I wonder if this can be compiled to work on some high-end Irix machines....
Haven't looked at the source yet, but worth investigating. Could be fun if it works
Haven't looked at the source yet, but worth investigating. Could be fun if it works

MAYA, nut-
Octane 2 R14k 600 V12 4GB, Octane2 R14K 600 V10 1GB
Onyx2 IR3 4GB Quad R14K 500 DIVO, Onyx2 IR Quad R12K 400 2GB,
SGI Indigo 2 R8K75 TEAL Extreme 256MB,
SGI Indigo 2 R10K 195 Solid Impact 256MB, MAX Impact Pending
Apple G5 Quad, NV Quadro 4500 + 7800GT, 12GB RAM
Sun Blade 1000 Dual 900 XVR 1000 4GB
Sun Blade 2000 Dual 1200 XVR 1200 8GB

Apple G5 Quad, NV Quadro 4500 + 7800GT, 12GB RAM
Sun Blade 1000 Dual 900 XVR 1000 4GB
Sun Blade 2000 Dual 1200 XVR 1200 8GB