When I was young I remember reading about the amazing things people could do with NeXT and SGI machines, also of course it helped that they were very cool looking machines. At Aston university (in Birmingham, UK) we CS students mainly used Sun workstations, in our first year we had old SparcStations with SunOS, but later we were plagued by Sparc classics and incredibly awful installations of an early Solaris. I remember looking in on a grad student who had a really cool purple machine, running an X desktop that didn't have horrible performance. It was an Indigo, but mere undergrads weren't allowed to touch it. The same university had a single lonely NeXT Cube which was sat in a lab with a disused Transputer machine, no one used it except me, it had Framemaker which I used to make documentation for my projects.
Fastforward a few years, I moved to the US after the company I worked for closed their London office. They had done a lot of PDM stuff and had a big selection of interesting computers, including Indigos, Indigo 2s, Indys, even a couple of Octanes. Our project was focused on Windows servers so we never used them. After they sold the PDM department (to Metaphase I think) they had all of these unused machines. I occasionally used one or two to play with, but all our business was on PCs, and we had no use for them. Eventually they cleared the whole lot out to a recycler, I'm still kicking myself, should have picked up a couple of machines! In my defence I had a one bedroom apt at the time.
Anyway after I'd got back into NeXTs again I followed a link here, and was inspired to actually buy an O2. I now have two O2's (a R10k and a R5k), a 540, and an Octane "on the way". I mostly use the R10k O2 to mess about with.
Fastforward a few years, I moved to the US after the company I worked for closed their London office. They had done a lot of PDM stuff and had a big selection of interesting computers, including Indigos, Indigo 2s, Indys, even a couple of Octanes. Our project was focused on Windows servers so we never used them. After they sold the PDM department (to Metaphase I think) they had all of these unused machines. I occasionally used one or two to play with, but all our business was on PCs, and we had no use for them. Eventually they cleared the whole lot out to a recycler, I'm still kicking myself, should have picked up a couple of machines! In my defence I had a one bedroom apt at the time.

Anyway after I'd got back into NeXTs again I followed a link here, and was inspired to actually buy an O2. I now have two O2's (a R10k and a R5k), a 540, and an Octane "on the way". I mostly use the R10k O2 to mess about with.