foetz wrote:
well, it's not a real static build. i just included the needed libs right into the main folder.
the firefox startup script takes external ones first so you won't get into trouble regarding
double installations.
I've included your firefox directly from your firts published binary (without any moddifications) on my latest release of SlimDesktop (V005C), and these was done in a very classical approach, just using as pre-reqs the nekoware libraries. The bad side for people conceirned with the space issue, is that the tardists are all in the same compressed file, so, you must download all at the same time if you have plains to use it.
Also, I like to add that this (SlimDesktop) is only a work that I'm making for myself, and releasing just in case that anyone else could find it useful, so, does not needs any kind of justifications if people founds it unuseful or repetitive... only that by those days your Mozilla/FireFox builds were only binaries, so, not tardists availables for lazy people like me.
Anyway, if you have plains to make tardist builds, then I'll remove the FireFox dist files from my SlimDesktop to save space for something else not available on NekoWare by now. What do you think?
foetz wrote:
further i know that i broke some nekoware rules and i told steve why. i don't want (can't) to explain this
deeper. i just ask you to respect it. it's the best i can do for now.
What can be so tragic that can't be said on a friends community as Nekochan.Net, that only ports software by fun and love to the SGI platform?
I've thought that here we are out of conflicts as jealoussy, competence, license issues (while rispecting the GNU/GPL rules), and so on...
foetz wrote:
anyway i think we can enjoy a stable and fast neko-customized browser with a neat sized tardist.
Sure!; and that's my first motivation to remove the package from SlimDesktop to replace it for one of five candidates that I've found useful for my little package.
Could you please confirm if we'll get in advance tardists for Mozilla/FireFox, and others browser related matters?
I have not intentions to become myself on a potential Bill Gates, including a default browser on a package built for fun; specially if you have done the major part of the work compilating it!
(My QEMU port is another history, since is my own compilation, published under permissions of his author)
So, my votes are: every NekoWare must be released as a tardist file!