gambonyx suggested me to create a separated topic for this.
Recently, I restarted an Indy with R4600 CPU and 256Mb Memory.
Irix 6.5.22 is installed on it.
So, I was searching for a web browser to use on it.
I had a look on Nekoware and found Firefox 1.5. from Mips3 distribution. First question, is this correct R4600 is not a Mips4 CPU?
So, I installed Firefox with all needed dependencies. It start without problem but when I open Google page, the application exit and I see "Bus Error" into the console.
I made a test with the old Netscape and I'm able to search on google but after browsing 2 or 3 pages it exit too with a message like "Closed Netscape to prevent a loop".
So SAQ suggested me to try Seamonkey. I downloaded the Mips3 release and installed it too. For Seamonkey, I do not find the Icon to start it. Is there something I missed?
Many thanks in advance for your help and suggestions.
I put a newbie question into my presentation topic but gambonyx suggested me to create a separated topic for this.
Recently, I restarted an Indy with R4600 CPU and 256Mb Memory.
Irix 6.5.22 is installed on it.
So, I was searching for a web browser to use on it.
I had a look on Nekoware and found Firefox 1.5. from Mips3 distribution. First question, is this correct R4600 is not a Mips4 CPU?
So, I installed Firefox with all needed dependencies. It start without problem but when I open Google page, the application exit and I see "Bus Error" into the console.
I made a test with the old Netscape and I'm able to search on google but after browsing 2 or 3 pages it exit too with a message like "Closed Netscape to prevent a loop".
So SAQ suggested me to try Seamonkey. I downloaded the Mips3 release and installed it too. For Seamonkey, I do not find the Icon to start it. Is there something I missed?
Many thanks in advance for your help and suggestions.