IRIX and Software

Cool (open source) software you would like to see ported... - Page 3

PymbleSoftware wrote:
GNUstep is a requirement for another (huge)package I want to build.

I'd love to see Etoile ... GNUstep is a prereq for that too.

Principle Over Politics :
I'd love to see 'fwdl' from this guy:

It should compile without too much hassle under IRIX, so basicly it's just the packageing that needs to be done.
The utility itself downloads firmware onto Seagate harddrives and would make life easier to flash harddrives.

Also, there's a package called 'sg3-utils' which can format harddrives using 512byte/block or 520byte/block.

:O3000: :Fuel: :Indy: :0300: :0300: :0300: :0300: :0300: :0300: :0300: :0300: :0300:
ramq wrote:
I'd love to see 'fwdl' from this guy:

It should compile without too much hassle under IRIX

It seems it wants to talk to a PRISA FC adapter on IRIX:
README wrote:
'fwdl' is a program which will download firmware to a Seagate Fibre Channel disk drive. The program currently only works with drives attached to a Prisa Networks NetFX adapter on Silicon Graphics systems, drives attached to Sun Microsystems workstations, or drives attached to a Linux-based workstation.

And it probably needs some PRISA headers too:
$ make prisa
CC -n32 -mips3 -O2 -o fwdl -Dsgi -DDEBUG fwdl.C fwdl-prisa.C \
cc-3968 CC: WARNING File = fwdl.C, Line = 424
implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type
(potential portability problem)

fwSize = fwStats.st_size;

cc-1005 CC: ERROR File = fwdl-prisa.C, Line = 44
The source file "nport.h" is unavailable.

#include <nport.h>

1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "fwdl-prisa.C".
Compilation terminated.
make: *** [prisa] Error 2

The alternative targets are 'sun' and 'linux' and those give many, many errors.

Now this is a deep dark secret, so everybody keep it quiet :)
It turns out that when reset, the WD33C93 defaults to a SCSI ID of 0, and it was simpler to leave it that way... -- Dave Olson, in comp.sys.sgi

Currently in commercial service: Image :Octane2: :Onyx2: (2x) :0300:
In the museum: almost every MIPS/IRIX system.
Well I should have looked more carefully at this.

Thanks anyway.

:O3000: :Fuel: :Indy: :0300: :0300: :0300: :0300: :0300: :0300: :0300: :0300: :0300:
Dubhthach wrote:
I see Dillo 2.0 has been released, they've fully ported it to FTLK from GTK+1, supposdly uses "half the memory" of previous version:

Be nice if the nekoware gods could provide a port for us mere mortals.

I second that! neko_dillo is stuck at 0.8.6 while reports 2.1.1.
My Belco Alpha400 runs dillo2 - under 3MXrc4 on a MIPS CPU :) .
Compared to FireFox, err, IceWeasel it is incredibly fast, even shows JPEG
and other images - which neko_dillo unfortunately doesn´t at all.

Or is it meant to do and I again missed something eventually?

P.S.: Yes, I´d love to learn how to port to IRIX myself ... but do I have a chance?
How about some Wiki that explains it in detail? (So much for my wish list).

Valueing life is not weakness; disregarding it is not strength. -Mirage-
Someone did a compile of dillo 2.something a while ago. I think he also linked up the source files to his post. But after that he disappeared.

Oh, here it is


:Octane: :O2: :O2: :Indigo2IMP: :Indy:
I know we have synergy2 ported, but could we get synergy+ ported as well?

It's the bugfixed and actually-maintained version of Synergy.


There's an old proverb that says pretty much anything you want it to.
:O2: <-> :1600SW: eidyia - R5K/300, 1GB, AV2
:O200: Unnamed - 2xR10K/180 1MB, 256MB
Please port rtorrent.

newLISP, please!

It's an compact, fast and easy to use lisp-like scripting language.


Started in October 2009. My collection so far.
:Indy: :Indy: :Octane2: and an Indy Presenter
There´s LyX is on, but pretty much outdated... no neko_lyx somehow :-(

Valueing life is not weakness; disregarding it is not strength. -Mirage-
Porting libtorrent/rtorrent topic split off on request.
Hi, new version od samba should be fine. That in nekoware is from 2007, works flawlessly for me, but two years of developement is something what can't be overlooked.

Thanks tomo

:O2: R7000/600 576MB Ram CDRW 18+9Gb HDD

Can anyone have a look wether the Secret Maryo Chronicles is easily portable? It is a mature mario-like 2D game and already on OSX, Win, and a lot of Linux flavors.

Thank you.

PowerBook G4 1.25GHz
:Tezro: Tezro 2x700MHz / 8GB ram

Looking for: give away O2s (<£10)
Secret Maryo Chronicles uses CEGUI which makes enough use of templates to cause trouble with the mipspro compiler.
canavan wrote:
Secret Maryo Chronicles uses CEGUI which makes enough use of templates to cause trouble with the mipspro compiler.

Damn it!

What about tux'n'run then?

PowerBook G4 1.25GHz
:Tezro: Tezro 2x700MHz / 8GB ram

Looking for: give away O2s (<£10)
Consolidating into this thread:

FreeNX please.

End of line.
:Octane: (SGI Octane, 175MHz R10000, 512MB RAM, hard disk pulled, will be working on further)
:O2: (SGI O2, 195MHz R10000, 384MB RAM, 4GB SCSI disk with IRIX 6.5)
:Indy: (SGI Indy, 150MHz R5000SC, 16MB RAM, two 4GB disks running IRIX 5.3)
:Indigo2IMP: (SGI Indigo2 Extreme, 200MHz R4400SC, 128MB RAM, 9GB disk with IRIX 6.5, will upgrade RAM, processor and graphics to MaximumIMPACT)

Anyone wants to give Armagetron a try? It uses SDL and the sources can be downloaded from .


PowerBook G4 1.25GHz
:Tezro: Tezro 2x700MHz / 8GB ram

Looking for: give away O2s (<£10)
magellan wrote:

Anyone wants to give Armagetron a try? It uses SDL and the sources can be downloaded from .


What is wrong with GL Tron...? Isn't one of these games enough..? ... 70.tardist

Probably not me, I haven't finished the previous things I volunteered for.. and I've been waaay too distracted so far this year.. I have put together some large business deals, written more than 23,000 lines of Objective-C code, several iPhone Apps (none made it to the AppStore) .. Then there are other things that really take up my time.

... Its definitely year of the Tiger. :!: :!:


アレゲはアレゲ以上のなにものでもなさげ -- アレゲ研究家

:Onyx2R: :Onyx2RE: :0300: <-> :0300: <-> :0300: :O200: :Octane: :O2: :O2: :Indigo2IMP: :Indigo: :PI: :PI: :1600SW: :1600SW: :Indy: :Indy: :Indy: :Indy: :Indy: :Indy: :Indy: :Indy: :O2000: :hpserv: J5600,
3 x SUN, 2 x Mac, Alpha DS20E, Alpha 800 5/550, 2 x RS/6000, Amiga 4000 VideoToaster, Amiga4000 -030, 733MHz Sam440 AmigaOS 4.1 update 1. Tandem Himalaya S-Series Nonstop S72000 ServerNet.
PymbleSoftware wrote:
... Its definitely year of the Tiger. :!: :!:

Don't be cheating the cow, we've got another three weeks left !
GFC is an open source modeline generator that takes a desired resolution and vertical refresh rate, and computes mode timings. If it can be compiled, it might be handy for those wanting to make custom display resolutions using the IRIX tool VFC.

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running...(sherwood-root 0607201829)
* InfiniteReality/Reality Software, IRIX 6.5 Release *