The collected works of Titox - Page 2

This moorning my mother received the packet from the mail. Just installed and it's in hinv!!!

Surprised with the fast delivery, last time I waited near two months for a ps2 console!!!

Thanks a lot!
Octane with DM2
Yes. The pinout would be very useful for a lot of people!
Thank you, Canavan.
I'm using a DellU2412M with great results with Octane and Fuel. VGA + DVI + DisplayPort for cheap...

:Fuel: :Octane2: :1600SW: :O2: :O2: :1600SW:
I'm trying to connect to my Win8 NAS server bu| It return ERROR.
octane2 96# ./rdesktop -f
Autoselected keyboard map en-us
ERROR: recv: Connection reset by peer
ERROR: send: Broken pipe
disconnect: Internal protocol error.

Works very well with a WinXP virtual machine I have if I set option -4 . I don't have the audio of my Octane connected so I can't test this. :(

:Fuel: :Octane2: :1600SW: :O2: :O2: :1600SW:
I'm using the VFO that comes with Irix 6.5.30 on my V6. Nothing special except the 13W3 to VGA adapter built by myself:
File comment: 13W3->VGA adapter.
DSC_4099.JPG [ 141.76 KiB | Viewed 278 times ]

File comment: V6 1920x1200x60 desktop.
image4.jpg [ 939.3 KiB | Viewed 278 times ]

:Fuel: :Octane2: :1600SW: :O2: :O2: :1600SW:
kubatyszko wrote:
Do you have any experience with HDMI -> DisplayPort adapters ?

I'm considering 2412 as an alternative to 2410 (in case I can't find it), and my MBP and RaspberryPI need HDMI, so adapter would be my only chance (DVI will be taken by Fuel).

Only used DP->HDMI converters -with good results- to connect a workstation to a 55 inches TV, but that's the opposite of your needs.

PS: I bought the monitor in Amazon, cheapper than the Dell online store (-100€!!!!)

:Fuel: :Octane2: :1600SW: :O2: :O2: :1600SW:
U2412M. P2412 are cheap HD monitors (1080px).

:Fuel: :Octane2: :1600SW: :O2: :O2: :1600SW:
I was already thinking the same thing would happen with Oracle Solaris than IRIX 6.5.31 but ...

:Fuel: :Octane2: :1600SW: :O2: :O2: :1600SW:
There is only DVD isos. And it are very BIG! (2.5 GB)

:Fuel: :Octane2: :1600SW: :O2: :O2: :1600SW:
The first generation of Octane has the complete model number in the sticker: CMNB015ANG300 or CMNB015ANF300. I know that CMNB015 means Octane/Octane2. The last numbers are the speed of the CPU and ANG/ANF depends of if It is single or dual CPU.

Can you tell me what of the letters (G or F) describes a single or dual CPU system?


:Fuel: :Octane2: :1600SW: :O2: :O2: :1600SW:
Ok, thanks.I was looking only the Octane wiki page.

Then there is no way of knowing if it's a dual cpu system or not outside hinv.

:Fuel: :Octane2: :1600SW: :O2: :O2: :1600SW:
guardian452 wrote:
You can open the machine to see the processor(s) and their heat sink.

Yes, obviously. But I only have some pictures of the machine and there is nobody at the workshop to open it. BTW it's only curiosity.

:Fuel: :Octane2: :1600SW: :O2: :O2: :1600SW:
guardian452 wrote:
The only way to tell would be if the CPU has been upgraded and the CPU part number sticker has been affixed in the proper spot on the name plate. Still, there is no way to say if the CPU has been upgraded or downgraded since then.

Yes, and this time this is a big problem. This machine seems an Octane upgraded to Octane 2 with cromed handles and Odyssey graphics... :lol: No upgraded CPU sticker but motherboard seems to be exchanged.

:Fuel: :Octane2: :1600SW: :O2: :O2: :1600SW:
I have used as proxy two years ago to buy a console. They work well.

:Fuel: :Octane2: :1600SW: :O2: :O2: :1600SW:
Finally I got a pair of LVDS cables and I can confirm that the white cable has the same pinout as the black one!
I have an VBOB but I'm still missing some signal converters to try how works.
bjornl wrote: Yes the L3 at the top is a PC running Linux. Someone has just put a label 'L3' on it. I don't know what software is on it or
how to use it (yet).

SGIConsole 2.1 perhaps?

I never found a download o CD media of this software.

There is also a Linux L2 emulator software

Or, Are they the same?

PD: Superb machine... Looks impresive!!!!!
SGI patches from 2013
SGI_Patches.jpg (18.56 KiB) Viewed 1193 times
Logged on the new support web. No Irix downloads or Cool Software, just Knowledge Base. Irix is also deleted from the main SGI portal... That's the end!!!

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
What release of Irix is installed? If I recall correctly you need 6.5.3 to use the SW1600 without patches.
These are the SW1600 vfo files installed by IRIX. It must be in /usr/gfx/ucode/CRM/vof. If you have a diferent folder you have a bad installation (cloned hard disk from Octane or somethink similar).

Forget a problem with the missing PCI riser. I just tested my O2 without it and boots OK with the SW1600, it just complains with "Bad ethernet address".

SW1600_48 vfo
(12.15 KiB) Downloaded 8 times

SW1600_50 vfo
(12.15 KiB) Downloaded 7 times

SW1600_60 vfo
(12.15 KiB) Downloaded 7 times
The OS core is the same for all installations but graphics subsystem is a very different thing as there are diverse versions that are incompatible and only one graphics library can be installed.

So if the OS install if for another graphics system the easy way to solve the problems is to reinstall. May be you can uninstall one type and install another from single user or console but can be difficult.

Check the Troubleshooting Flow Chart in the wiki. Solid red equals a CPU module fault. Try to reseat the CPU and maybe you will be lucky...
At first launch from Cobalt Networks there were three hardware configuracions, one with 300MHz CPU and two with 450 MHz AMD:

Code: Select all

Q39 302 PAU - Qube 3 with 300MHz, 32MB SDRAM, 10.2GB HDD
Q39 6J4 T19U - Qube 3 (Business Edition) with 300MHz, 64MB SDRAM, 20.4GB HDD, SCSI interface and Web Caching
Q36 CH8 U20U - Qube 3 (Professional Edition) with 450MHz, 128MB SDRAM, 2x20.4GB HDD with RAID 1 mirroring, SCSI interface and Web Caching

Later, after the Sun adquisition, the 450 MHz AMD was the only option, diferencing models in RAM, external SCSI and the software payload:

Code: Select all

CBT-Q3STDMM - Standard Plus Edition 450 MHZ CPU, 64 MB of SDRAM, one 20 GB HDD.
CBT-Q3BUSMM - Business Plus Edition 450 MHZ CPU, 256 MB of SDRAM, one 40 GB HDD, Web Caching,IPSec VPN.
CBT-Q3PROMM - Professional Plus Edition 450 MHZ CPU, 512 MB of SDRAM, two 40 GB HDDs with RAID 1, Web Caching, IPSec VPN

And at the end there was a OS upgrade:

Code: Select all

CBT-Q30202UPGCD Upgrade CD-ROM to Sun Cobalt OS 6.4

You can install what cd version you want. Obviously the last version is the best but you can look for the Strongbolt 1 distribution with CentOS 4 and Bluquartz panel (and new ROM) to have the latest possible system. Not sure, but if I recall correctly you can install the RaQ4 OS directly and RaQ 550 OS if you upgrade the ROM. Forget Strongbolt 2.

I don't know anything the type you have but the differences with other Qube 3 of the same specs must be the software included. All the Cobalt servers included development tools but maybe your Qube lacks/has something.

Original datasheet:
Sun cobalt datasheet:
I had a similar problem with my Blade 1500 last month, with the mesagge 'Bad magic number' and 'Can`t create newfs' . My disk partitions started on cylinder 0 while Solaris needs to start on cylinder 1.
I had to delete all partitions, create a new one starting from cyl 1 and relabel the disk. All done from the console of the installer disk.

I was following a guide on the net but I can't find it now but the procedure is similar to one explined in this thread with the format utility:
I had the same problem to find Studio 12 for my Blade 150 last Christmas. Google + 'ftp' is your solution.

I think I have an original DVD with it but forgot where is now, I have to luck in my library
Alberto (Between the TV and the sofa)
:Fuel: :Octane2: :1600SW: :O2: :O2: :1600SW:
robespierre wrote: There's no point! Simply create a new account and will have all the defaults.

Not, really. The desktop services were turned off by the Autodesk installer for maximum performance.

Being root:

Code: Select all

# chkconfig desktop on
# chkconfig mediad on  <<<-- not necessary. To mount cd's when you have an external drive

I think usually I have to enable more services but don't rememer which ones at the moment, I can check this night if necessary.
Not a surprise. Oracle closed Solaris for small workshops and companies with its high price rates and now they have found that there are not enough big companies to support Unix. Microsoft -not only linux- is being a big competitor in the big iron and ERP so it seems that old Unixes are going to be dead in a few years.

Bad. I started with Solaris before Irix and I loved all small web servers and workstations but they are building bad specs systems from 10 years ago.
jan-jaap wrote: I lost all interest in Solaris the moment Oracle got involved.

The same here and I think this happened to a lot of people. The decision to close Solaris 10 to fairly new systems (at the moment of the Oracle adquisition) angered enough people, especially since the pre-release could be installed on those computers.
Alberto (Between the TV and the sofa)
:Fuel: :Octane2: :1600SW: :O2: :O2: :1600SW: :Indigo: