SAQ wrote:
Heard great things about FrameMaker, but never seen it in the flesh.
The interface is sort of clunky-looking - text is all over the place, separate popup boxes that aren't very well done, definitely looks like 1992. You can improve the appearance to make it more Irixxish but the interface is still crude to look at.
But the guts work very well and the output is excellent. It is probably the font handling that makes it better, but I can see the difference easily. It is about 2/3 as annoying to use as Word but the end result is superior. It also does things that Word does not but to tell the truth, I seldom write an encyclopedia
What I would really like is something like Pagemaker. Framemaker is good for documents but we mostly produce two- or three-page pieces. More control over the page layout would be great but nothing for Irix that I've found yet. Artisan should do it but alas, the pos crashes every two minutes. Maybe that would be a good project ....
I was quite happy with Serif Page Plus when it ran on DOS, actually. In fact I was happy with a lot of DOS programs running in OS/2. They multi-tasked beautifully but weren't the overblown pigs we have now. Same deal with early Linux apps. If people had worked on improving the quality rather than adding more and more shit that functions very poorly (e.g. Fireflop) then I'd be in heaven. I wonder how many people feel the same way ? Poll time ?
WordPerfect came on one of the HotMix disks - did Frame?
It may have but hee haw hee haw

For Windows, you can get it on the street around here for a buck ... I lied, dollar is down. A buck fifty