uunix wrote: How did you get on chap?
Certain loa display very distinctive behaviour by which they can be recognized, specific phrases, and specific actions.
As soon as a loa is recognized, the symbols appropriate to them will be given to them
Concerning actions, and reactions …
.. it seems that recently we are in troubles with a few Loa spirits of Haitian Vodou and Louisiana Voodoo
one should give cane, straw hat, and pipe to lord Legba, and top hat, sunglasses, and a cigar to lot Samedi
so, once the loa have arrived, fed, been served, and possibly given help or advice, they leave.
Otherwise certain loa can become obstinate, or hostile … and more evil and spiteful than a Poltergeist
May be a coincidence, it happens to me, too, a few hard drives lost with a lot of pain and overdose of blasphemy
which is a backbone for the cause: the more you have no respect for Loa spirits, the more they multitask their anger
so, I bought a few candles, and I am burning incense to show them my respect
I do not believe in them
but I +r.e.s.p.e.c.t+

I wish I could enter into the
vegetable garden
William Gibson
, on the right of a director, to decide how a film is ultimately released for public viewing, but I am not a nor
Cyberpunk writer
neither a dude in
, and my *
flawless English
* still looks like an old rusty trailer which needs a fix-up, so my personal
begins with a pill ... tumbling down the
rabbit hole
, where the sky above the router port is the color of television, tuned to a dead channel and some gears still need a debugger there.