dexter1 wrote:
No Diego, you're missing the entire point.
With the template you ALWAYS compile with g++ even when the ./configure script says it has found CC and you have set environment variables the right way.
The g++ is HARDCODED in all templates...
Now I really feel stupid!
That's it, seems that I'm too much hurried by this days, and I've not taked well care of your post...
Now all has a lot of sense.
dexter1 wrote:
If you really managed to get it compiled with MIPSPro 7.4.x you should have had complaints with
in 2 files because that is an old, unsupported style header file. See my patch, it's in there...
That's why you need to change all g++ occurences with @CXX@ in all files. Then do a ./configure again and it should start compiling with MIPSPro CC.
Nah... then, I've never really compiled with MIPSPRO; now I can see the g++ sentences hardcoded in my! :shock:
Sorry, I'm felt in the fact too late. You can see it even in my previous post! Augh! :(
dexter1 wrote:
The make install problem is an entirely different one. Looks like the supplied libtool severely screws up. The solution is to get the latest libtool from ( 1.5.18 ), ./configure;make that one and copy libtool and to the yafray top source dir. Then do
Select all
./configure --enable-static --disable-fast-install ; gmake ; gmake install
The next thing that you get is that every cout/cerr stream ending with '<<endl' will segfault and dump core. Looks like the coders got overzealous and decided to overload every << instance in their own ostream class. Handy...
Replacing all '<<endl' with '<<"\n"' seems to fix this. Better get a script to do that for you.
I have this almost done. Good testing still needs to be done before we can go to '-Ofast -IPA'
Well; seems a lot of work for a nice piece of software that I'll only use a few minutes by month in my spare time... But stills interesting...
I already have done a tardist install for Blender 2.37a, and I could like to add this one to the list of customizations modules for my SlimDesktop, since both makes a good douple!
SlimDesktop has currently included a tardist for YafRay V0.0.6, but if the new version is "NekoWared" I'll be happy pulling out the 0.0.6 to replace it with another "IRIX-Orphan" software...
The prerequisites for a program, to be added to my SlimDesktop are:
1) Not other tardist versions visible on the net for such program.
2) An IRIX friendly roadmap of the program, without too many gcc/g++ 'isms or platform dependant vicious.
3) That the program by itself can be interesting from a graphic/visual work point of view for the end user.
4) That the program can enhance the already available features on IRIX/IMD/4Dwm.
5) The author agreement about the inclusion of his software on my big tardist install!
...Even when sometimes I'm too lazy to ask to the authors, and I only wait for a claim to pull-out the whole thing!
But as a rule of my philosophy, I'll not double efforts already present on the IRIX community, beeing this SGI FreeWare, NekoWare, or whatever else. So, every tardist version already present on SlimDesktop for a given program, yet covered by the SGI/IRIX community, there'll be replaced for a new one acomplishing strictly the above five rules to keep my software rich from the point of view of their originality and usefulness.
This also works as a good way to manage better my time at front my SGI boxes!