The collected works of mapesdhs - Page 5

Sorry for bumping an old thread, but thought you'd all like to know the QLA2342 works ok in O2:

Code: Select all

CPU: MIPS R12000 Processor Chip Revision: 2.3
FPU: MIPS R12010 Floating Point Chip Revision: 0.0
1 300 MHZ IP32 Processor
Main memory size: 1024 Mbytes
Secondary unified instruction/data cache size: 1 Mbyte on Processor 0
Instruction cache size: 32 Kbytes
Data cache size: 32 Kbytes
FLASH PROM version 4.18
Integral SCSI controller 0: Version ADAPTEC 7880
Disk drive: unit 2 on SCSI controller 0
CDROM: unit 4 on SCSI controller 0
Integral SCSI controller 1: Version ADAPTEC 7880
Disk drive: unit 5 on SCSI controller 1
Integral SCSI controller 2: Version Fibre Channel QL2342 Port 1
Disk drive: unit 111 on SCSI controller 2
Disk drive: unit 114 on SCSI controller 2
Disk drive: unit 116 on SCSI controller 2
Disk drive: unit 118 on SCSI controller 2
Disk drive: unit 120 on SCSI controller 2
Disk drive: unit 122 on SCSI controller 2
Disk drive: unit 124 on SCSI controller 2
Integral SCSI controller 3: Version Fibre Channel QL2342 Port 2
Disk drive: unit 113 on SCSI controller 3
Disk drive: unit 115 on SCSI controller 3
Disk drive: unit 117 on SCSI controller 3
Disk drive: unit 119 on SCSI controller 3
Disk drive: unit 121 on SCSI controller 3
Disk drive: unit 123 on SCSI controller 3
Disk drive: unit 125 on SCSI controller 3
On-board serial ports: tty1
On-board serial ports: tty2
On-board EPP/ECP parallel port
CRM graphics installed
Integral Ethernet: ec0, version 1
Iris Audio Processor: version A3 revision 0
Video: MVP unit 0 version 1.4
AV: AV2 Card version 0, Camera not connected.
Vice: TRE

This is an original Discreet Effect system. The array is 14 x 73GB Seagate 10K FC,
all with orig Discreet firmware.

Before posting full results though, I'll bump it to an R12K/400, and then try the same tests later
with an R7K/600 (setting up the disks as an XLV rather than a stonefs). Once done, I'll do
the tests with an R5K/200, see if there's any CPU bottleneck re Dr. Dave's comments earlier.
Meanwhile, here's a simple XLV test with eight 73GB 10K FCs:

Code: Select all

# req_size   fwd_wt  fwd_rd  bwd_wt  bwd_rd  rnd_wt  rnd_rd
#  (bytes)   (MB/s)  (MB/s)  (MB/s)  (MB/s)  (MB/s)  (MB/s)
1769472   46.50   60.85   46.16   56.38   49.54   56.05
3538944   50.76   68.85   46.34   64.12   50.83   63.14
7077888   41.96   70.84   39.50   68.34   48.48   68.97
14155776   42.59   71.15   37.96   69.39   51.15   69.32
28311552   49.49   73.80   41.97   73.80   42.08   69.94
56623104   27.24   70.02   42.48   71.31   33.84   75.05

The first line is the important one as that's the optimised request size for PAL. It's sufficient
for real-time SD.

I notice the QLA2342's LEDs show the links are only 1Gbit, which is a bit odd since I'm
sure the array modules can run at 2Gbit. Not that it would matter, looks like O2 couldn't
push it that fast anyway.

One point worthy of note: the peak numbers in the above test are very similar to the best
STREAM result I've obtained for O2, so maybe this really is just a question of limited
main-CPU/RAM/disk bandwidth. Here's a STREAM run for an R7K/600:

Code: Select all

Function      Rate (MB/s)   RMS time     Min time     Max time
Copy:          66.4418       0.4865       0.4816       0.4922
Scale:         67.0130       0.4804       0.4775       0.4842
Add:           72.5161       0.6638       0.6619       0.6678
Triad:         72.4564       0.6653       0.6625       0.6680

Either way, hope this brightens your day. 8)

(14/Jan/2016) FREE! (collection preferred) 16x Sagitta 12-bay dual-channel U160 SCSI JBOD units.
Email, phone or PM for details, or see my forum post .
[email protected]
+44 (0)131 476 0796
If you strike out, I'd buy it for 60, can book my own collection.

I'm searching for relevant hw/funding for a charitable PC build . Please PM/email/call if you'd like to contribute or have any suitable components! Donations of items I can sell to provide funds are also welcome.
[email protected]
+44 (0)131 476 0796
Get the Fuel. The bottleneck will often be the gfx. Also, you should get V12 if you want to work with HD. See: ... Tests.html

Different app, but the same issues apply.

1Gbit FC is not enough for HD. You should be using at least 2Gbit, though I get better I/O results with SCSI
(nobody's beaten my results yet AFAIK, eg. 511MB/sec with Octane).


PS. I've been told an earlier version of Pirahna on Indigo2 with 6.2 can utilise CosmoCompress, but haven't
tested this yet.

SGI Systems/Parts/Spares/Upgrades For Sale:
[email protected], [email protected], +44 (0)131 476 0796, check my auctions on eBid!
Sick of eBay? Try eBid instead! Safe, secure, cheaper, and buying is free! 8) Sign up here .
If they weren't capable of running it, I wouldn't have been able to do the tests. All I did was move a Tezro
disk into a Fuel, with the /etc/ioconfig.conf file removed prior to the switch. The Spark test didn't work
though, probably because of how it's installed. A native install would likely fix that. No surprise here IMO,
both systems are the same arch, which is why a Fuel disk can boot a Tezro and vice-versa.

Whether or not it was a supported configuration is a different issue. What my tests show though is that,
overall, a Fuel 600/V12 is a better system for Flame than an Octane dual-600 V10. Why anyone was
using V10 systems is beyond me (really bad idea). Likewise, V12 for Tezro should have had 512MB RAM.

SD results coming later, and both SD/HD tests for Inferno, etc.

kshcsuf wrote: ... I've got an Octane Personal Video board on the way this week and would like to get Octane support added as well. ...

If it works with Octane, will it also work with IMPACT Compression and IMPACT Video in Indigo2?

What would be especially cool is if it supported Cosmo1 and related video I/O.

Thanks for all the efforts!! Great to see O2 being properly exploited.

[email protected]
+44 (0)131 476 0796
Remember I list some items on my eBid store for much less than is shown on my main site, to help hobbyists
obtain better pricing. See:

(07/Mar/2015) FREE! (collection only) 16x Sagitta 12-bay dual-channel U160 SCSI JBOD units.
Email, phone or PM for details, or see my forum post .
[email protected]
+44 (0)131 476 0796
josehill writes:
> That enclosure looks minty fresh! Did you do anything specific to polish it?

I could have, but at the time I hadn't yet looked into the relevant techniques, so after discussions with the buyer
we decided to leave it for him to investigate. I did of course do my usual mega cleaning, so it was utterly dust-
free if nothing else.

These days I'd T-cut the sucker which would bring it up peachy. Here's some contrast pics I took a few weeks ago,
in this case testing the results of using T-cut on some really nasty O2 top lids (and thus the light scratching on the
O2+ would be trivial to deal with):

System 1: BEFORE / AFTER
System 2: BEFORE / AFTER
System 3: BEFORE / AFTER

Being able to tidy up badly scratched lids in this way is very useful for commercial sales. Makes them look at least
reasonably presentable. For hobbyist sales, it means minor marks can be completely removed, though sometimes
I obtain lids that are mint anyway (sold my last of those though a few weeks ago though).

Infact, I now have lots of O2s with no lids. :\ Anyone want a cheap O2 sans lid, etc.? :D

Btw, the buyer of the O2+ was pretty happy, to put it mildly:

Code: Select all

From: "Marcelo Galletti" [please contact me if you wish to talk to Marcelo]
Date: Saturday, May 9, 2009 9:41 PM

Hi there,

Hope things are going well.

I would like to thank you again and share a few comments...

One word describes the service you provided: EXCELLENCE.

1 - Pre-sale information was extremely relevant and helpful.

2 - Communication was fast and effective throughout the entire
process. Questions were answered in incredible detail within just a
few hours (sometimes minutes) of inquire.

3 - High resolution pictures of the system from various angles
provided an accurate overview.

4 - Packaging was outstanding, with all items individually wrapped
inside a box that fit everything comfortably, with enough space to
protect during shipping.

5 - Inclusion of a very nice card.

6 - Inclusion of extra bonus items, beyond described (and way beyond
my expectations).

7 - System in like-new condition (not one dust particle on it).

8 - System pre-configured, pre-installed and pre-backed up. Amazing
out-of-box experience.

9 - Labels with perfect typeface.

In addition, I agree 100% with your web site construction policy. It
successfully provides information without distractions, and is built
in a way that displays perfectly even on my cell phone.

On another note, the system is already working full-speed (it is fast
indeed), and it is surprisingly silent comparing to my previous one!
--- I'll send a picture soon... :)

Sincerely, Marcelo

Makes a big difference to motivation, etc. getting replies like that. 8)


PS. Nobody want my cheap 320 or Octane then? ;)
directedition writes:
> 2nded. Proximity to Ian's QoS is near reason enough to move to Scotland. ...

Hehe, but then there's the weather... :|

> ... The packaging of the CDs I ordered from him could have survived WWIII.


Well, you know how it is, there's earthquakes, tidal waves, volcanoes, wars, floods, hurricanes, monsoons,
drout, famine, pestilence, asteroids, etc.... and then there's postal services, which makes all natural disasters
and man-made general hell seem like pleasant days out with tea & buscuits. :}

> Btw, what is a T-cut? ...


It's designed for car paintwork but does wonders on other surfaces aswell.

I bought a 150g tube from B&Q , was about 5 UKP. Practice on some plastics you don't much care about first, get
used to it. Use it too much btw and it will discolour the surface.

> ... I have a few skins that are little beat-up and I'm interested in finding ways of cleaning them up.

It should work nicely. After I've used T-cut, I clean off the surface with antistatic foam cleanser.

I have a variety of solvents for removing other stains/marks, especially glue from stickers, security stickers,
marks left by knocks with other plastic surfaces, etc. Substances include label remover, WD40, Isopropanol,
tape head cleaner, Acetone and nail varnish remover. Depending on the nature of the offending grime, at
least one of these will work better than the others, though care is required with some of them as certain
plastics can react quickly (eg. Acetone can be nasty stuff, ditto isopropanol). Over time one gets a sense of
what is likely to work best in each case.


PS. Some of the above solvents are toxic and damaging to skin, lungs, etc. Be careful if you use any of
these things. Well ventilated area essential.
indyman007 wrote: Wouldn't a MAC G4 be quicker in every way?

If you prefer Macs, why are you here?

Ah, now I understand, that's why the Octane I bought from you was so badly packaged (ie. wrecked) - you don't
like SGIs. Makes sense now...

(does the abrasive powder you mention have a typical brand name or product name?)

That's very true, re doing it too much will leave a visible patch. Thus my suggestion of trying this stuff first on something
that doesn't matter so much, get used to how it works.

For deep scratches/marks, I found one way which works rather well, for O2/Octane skins anyway: use a box cutter
or Stanley knife to scrape away at the surface of the scratch, and then use T-cut. The results are surprising. Also,
O2/Octane skins are particularly prone to the kind of scuff mark which leaves a brighter-than-surroundings smear,
ie. not really a scratch as such. Lightly scraping away at the mark and then using T-cut normally makes such marks
vanish completely. This is what I did for the pictures shown earlier (the O2 top lids), works wonders.

indyman007 wrote: More of an SGI orientated question, is any O2 system with an R12K processor considered an O2+?

Technically, no; in literal terms, an O2+ is any O2 that has an 030-1327-002 motherboard, as that's the only real difference
between an older O2 and an O2+. However, lots of earlier O2s with normal skins were sold with 1327 boards.

One other thing, O2+ systems were normally sold with a DVDROM by default, whereas older units might have had a CDROM instead.

Does anyone have a copy of NeZetiC's images/article? Looks like his domain is gone byebye.


SGI Systems/Parts/Spares/Upgrades For Sale:
[email protected] , [email protected] , +44 (0)131 476 0796, check my auctions on eBid!
Thanks!! 8)

I'm also trying to find an image of the Octane dual-PM which shows the other resistors that would need to be changed
for a 250->350 overclock. The images in the dual-300 overclock gallery don't show all the resistors. Naturally, all
of Joe's images are long gone.

EDIT: no need now, sorted it out. Will do some decent scans at some point, add them to my site somewhere.

(EDIT: I'd assumed any chat would be in the hw section, my goof!)

A friend informed me SGI's announced the Origin400 , a blade server clearly from the Rackable camp.
I doubt the name will please many here, but then being able to make use of the IP in this way is no
doubt partly why Rackable bought SGI. If it works and helps the development of other stuff, then good.
Only time will tell I suppose.

SGI's also announced support for all relevant products of the new 6-core XEON 5600 (Nehalem).
I assume this at least means the shared-memory UV system can now use the 6-core chip, which
when paired with Quadro FX cards should make for a pretty hefty beast by modern standards. But
where are the benchmarks, SGI? Enquiring minds wish to know...

Thanks!! For the moment though I'm focusing on the dual-250 mod; built two modules so far.

I finally had a chance to try the Octane CPU mod I've been wanting to do for ages, after working out the correct resistor
swap (will put up a page about this at some point). The system is just an older unit I'm using for testing. Passed all tests so
far (C-Ray, Blender, RC5, Lynx, etc. - results added! Matches a Fuel/700 for C-Ray). Naturally, the PM string and
PN code in the first main line of the hinv are now incorrect.

Location: /hw/node
PM20250MHZ Board: barcode HKA813     part 030-1286-002 rev  C
Location: /hw/node/xtalk/15
IP30 Board: barcode HMX995     part 030-0887-005 rev  A
Location: /hw/node/xtalk/15/pci/2
PWR.SPPLY.SR Board: barcode AAB7210435 part 060-0028-003 rev  A
FP1 Board: barcode 87892B     part 030-0891-003 rev  C
Location: /hw/node/xtalk/12
MOT20 Board: barcode HMG041     part 030-1240-003 rev  F
2 350 MHZ IP30 Processors
Heart ASIC: Revision E
CPU: MIPS R12000 Processor Chip Revision: 2.3
FPU: MIPS R12010 Floating Point Chip Revision: 0.0
Main memory size: 1024 Mbytes
Xbow ASIC: Revision 1.3
Instruction cache size: 32 Kbytes
Data cache size: 32 Kbytes
Secondary unified instruction/data cache size: 1 Mbyte
Integral SCSI controller 0: Version QL1040B (rev. 2), single ended
Disk drive: unit 1 on SCSI controller 0 (unit 1)
Integral SCSI controller 1: Version QL1040B (rev. 2), single ended
IOC3/IOC4 serial port: tty1
IOC3/IOC4 serial port: tty2
IOC3 parallel port: plp1
Graphics board: EMXI
Integral Fast Ethernet: ef0, version 1, pci 2
Iris Audio Processor: version RAD revision 12.0, number 1
PCI Adapter ID (vendor 0x10a9, device 0x0003) PCI slot 2
PCI Adapter ID (vendor 0x1077, device 0x1020) PCI slot 0
PCI Adapter ID (vendor 0x1077, device 0x1020) PCI slot 1
PCI Adapter ID (vendor 0x10a9, device 0x0005) PCI slot 3

Graphics board 0 is "IMPACTSR" graphics.
Managed (":0.0") 1280x1024
Product ID 0x3, 2 GEs, 2 REs, 4 TRAMs
MGRAS revision 4, RA revision 0
HQ rev B, GE12 rev A, RE4 rev C, PP1 rev H,
VC3 rev A, CMAP rev F, Heart rev E
20" monitor (id 0x3)

My plan is to offer these modded CPUs on my site for a much lower price than an original dual-400, ie. almost the
same performance but a lot cheaper. I've built two modules so far.

Note that I also moved the old 250 cores into the former single-300 modules, changed the resistor and voila,
single-250 with 2MB L2 . Works fine! I'll stick these in the lesser spec Octanes I've been getting rid of recently.

And I've modded a couple of single-300s into 350s, offer a cheaper option than single-400s.

dc_v01 wrote:
... have no idea what kind of connection CRM uses............


Btw, my 'main' site these days, re the performance data, is here:

Blinkenlights is just a mirror now, and sometimes I can't access it, so always check the sgidepot site to be sure
of seeing the latest info.

My main index has numerous articles comparing O2 to Indigo2, Indigo2 to Octane, and there are dedicated CPU
comparison pages such as this one:

More pages coming soon, including Flame/Effect/Inferno SD/HD testing, though atm it's just Flame with HD .

Cheers! :)


SGI Systems/Parts/Spares/Upgrades For Sale:
[email protected], [email protected], +44 (0)131 476 0796, check my auctions on eBid!
Sick of eBay? Try eBid instead! Safe, secure, cheaper, and buying is free! 8) Sign up here .
I've been collating some results, but need to redo a few of them as the meter was in the wrong mode in some cases (VA instead of Watts).

Indigo2 IMPACT is the big juice chomper, by a mile.

I would test my quad-1GHz Tezro, but it currently lacks fans/VRMs on the CPU board. :( Had to move them when I bought a board
on eBay from which these items had been removed (nuts!).

(07/Mar/2015) FREE! (collection only) 16x Sagitta 12-bay dual-channel U160 SCSI JBOD units.
Email, phone or PM for details, or see my forum post .
[email protected]
+44 (0)131 476 0796
So where are the C-ray results? ;D


SGI Systems/Parts/Spares/Upgrades For Sale:
[email protected], [email protected], +44 (0)131 476 0796, check my auctions on eBid!
Sick of eBay? Try eBid instead! Safe, secure, cheaper, and buying is free! 8) Sign up here .
Very possibly, jan-jaap.

Btw, be careful if you see an advert for a single-600 and the hinv output is only from the PROM. If the CPU
is a 550, the PROM will often say it's a 600. This happened to me once, bought an Octane2 from the US
purely because the CPU was supposed to be a 600, but it wasn't. Still used it as my main desktop CPU for
a coupla years, before switching to my current Fuel/900.


SGI Systems/Parts/Spares/Upgrades For Sale:
[email protected], [email protected], +44 (0)131 476 0796, check my auctions on eBid!
Sick of eBay? Try eBid instead! Safe, secure, cheaper, and buying is free! 8) Sign up here .
That's nonsense, it's not a PC. The gfx offers the same advantages of all other like SGIs, eg. hw accelerated imaging;
mplayer does movie playback in hw. It's massively responsive, more so than Octane. It uses IRIX and thus offers all
the same benefits of any other SGI running IRIX. In a whole host of ways it has advantages over any other MIPS/IRIX
desktop, though it may not be the optimal choice for all tasks as I've often explained to people who may benefit from
dual CPUs in Octane (if they can afford it).

SGI used the tower-type form factor to save costs, and that was a successful approach. Fuel at launch was much cheaper
than an entry Octane or Indigo2.


SGI Systems/Parts/Spares/Upgrades For Sale:
[email protected], [email protected], +44 (0)131 476 0796, check my auctions on eBid!
Sick of eBay? Try eBid instead! Safe, secure, cheaper, and buying is free! 8) Sign up here .
The Keeper wrote: A 1% drop in power consumption is below the noise floor... Interesting to note, but not a meaningful statistic...

Wrong, it was completely repeatable.

> Wow - O2 has quite decent performance/watt - too bad the total performance was always so low :D

Indeed, if one considers a typical render job, O2 takes longer but uses less power overall, eg. with
an R12K/400 it's only a bit slower than an Octane2 400/V6 but uses barely 1/3rd the power.

Even for the complex Alias test, Octane is 2X faster but (unless it's headless) uses 3X the power. Only
good dual-CPU Octanes, or other systems such as Fuel, start to win overall. On the other hand, not
everyone is happy leaving an appliance on overnight doing something.

> - my AlphaServer4/266 tends to leak over 80(!!!!!)W when off (somehow).


indyman007 wrote:
So from what I understand lets say you have a 250MHz octane, a dual processor wouldn't make it feel quicker but it would cope better?

Most general system functions will benefit (it'll feel more responsive), but anything single-threaded will be the same,
eg. Firefox, Seamonkey, OpenOffice, GIMP, etc.

vegac wrote:
Actually, before updating to whatever newer version of Irix I installed, it was being reported as a 600.
Only after I got 6.5.23 on here did it start reporting as a 550.

The way to be certain of course is the PN on the CPU module, which for a 550 is 030-1700-00x (mine had this).

hamei wrote:
Oh yeah, I almost forgot ... you guys have Joe Lucas refrigerators over there in England, don'tcha ? :D

Whatever that reference is supposed to be, WHOOSH over my head. :D

I rent a place; the fridge is older than me, but it works ok.

recondas wrote:
Guess you never owned an older MG, Triumph, Land Rover <etcetera>? I suspect your mention of "appliance" reminded hamei of the old joke <amongst British car enthusiasts> about why the British drink warm beer.

Heh, I don't drive. I don't drink beer/lager either. :}

Hi there! :)

> There's a FuelV10/FuelV12 licensing option coded into Flame 9 - whether or not they were ever sold is definitely a different
> story as I am fairly certain they were not.

I've recently come across what appear to be original Discreet lics that say HOSTID=ANY. The app regards Fuel &
Tezro to be the same thing, so there you go I guess.

> ... My quad 1Ghz R16Ks absolutely fly, especially compared to an Octane2.

My tests showed the speedups are not as good as one might expect though. CPU scaling is as expected, but other tasks
are badly bottlenecked by the V12. Compare my combo test for dual-400 Octane2 V12 vs. quad-1GHz Tezro V12.

> The Fuel is definitely the most economical option (unless you can get lucky on some O350s) - you can generally get
> a mid-specced Fuel for less than a a comparable Octane2, and the Fuel is quieter and less power-hungry.

I intend testing Fuel 700, 800 & 900MHz configs, when I can find the time.

Cheers! :)

Looking for many kits (ie. 2 x 128MB DIMMs per kit), please email or PM if you have some available for sale,
part-exchange or swap. Email is best for contacting me ( [email protected] or [email protected] )

Example PNs are KSG-O2/256, 030-1080-3RD, 030-1473-001 VTG-75972 and 030-1080-001.

Thanks! :)


PS. If you have DIMMs which say 128MB, but only have chips on one side of the DIMM, then they are only
64MB DIMMs. SGI used the same 128MB label for both types, but the PN will be different for 64MB DIMMs,
eg. KSG-O2/128 or 030-1492-001.

SGI Systems/Parts/Spares/Upgrades For Sale:
[email protected], [email protected], +44 (0)131 476 0796, check my auctions on eBid!
Sick of eBay? Try eBid instead! Safe, secure, cheaper, and buying is free! 8) Sign up here .
Alas in the event I never had the time to sort it out. I have all the parts but haven't done the mod yet. However,
it should work fine. The replacement fans are much quieter.

I have to reorganise my desk and sort out a new set of shelves before I can setup the Gbit switch.


Re the deeper fan, I could probably leave out the 3rd fan completely, or just rig something up to fill the gap, since I'll only
be using at most 4 to 6 ports. I bought the switch because I needed one with the option ports to hold Gbit fibre modules,
in order to support optical Gbit Ethernet cards for O2. Thus, power consumption should be pretty low. Yeah I know, 48 ports
is overkill, but 16 port and 24 port models were more expensive; I bagged mine for a bargain price of 95 UKP. 8)


SGI Fuel
R16000 800MHz (4MB L2) CPU
146GB 10K disk
V10 graphics

495 UKP + shipping

Addons/upgrades as follows:

- Upgrade to V12: +295
- Add extra 1GB RAM: +25
- Or just max out the RAM to 4GB: +100
- Upgrade CDROM to DVDROM: +40
- Add 36GB 15K 68pin disk (fastest disk I've yet tested!): +30 (ie. this becomes the system disk, with the 146GB 10K setup as a data disk)
- Or just upgrade the 146GB to a 15K: +35
- Add a Gbit NIC: +30
- Add an LSI U320 PCIX SCSI card, LSI21320-IS: +25
- Add a dual-port U160 QLOGIC QLA12160/33MHz 64bit PCI SCSI card (LVD/SE): +50
- Add a dual-port U2W QLOGIC QLA1280 PCI SCSI card (LVD/SE): +20
- Add an M-Audio Revolution 7.1 PCI Audio Card: +50
- Add a tri-port Firewire PCI Card (3 external): +30
- Add a tri-port Firewire PCI Card (2 external, 1 internal): +25
- Add a 3-port USB PCI Card: +15

My usual full mega 6.5.30 installation. Email/PM/call if interested! (email/phone preferred) My address is:

[email protected]

My phone no. is: +44 (0)131 476 0796

Shipping costs in UKP (includes extra insurance):

Code: Select all

UK:                                         25
Channel Islands:                            27
Republic of Ireland:                        30
Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg:           30
Denmark, France, Germany, Monaco:           30
Italy, Spain:                               41
Corsica, Austria, Vatican City State:       42
Greece, Portugal, Sardinia, Sicily:         45
Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland:           48
Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland:         48
Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden:                 48
Gibraltar, Liechtenstein, Malta:            53
Norway, Switzerland, San Merino:            53
Azores, Balearics, Madeira:                 63
Turkey:                                     77
Andorra:                                    88
USA/Canada:                                100
Everywhere else:                    Email/Call

Any questions, please ask here or contact me direct.

Cheers! :)

(07/Mar/2015) FREE! (collection only) 16x Sagitta 12-bay dual-channel U160 SCSI JBOD units.
Email, phone or PM for details, or see my forum post .
[email protected]
+44 (0)131 476 0796
First unit sold! Here's a pic of the system, and of the box just before it was collected, with my usual mega nuke-proof packaging:


Eight units left!

Note that one unit has some marks at the back (red marker pen should cover them reasonably well), I'd do that one for 475 UKP + shipping (the front looks fine though).

2nd unit sold, seven remain.

JacquesT writes:
> Damn...Double Damn...If only I had some cash right now! :cry:

:D Hmm, any relatives you can sell? Hehe.

> Very nice though Ian, clean as usual.

Well of course! 8)

I've moved the addons/upgrades notes to the 1st post.

pilot345 wrote: this a real possibility? ...


SGI told me categorically the PROM source will not be released.

(07/Mar/2015) FREE! (collection only) 16x Sagitta 12-bay dual-channel U160 SCSI JBOD units.
Email, phone or PM for details, or see my forum post .
[email protected]
+44 (0)131 476 0796
evil ppc wrote: When was this? Did they give you a reason?

June last year:

Code: Select all

In response to your request to release the prom code, our position is
unchanged. Similar to Intel's treatment of PAL as a micro-architecture
extension of their processor, SGI manages PROM source as strictly
proprietary and any release to the public domain is not an option.

Time to quit wasting energy on this IMO and move on to other things. I'd much rather see a decent port of Firefox 3 for IRIX atm
than a CPU bump.

hamei wrote: Umm, there's a few key words in there that you seem to have missed - "public domain" being the most significant. I'm not saying they should or would but allowing a qualified person or even an SGI insider to modify the PROM to permit a 900 mhz cpu to operate does not even resemble "release into the public domain."

You're picking at straws. It's not going to happen, move on.

Seems to be way too many people choose to believe that somehow this can be done purely because they wish for it to be possible.
Wizard's First Rule: people will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or they're afraid it's true (in this case the former).
I love those books... :)

Yes, it would be great if we could have the PROM source. I've asked numerous SGI people many times, the answer has always been
no, and the aforementioned reply was from the CEO; high up enough for you?

Btw, the IRIX people have basically all gone now anyway, as have all the O2 dev machines. There's no way it can be done now IMO.
The O2 people pretty much all moved on mere days after the system launched, switched to the 320 project or elsewhere.

> All of use would certainly like to see a quality browser running on Irix but whether that would be Frieflop, that's a different question.
> IMNSHO Fireflop 3 is pig shit and we should look for something better as a starting point. But as a viable project, a decent browser
> should be doable. Phoenix started from less.

I want to use a browser that's recognised and validated by the numerous web sites that matter, eg. online banking. I see no reason
why Firefox3 can't be ported, unless there are issues with the dependent libs which make it too difficult on SGIs. I don't know, this
isn't my field. I'm already using Firefox3 on my PC, looks perfectly fine to me. It certainly isn't pig-whatever. I like it.


Code: Select all

1 12 MHZ IP6 Processor
FPU: MIPS R2010A/R3010 VLSI Floating Point Chip Revision: 1.5
CPU: MIPS R2000A/R3000 Processor Chip Revision: 1.6
On-board serial ports: 2
On-board parallel port
Data cache size: 8 Kbytes
Instruction cache size: 16 Kbytes
Main memory size: 32 Mbytes
Integral Ethernet: ec0, version 0
Integral SCSI controller 0: Version WD33C93
Tape drive: unit 5 on SCSI controller 0: QIC 150
CDROM: unit 4 on SCSI controller 0
Disk drive: unit 1 on SCSI controller 0
Graphics board: GR1.2 Bit-plane, Z-buffer options installed
VME bus: adapter 0

Note that only half the RAM slots have been used.


Code: Select all

Graphics board 0 is "GR1" graphics.
Managed (":0.0") 1280x1024
24 bitplanes, 4 auxplanes, 4 widplanes, 24 zplanes, no turbo, RE2
single color cursor, board type GR1

uname -a:

Code: Select all

IRIX pi 5.3 12192215 IP6 mips

The system is running IRIX 5.3 with XFS, with a 36GB 15000rpm 68pin system disk (Fujitsu MAX3036NP + adapter), 40X CDROM
and QIC-150 tape drive:

Code: Select all

pi# df
Filesystem                 Type  kbytes     use   avail %use  Mounted on
/dev/root                   xfs 35831826 3231117 32600709   9%  /
pi# versions -b | grep XFS
I  eoe1                 10/13/109  IRIX Execution Environment 1, 5.3 with XFS
I  eoe2                 10/13/109  IRIX Execution Environment 2, 5.3 with XFS

It runs buttonfly surprisingly well.

(14/Jan/2016) FREE! (collection preferred) 16x Sagitta 12-bay dual-channel U160 SCSI JBOD units.
Email, phone or PM for details, or see my forum post .
[email protected]
+44 (0)131 476 0796
jan-jaap writes:
> I am somewhat surprised you managed to install IRIX 5.3 on it, when the

AFAIK any R3K can use it just fine. I've been running 5.3/XFS on IRIS Indigo for years, so I saw
no reason why it wouldn't work on an old PI. It doesn't need anything special in R4K CPUs to function.

> IRIX 5.3 with XFS is not supported on products containing IP4 or IP6 processors.

Could just as easily be SGI not wanting customers to try it, and thus pretending it won't work.

> IRIX 5.3 with XFS is not supported on systems with less than 32MB of RAM.

I've had Indigos with 16MB booting ok. :D

I think it was just SGI trying to avoid customer issues.

ajerimez wrote: Very cute! Hope to see pics if you get a chance to post some.

Here's an older picture before I took before all the upgrades and OS reinstall:


Here's one I took when I was fiddling about with the internal devices (better CDROM not yet fitted, trying to
clone the temporary 18GB onto a 36GB/15K; didn't work, Fuel wasn't happy with an 18GB 50pin connected
to the 50pin cable, so I cloned the disks using an Indigo2 instead):

